This is just a quick note to let anybody who is interested know that the Salty Ham Summerslam Roundtable is up. We’ve got a couple of really cool guests this time and it’s worth checking out, if for no other reason than I told you to. So if you’re one of those people who does …
Category Archives: wrestling
The Fever
I’ve just finished writing and posting this week’s edition of Sunday Night Fever over at Salty Ham, and you can now feel free to check it out by going here. Jish is back next week so this is the last of these I’ll be doing until who knows when. I’ll talk to you all later. …
Random Stuff
So I’ve finally got a few free minutes at work to look at some of the new stuff that BlogSpot’s got set up in the formatting of the posts. I dunno. I guess I’m impressed but they’re really made some stuff more complicated than it needed to be. Kudos for trying though. So Steve asked …
It Sucks, But It’s Here
The newest edition of Sunday Night Fever has been posted over at Salty Ham and you can read it by going here. It’s a quick one but I explain why there so I’m not doing it again here. Go read it if you really want to know. By the way, Blog Spot can blow me. …
We’re Doing This Again Already
Here’s what I was trying to post when everything started fucking up. The references to weather are about Tuesday, I’m just too lazy to edit all of that out and change the flow so you get it as is. Before I start doing this search term thing again I need to ask a question. Why …
Sunday Night Fever
Just a quick note to let you know that over on Salty, I’m filling in for Jish while he takes some time off. If you don’t know what Jish does, he writes Sunday Night Fever, the weekly recap of the happenings on Velocity and Sunday Night Heat, WWE’s weekend TV shows.I finally got off …
A New Twist On An Old Favourite, And Some Other Things I’m Not Even Gonna Try To Figure Out
And now it’s time for another exciting edition of Steve Looks Through The Hit Counter Logs, Finds Interesting Search Terms, Uses His Copy And Paste Functions, Does Some Basic HTML, Thinks Of Some Wise Ass Comments And Writes Them Down, Then Posts Them For The Enjoyment Of Anybody Who Still Actually Reads This Site. I …
Go Read This And Quit Your Bitching
I know I know, there haven’t been many updates here lately but when Matt isn’t saying anything and I successfully manage to kill my second computer in a little more than a month, these things tend to happen. But fear not, my computer is back and pretty well up and running again, good times. But …
Maybe I’ll Do Better This Time
PPV time is upon us once again and as usual, we the Salty Ham people have put together our predictions in an attempt to win a contest that I’m not even sure has a prize other than being able to say that we won. Hopefully I do a bit better than last time though otherwise …
New Wrestling Site
The people over at 411 Maniahave recently put up a brand new site and it’s pretty cool. If you’re wanting to check it out, just head over toThe Wrestling A bunch of guys who write columns and such for 411 write there and it’s pretty much a collection of thoughts on wrestling done in …