If Santa Is A Raspy Old Guy, Then This Must Be Him

In general I’m not a big fan of Christmas music(this excluded of course), and listening to Bob Dylan sing(?) Must Be Santa isn’t going to change that much. What it may do, however, is haunt my dreams for a while and perhaps send the odd store clerk or upset shopper on a rampage or two. …

Share The Dream And Part With Some Money

Until today, I had never seen this give us 10 bucks and we’ll give you a piece of the SkyDome Roof commercial from 1989. I know I’ve never seen it because if I had, there’s no way I would have ever forgotten it. Yes,the Dome and its retractable roof were a pretty big deal 20 …

Finally Some Honesty

I’ve ranted about this local TV vs. the cable companies business in various posts and comments, so I thought I’d share this short, helpful video made by the Writers Guild of Canada that explains the issues in slightly more detail. Like me, it doesn’t take a side, because like me, it realizes that both sides …

>Thought For The Day

>Louis C.K. – Learn to appreciate Technology. The stuff about hating people with 0’s in their numbers is so true…especially if you ever tried to enter a radio contest with a dial phone. I’m not sure how anybody ever won anything. 1..8………0………..0……….5……3….7…fuck! 1..8………0………..0……… then you finally get the whole number right and the line is …

It’s Deja Vu, Doctor Style

Well I’ve had another appointment with that doctor, and true to form, he asked me *again*, how my energy level was. I said fine…and he still plodded along with “Well, I’m sure you’re deficient in growth hormone, and some people just say their life isn’t rosy and this helps them. For people who feel fine, …

She Could Not Be Contained, Even In Death

Ug. If you’re going to put the ashes of a dearly-departed in a locket, make sure it’s professionally-sealed and meant to hold ashes. Otherwise, it may become a leaket, and put the ash in your mashed potatos. I know, that’s a horrible, horrible thing to laugh about. But I can’t stop. I think it’s because …

My Dog Ate My Bank Account

Oh boy. Remember that guy who claimed his cat bought child porn? Now, people have gone to the news saying their dog bought 5000 Microsoft points through the guy’s Xbox while they slept. He says his banking info was stored on the Xbox, and the dog pulled down the controler, managed to turn the machine …