Here’s a little song for our old Friend Robert Stewart.
Category Archives: videos
The Ants Are Marching One By One…And They Know It.
Ok fellow blinks, next time someone thinks you count steps, tell them that stuff’s what ants do! It’s a good thing there are ethics boards in place to prevent someone from trying this experiment on blinks to find out if they count steps too.
The Long-Awaited, Long Holiday Post
I always write a post about the holidays. It’s just a matter of when. I’m crazy, and want to get through the easy stuff first before I sit down and crank out a giant epic. But it seems writing the holiday epic has become the thing I’ve done since Steve and Matt let me come …
>I Invite You To Share In My Pain
>Since I’ve been home my sister has been subjecting us to these horrible videos by someone going by the nameNichole337on YouTube. I have no idea how she found this woman, but she won’t leave us alone with her now. Whoever this person is seems to think she’s some kind of great singer and has taken …
Thoughts Knocking Around In My Head
I have more random thoughts. I must be in a thoughtful mood since I’m here all alone. Maybe it keeps me from talking to myself if I write on the blog. Na, I’d probably talk to myself anyway, and hey, if I’m talking, I could be talking to the Trixter. What I did find myself …
Wrestling Sucks And So Do I, But Wrestling Sucks More
“If WWE keeps booking wisely like they did here and refrains from making stupid decisions to try to fool people…”Me, speaking under the mistaken belief that there was still a shred of a fucking clue left in somebody around that shithole. So yeah, about that. After watching a pay-per-view that was ok at times and …
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If They Think This Is Hard, Just Wait Until They Find Out About The Snowsuit
Good news for everyone who hasn’t quite got the scarf figured out. The Necky is coming to the rescue! If you order now you can also get a free lock de-icer, even though it seems a touch odd that somebody who can’t put cloth over themselves without snaps would be able to operate a car …
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Stop Grabbing My Ass Or I’ll Pop A Cap In Yours!
Jennifer K. Luick and Gregg T. Peters shouldn’t have died for this, but did they really think grabbing the asses of strangers at a bar was a good idea? Especially since Luick was a cop? Really, did she think that was smart? And she sure picked the wrong ass to pinch, she got a gangster. …
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They Like Us! They Really Really Like Us!
Ro gave us a Thanksgiving award thingy. What a sweety. I swear we’re the same person sometimes. I’m happy we never scared her away way back when she started reading our crazy stuff. So the rules are you’re supposed to pass this award on to five other blog authors who you think deserve a little …
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If Santa Is A Raspy Old Guy, Then This Must Be Him
In general I’m not a big fan of Christmas music(this excluded of course), and listening to Bob Dylan sing(?) Must Be Santa isn’t going to change that much. What it may do, however, is haunt my dreams for a while and perhaps send the odd store clerk or upset shopper on a rampage or two. …
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