All lawyer commercials should be required by law to sound like this.
Category Archives: videos
Stop Pinching My Johnson
I enjoyed this video. I hope it played at Boris Johnson’s goodbye party, if he had one. He probably did. He seems fond of parties. Aside: I know enough about British politics to understand that part of the reason for Johnson’s resignation was that he lied about his awareness of allegations against an MP that …
Mmm! Corn!
I know this is old news, but I have to mention this corn kid. First, because he reminds me of Sukie, the way he gets all passionate about things and wants to tell you everything he knows about them. Sukie likes to talk about the universe and what’s going to happen in the future. And …
You Want To Be a What For Halloween?
I can’t stop watching this video. It fills me with so much joy. I only hope that some day, I can make just one of my nephews this happy. If you’re wondering what the heck that kid is saying, it’s Quetzalcoatlus, a giant prehistoric flying thing I’ve never heard of, but this kid wanted …
Here Is Your Delivery. I Must Now Speak To My Friend Alibi 5000
I’ll admit it. Watching this little autonomous arsehole just toddle on through this crime scene giving no fucks about anything other than delivering food is kind of funny to a point. But when I watched it, the first thing I did wasn’t laugh. The first thing I did was think shit, I’m glad this isn’t …
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I Love Seth Meyers’ Trump Impression
Perhaps there are people who do a technically better one, but Seth Meyers does my favourite Donald Trump impression. Admittedly I haven’t seen every Trump impersonator there is, but nobody I’ve seen does quite as good a job of capturing just how weird and out to lunch the guy can be. As an example, I …
I Finally Get It
Even though the words “gigantic, environment destroying pyramid scheme” are nowhere to be found here, this is easily the most sensible and straightforward explanation of cryptocurrency I’ve come across to date.
God’s Tech Support
I don’t generally trust religion to get much right, but God and his team look like they’ve got this one sorted.
The Best News Bloopers Of June, 2022
The news, like the cream, is topical. Back to you, Sebastian!
I Had To Do Some Rapid Tests
This past Tuesday I had to do one of those at home COVID tests, with Aira’s help of course. After I figured out what all the doodle bobs were for, it wasn’t too crazy hard, but of course I would have been screwed if I didn’t have Aira because I wouldn’t be able to look …