I Hope that everybody’s doing well and that if you do that sort of thing, that your Christmas shopping is almost done. Mine is just about finished. I have to buy things for about 4 or 5 more people, and I know what I’m going to get all but 2 of them. So, does anybody …
Category Archives: wrestling
Cheap Plugs And Pointless Awards
Ok, time for me to whore myself out a little. The good people over atSalty Hamare in the middle of celebrating 2 years of existing, and there are a lot of things going on over there right now. Among them is the Top 50 Current Wrestlers list, the first part of which you can readhere.I …
Wrestling Watching Weekend
Hello and happy Sunday. I hope everybody’s having a good weekend. Mine’s been great especially since I decided to turn off my telephone because the thing was driving me nuts. Between the millions of telemarketers who seem to be out in full force right now, people calling me with nothing to say, and everybody else …
Checking In, Saying Hi, Writing Things Down
I hope that everyone who celebrates it had a good Canadian Thanksgiving. Mine was great, thanks for asking. It was a good excuse for me to see my family, who I don’t see nearly as much as I’d like. It was also a good excuse for me to eat ridiculous amounts of food. The last …
Continue reading “Checking In, Saying Hi, Writing Things Down”
Somebody Needs To Be Fired
Remember last month when I posted about all of thehilarious production mistakeson the NWA Virginia Action Zone? Well, apparently Rick OBrien and company don’t, because I’ve got a few more for you. I’ll probably keep doing this as I see them because to be honest, it’s fun to laugh at other people’s shortcomings, especially when …
Welcome To The Action Zone
I had some time to waste today so I decided to spend as much of it as I could getting caught up on my wrestling viewing, and I think I did pretty well. I finally got around to watching Backlash, which was a pretty good show. The Jericho Benjamin and Benoit Edge matches were great, …
The Idiot’s Argument
Those of you who frequentSalty Hamare probably familiar with something calledThe Idiot’s Argument,where 2 or sometimes 3 people pick a topic, take a side, and debate it. And a couple of you might have even heard of something calledCURRENT History,a column written by a guy who calls himself The CURRENT Big Thing. Well, the 2 …
Backlash Roundtable
Salty Ham’s Backlash PPV Roundtable is up.
Wrestlemania Results
Yeah, I’m posting this a little bit late, but if you’re looking for ongoing results of Wrestlemania, check out The Salty Ham Forums where I’ve got a thread going updating results and important happenings throughout the night as the show goes on.
Wrestlemania Roundtable
Tonight is WWE’s biggest show of the year, and since the Salty Ham server is actually working today, today is also the day when Roland pastes together emails that a bunch of us sent him to create a feature that has come to be known as the PPV Roundtable. And since what we’re roundtabling just …