Lazily Mashed Out Wrestling Opinions! Yay!

“Haven’t done one of these in a long ass time,” he said yet again. 1. Rusev is the most underutilized man on the WWE roster. No. A pretty hard no, actually. Picking the most underutilized person on the roster is basically impossible, because there are so many of them. He’s not winning all of his …

So Long, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. You Were The Best

As a tiny, wrestling watching kid, Bobby Heenan was a hard guy for me to wrap my head around. On one hand he was this terrible man who kept getting other terrible men to attack all my heroes, but as somebody who was also drawn to comedy and broadcasting from a very early age, I …

I’ve Given Up On 205 Live. Maybe I’ll Watch Smash Wrestling On The Fight Network Instead

Aside from this Sunday’s ridiculously named Great Balls of Fire PPV which has been built fairly well and actually looks pretty good on paper, I’m getting pretty goddamn sick of WWE these days. I’ve gone over the reasons why more times than I can count here, so I won’t bother doing it again. I will …

Does Anyone Remember Reo’s Roundup?

I’ve watched a lot of wrestling in my lifetime. I’ve forgotten the details of quite a bit of it especially in more recent times since there’s just so damn much content thrown at you so quickly now compared to the old days, but generally speaking I have quite a good memory for the stuff. But …

What In The Hell Is This Wrestling Match?

I haven’t watched any Dragon Gate in years, so maybe there’s a completely logical explanation for this match being the way it is and I’m just unaware of it. But seriously, get a load of this title match concept as described by Dave Meltzer in a recent edition of the Observer. It sounds like the …

Why Were The Rockers Never WWF Tag Team Champions? Blame Jack Tunney

Years ago, we talked a little about the time the Rockers won the WWF tag titles but never officially won them. In that post, I talked about how strange the story was and how difficult it was to sort out what exactly happened there. But now there’s a new rundown of the situation pieced together …

It Might Be Ok That Orton Won The Rumble, Seth And Triple H Is A Terrible Storyline And Other Wrestling Thoughts

Not much to say before we get into the wrestling aside from I hope you all celebrated Carin’s birthday yesterday with vast quantities of merriment and that this winter is pretty weird. Most of January felt like a slightly cooler version of spring and this weekend, which is right around mid February, they’re calling for …