Never Again Will You Lose Your Poppy…Ever.

I had to chuckle at this video. I have to admit that this year, my poppy has stayed on. Admittedly I haven’t been out as much, but still. It has managed to fall off in the closet before! Maybe our ghost hates poppies too? Or maybe he’s a soldier and he wants to make sure …

I Wish I Worked For Skip The Squishes

I feel the tiniest bit for the guy who won’t be getting his lunch on time, but I gotta tell ya, this food delivery bot getting himself crushed by a train fills my blind heart with joy. It’s one less piece of electronic garbage polluting the sidewalk, which means one less unnecessary travel hazard for …

Happy Birthday From Big Tech And Big Insurance. And From Mom, Eventually

Pretty sure I’m going to know exactly when Carin sees this post. I’ll be able to tell by the “WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!” that’s going to overwhelm any and all sound in a 12 mile radius when she finds out that this woman has spent years not knowing when her own child’s birthday is and arguing with people …

I’m Gonna Fall For The Chuckles Scam

Generally when you see an ad for a 900 or 976 number, it’s easy to figure out what the pitch is. A lot of them are sex lines of course, but through the years there have also been plenty that offer news, stock tips, gambling advice or even recorded messages from wrestlers or cartoon characters. …