Another Road Show, Another Success

Last year, Steve and I went to the Just for Laughs Road Show and had a pretty good time. This year, we went again, and the shoe thief came too. It was a pretty good show, but for some reason it didn’t quite top last year. I don’t know why, but hell, it was still …

Yea to Good Old Uncle Tim’s

Here’s a little song celebrating the greatness of Tim Horton’s. The part about there being a Tim Horton’s on every corner made me chuckle. It made me think of a funny moment whenI was hanging out with Trixie’s raisers. One of them looked at me and said “What’s up with this ‘Tom Horton’s’ place? They’re …

Give Me Back That Filet-Of-Fish, Give Me That Fish

Damn this story, it has this commercial swirling around in my head. Rashon East thought the McDonald’s employee was taking too damn long to give him his filet-o-fish. So…he decided to climb through the window and get it himself. Oh, and to slap the employee and smack him against the counter too. Then, when the …

Talking Blind Man’s Blues

Jen sent me something that I think needs a spot up on this old blog. I give you the Talking Blind Man’s Blues. It says it’s by Chrissie Cochrane, but I swear Chrissie a. is female and b. doesn’t sound like that. But it’s a good song and it made me chuckle. And it also …

Some Olympics Thoughts

I’ve meant to write more about the Olympics than I have, but obviously that hasn’t happened. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Canada is doing pretty well after a week of competition. We’re currently tied for 4th place in the medal count with France, 7 each. the United States is currently whipping ass with …

Welcome To Vancouver, All Of You Less Awesome People

While we’re talking Olympics, Canada’s men’s hockey team plays it’s first game tonight. I’m sure many of you already knew that, but you may not have known about this. Team Canada recorded a video welcoming all of the other teams to Vancouver in preparation for the tournament, but for some reason decided against using it. …

The Botfly, The Little Botfly

After I watched this video about a woman with a Botfly larva in her head, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Ug. *shiver* Any sighties out there, does it look bad? It sounds positively ug. This seriously sounds like something from a horror movie. I love how she goes from “Oh my god …