I have great respect for anyone who is willing to risk life and limb on a daily basis to keep law and order in the world, but man, cops can be real shitheels sometimes. For example… A MINNEAPOLIS SWAT team busts into the home of an innocent family while trying to raid a different house, …
Category Archives: wrong house
Story Time With Steve
Police: Drunk Woman Slept In Neighbor’s Home This story isn’t particularly funny, but posting it is a good excuse to tell one of my own that’s significantly better. In fact it’s one of my favourite stories to tell, but this is going to be my first crack at writing it down so I hope I …
This Is My House Damn It!
Let’s hope this never happens to me. I’m always afraid I’ll open the wrong door in the apartment building and piss someone off, just like this blind intoxicated Harris County man did. The story is too funny on its own, so I’ll just quote it and laugh. HOUSTON, July 24 (UPI) — A blind man …
Oops, Wrong House
If you think you’re having a rough day, take a look atthis poor bastard’s story. It’s a touching story of boy meets girl in a rape fantasy chat room, boy and girl arange a meeting, boy breaks into wrong house and tries to fantasy rape wrong woman who retaliates by hoofing him in the bag …