Me Talk Good, For Serious

First off I want to apologize for my lack of posts over the last few weeks. I can’t promise that things are going to get much better over the next little while because of Summer and circumstances, but come on, at least I’m being honest with you and making an attempt to appear as though …

Resume Mistakes

These are supposedly things that were actually written on resumes and cover letters. I love this sort of stuff. “I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.” “I have lurnt WordPerfect 6.0 computor and spreadsheat progroms.” “Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.” “Reason for leaving last job: Maturity leave.” “Wholly responsible for …

Random Bitchfest

I don’t know. I just have a bunch of thoughts, and none of them feel long enough to make posts of their own, so I figured I’d throw them all together to make a bitch stew. So eat up. Ok, some of these were provoked by Steve’s post about the bank machine Braille and the …

A Joke that Tells Itself

Just read this and think about it for a second. Aphasia Program – provides a follow-up to speech therapy for people who have Aphasia (communication difficulty) due to a stroke. Participants work at strengtheningcommunication skills through this goals-based program. To access the Aphasia Program call us. Somebody should really email these people. It might have …