Thou shalt Remember You’re on Tape.

Man, how stupid does Pat Robertson think people are? He’s that televangelist who has been known for saying all kinds of weird things like feminism will cause women to kill their own babies and government buildings should be blown up with a nuclear device. After he sat up there on his TV show talking about …

Football, 1984, And Other Things That Have Nothing In Common

Happy Wednesday to all. Wow, what a beautiful day it is outside today. Actually, what a beautiful week this has been. Possibly the nicest week we’ve had all Summer when I stop and think about it. Not too hot, not too humid, sunny, clear, breezy, it’s just about as perfect as weather can get. If …

Things The Internet Can Teach Us All

1. When the cops pull you over and ask you to get out of your car,telling them off and then badmouthing them to the person on the other end of your phone probably isn’t the wisest choice you could make. 2. If you start a website thatallows people to translate phrases into multiple languages and …

Wholesome Family Entertainment

This is a clip from an actual children’s TV show called “Rainbow” that used to be shown back in the 1970’s. I hadn’t heard of this show until yesterday when it was linked inRAW Rage,but now I want to track down every episode ever made to see if they were all this funny. Seriously,watch this …