If The Key Doesn’t Work, Check The Address.

You know how I thought a guy drunkenly thinking he was home when he was 8 miles from home was bad? Here’s a guy 46 miles from home. Aaron Ward pissed on himself, stripped off his clothes and tried to climb into what he thought was his window. How about nope? Now, I don’t know …

Soon He’ll Have New Neighbours To Feud With…

Remember the whole Richard Zeh fiasco? Well, the guy who put up the Craigslist ad, Philip Conran, has been arrested. What a tool. He was feuding with his neighbour, so said she was wishing to fulfill her dream of having group sex, and posted her address on Craigslist. I guess she got quite a few …

Wrong House, Wrong Set

This guy can’t win for losin’, and then he just becomes a loser. Richard Zeh was responding to a Craigslist ad for a group sex encounter. But, he came to the wrong house. When he figured out it was the wrong house, he went to the correct address as listed in the ad. But then, …

Raid: Kills Seniors Dead

Imagine this scenario. You’re living in your house, minding your own business, when suddenly, police are pounding on your door. They’re convinced some dangerous criminal is hiding in there. After they find you in there, and noone else, they come to realize that your house has been entered into a department-wide computer system as some …

Bank Want A Lawsuit?

What a horrible thing to come home to. You walk up to your house and find the locks have been changed, there’s a padlock on the door and a note telling you to contact Bank of America because you’ve been foreclosed on. But you’ve been making all the payments and you never got a note …

When On The Range, It’s Good To Know Where Home Is

Derrick Thomas Alger needs to cut back on the booze just a touch. I have a feeling, if he wasn’t drunk, he wouldn’t be wandering around in shorts and a cowboy hat and boots threatening cabbies with guns, coming into the wrong house, and then threatening to kill the family’s dog…and then asking who the …

Somebody’s Been Sleeping On My Couch…And There He Is!

That does it, we’re starting a wrong house tag. Early Sunday morning, 34-year-old Christopher Paul Silga of St. Martin, Mississippi,was hit with DUI and trespassing charges after a night on the town. His troubles began when he arrived what he thought was home from the bar. Rather than being safe and sound at his girlfriend’s …

Another Reason Sleepwalking Is Dangerous

It’s a good thing our wandering drunk didn’t wander into this apartment. Instead of acting like reasonable human beings and maybe calling the police when they came home from drinking and found a sleeping man in their apartment, the 3 of them beat the everloving hell out of him. Come on! There were 3 guys …

If We Arrest The Drunk Naked Guy, The Terrorists Win!

Here’s another drunk guy who walked into the wrong house. Poor Teddy Brisseaux won’t be able to say that he just dreamed this one. Police were dispatched to a Bruce Avenue house shortly before 4:30 a.m. Sunday after being told about a house break-in at a home a block from the defendant’s home. When officers …

Goldy-Schlogs And The Three Bewildered Residents

Well, it looks like not just blind drunks end up in the wrong house after a night of fun. Hell, we already knew that people with functioning eyes can stumbel into the wrong apartment in the same building. Now, we’ve discovered that if you get to a certan level of drunkenness, you can be eight …