I’ve got a few things that I want to write about tonight so look for more stuff from me later on this evening if my head keeps on not aching like it is right now. Before I get to writing any of that stuff down though it’s time to hit the hit counter and look …
Category Archives: wrestling
The Comet Comes Through For The Fans Again!
Well… when our fans ask for something… we run out and we get it for you. Here are some things that you people have been searching for and we are proud to provide you with links to get you exactly what you want… well maybe more accurately what you need. First you asked for Randy …
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Just Checkin’ In
Happy Holidays, All Well as Steve said on Friday updates for the next little while will be few and far between as you’re busy, we’re busy and there’s just not much going on worth talking about as the hole world seems to kind of slow down for this few weeks. There’s an interesting little discussion …
For All The Wrestling People
If you’re looking for some Armageddon predictions,then click here and start reading.It’s more great stuff from some of the Salty Ham staff, and Matt and I are in it too. Note to Roland, next month I’ll follow the format, I promise. At least I’m still loved though. And if I’m the most coherent writer on …
I’m Scared Of You People
One of the cool things about our hit counter is that we can see how people got here. No, we’re not spying on you, it’s all pretty standard stuff. Like if you click to us from somebody’s site where there’s a link to us, we can tell, that sort of thing. The coolest thing about …
Back Yard Wrestling Game Review. (PS2)
Here’s a lil review of a game I’ve been waiting for for a very long time… Just to make sure there is no misunderstandings here, I have absolutely no problem with the premise. I review a game on it’s own merits and not based on hackneyed opinion pieces from “concerned’ parents. As a concerned parent …
“There was an article on ProWrestling.Com and on many other pro wrestling insider sites that reported that Ticket Master had an event for people to ordertickets from. This wasn’t just an ordinary event as it was lated as: “WCW New Year’s Evil.” Now, to what I’m aware of, the WWE isn’t planning a returnof the …
Nuts To You, And Your Silly Realism Too
I just saw one of those things that drives me completely batshit nuts every time I see it. Right now on WWE.com they have a short interview up with Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team. Right at the beginning of the story, the author of the piece says the following. “After …
Yes, I know today is Monday but since most of the stuff I’m going to talk about here took place yesterday, the title works. Who’s site is it, anyway? Sorry for not getting anything up here since Saturday by the way. Just wasn’t into it yesterday and since nothing really happened, I figured rather than …
So I’m sitting here at my computer eating some soup after a fairly long day, reading some email and catching up on my wrestling news when I findthisposted on an otherwise high quality website. I’m not going to reproduce this in full, just the funniest part. How the webmaster, who is responsible for the content …