Rob Finally Inspires :People To Do Something Other Than Claw Out Their Own Eardrums!

Remember when I talked about Rob Castrogiovani and his Paratransit song? When that song started, I kinda got excited because I thought he was parodying “The Times, They Are A Changin’”. But alass, no, it was just some random tune. But Steve and I got thinking, and wondered if you could come up with a …

And Steve And I Went To School With This Guy!

I saw this last night, and I thought about blogging it, but then thought it was cruel. But today, it keeps calling to be blogged. I was talking to our good buddy Anton last night, and he happened to mention that another guy we went to school with found his way onto YouTube. I believe …

Chris Ball: All Balls, No Brains

Chris Ball wants to be a stunt man. So, he’s been videoing himself doing some pretty risky and irresponsible things, and he thinks this will help get him into Hollywood. I urge him to do a little research. Stunt men don’t just throw themselves on the roofs of cars or on moving trains. They do …

Never An Adult Moment Is Always A Good Album

To celebrate what would have been our 11th anniversary if we didn’t have that little break in the middle, Steve bought me another Lizards album from HMV Digital. Ooo I love the Lizards! I squealed when I saw it in my email. So, the one he got me was Never An Adult Moment, released in …

Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Automated.

I just saw a video of something called the Robospanker. I’m sure the intentions are probably some kind of sex game, but I’m getting horrible visions of what this thing could cause when in the wrong hands. I know anything can do harm when in the wrong hands, but this sounds like it would be …

2 People, 1 Guitar

Here’s something for the musicians in the crowd. I’m not sure about you, but for me this is the kind of stuff that makes me feel like I should consider giving up and trying something else…and I can’t even play the guitar! I can’t imagine how people who can feel. I’m not sure who …

Separating Fools From Their Money And Cracking The Rest Of Us Up

If there’s anything the business world is good at, it’s creating problems that nobody has, convincing people that they have them and then selling them something useless with which to solve them. Today’s example of this statement in action comes in the form of the EZ Cracker egg cracker and separator. Yes, no more messy …