Just a quick note to let anybody who happens to care know that Salty Ham’sVengeance Roundtablehas been posted. Hopefully I do better this time around than I did last time out. But funnily enough, even though I got utterly schooled at Backlash, I’m still not in last place, which amuses me greatly because I didn’t …
Category Archives: wrestling
I Miss The Days Where Rage Equalled Good Posts
Good afternoon, class. So I’m at work, and it sucks. And it’s Monday. And I’m tired. And everything that everyone is doing at any time seems to be pissing me off. When I started this blog in ’03 with Steve – that would have equalled a golden post. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that no longer …
Continue reading “I Miss The Days Where Rage Equalled Good Posts”
They’re Back! And Some Other Crap
After being gone for I can’t even remember how long, the Salty Ham Pay-per-view Roundtables have returned! This is surely a direct result of my overwhelming clout and worldwide internet influence, though some may try to tell you that it has everything to do with somebody offering to take the time to put them together …
TNA Lockdown Thoughts
We’re talking wrestling again here, so if you hate the stuff, you know what to do. I thought Lockdown was a pretty good show over all, but most of TNA’s pay-per-views are, so that’s not surprising. A lot of people like to crap on the all cage match concept and I can understand why to …
Backlash Predictions
We don’t talk nearly enough wrestling around here these days, so this is the first step towards changing that. If you’re not a wrestling fan, you’re free to skip this whole thing if you wish, but why you would want to take a pass on something I wrote I have no idea. WWE’s Backlash pay-per-view …
Nobody Knows The Perverts I’ve Seen
05 Apr, Wed, 14:03:01Yahoo:free dicksucking 05 Apr, Wed, 19:32:07Yahoo:naked male wrestlers 06 Apr, Thu, 10:00:19Yahoo:stories of girls busting boys testicle 06 Apr, Thu, 11:24:03Yahoo:free pictures of naked male wrestlers 06 Apr, Thu, 12:35:53Yahoo:randy orton penis 06 Apr, Thu, 13:07:48Yahoo:randy orton penis pictures 06 Apr, Thu, 20:29:59MSN Search:vomit 07 Apr, Fri, 15:45:48Yahoo:Where can I find pictures …
You Are Here? The Mini And Less Funny Version
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, mostly because there haven’t been a whole lot of searches lately that have really caught my eye. There still aren’t, but here are a few that I’ve either just noticed or have had kicking around for a little while that I’ll toss up …
Continue reading “You Are Here? The Mini And Less Funny Version”
The Top 10
Here it is, the final countdown plug. I hope at least some of you enjoyed the list, Roland and the rest of us put a fair bit of work into putting it together and from what I hear, it’s done pretty well for the site, so thanks for checking it out. If you’ve been following …
I’m Sleepy
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but it’s the holidays anyway, you should be out celebrating something. The site will still be here in January when the so-called “Christmas vacation” is over. By the way, whoever came up with that term needs to be slapped mightily and repeatedly. It might be time away from …
>More Countdown Goodness
>Salty Ham’s Top 50 Wrestlers: # 30 to 21. Ok, I’m going back to being full and sleepy now.