You know you need new ideas for things to do with your kid when robbing someone looks like a good option. I don’t know what else to say except this woman needs help.
It’s Just Wrong
Alright, girls. So you know how most of you all have that one guy friend who’s a great guy? And who you really like and spend lots of time with… but you won’t date him? Ya. That’s WRONG! Because you see, if that guy is spending time with you – it means he likes you. I mean… really. Why else would he be so willing to put up with your… talking? Honestly. If a guy talks to you for more than like 10 minutes – it means he’s probably in to you. He’s putting in Quality time in the hopes that after all that time of putting in the Q.T. it may lead to the Booty. Meanwhile – you never have that intention.
You know what that’s like to a guy? That’s like him going in for a job interview and having the employer say “Wow – that’s a great resume! This is just great. You have everything we’re looking for, all the experience we want – you’re just perfect. But ya… we’re not going to hire you. We’ll probably hire someone with half your qualifications and that has a drinking problem. But wow this is a great resume. In fact we’ll keep this resume and use it to grade all other potential employees against it. Now um, I have a question. We won’t ever, under any circumstance, hire you – but is it okay if we call you from time to time to complain to you about the guy we do hire? Cuz you’re just great.”
It’s wrong! Cut it out!
A Strange Thought From A Strange Mind
Is it just me, or does Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sound like one of those scuzzy law firms you see on daytime television?
Scarey Shit
So I”m sure most of you have heard about the foiled terror plot from the U.K. and U.S.A.
I’ll be the first to say I guess I’m a little too jaded sometimes. I was never shy about saying that these raised levels of security and new Terrorist prevention organizations were just a huge waste of time and that there are 6 billion people on the planet so there’s no way to know who’s going to attack you and when. That these were just a tremendous waste of money and did nothing but scare the public.
I’ll shut my mouth today. In the last 2 months, 2 large terrorist plots have been foiled. One here in the Toronto area and this most recent one today involving these flights. I’ll tip my hat to whoever was tracking this and was able to stop it, as apparently it would have been much larger than 9/11 in terms of loss of life as they aimed to blow up flights heading to major airports in California, New York and Washington D.C.
I’ll say this. It’s a scarey fucking world and it’s not getting any more pleasant.
Take Care
Wow! This comment tops all I think. As Matt would say, Offside!
This was under the six other comments about James Blunt, which subsequently degenerated. Who knew it would sink to this?
I love a good hardon impaling my arsehole .
Does anyone else ?
The best part is the hot cream filling my insides .
Do feel to write me .
I am not gay but I still do it .
Am I wrong ?
Hardon Ricky | 08.08.06 – 11:33 pm |
Is this person seeking advice? Or is he the long-searched for man who has been on the long search for Randy Orton’s penis?
Nothing Else To Do
Well got nothing else to do – so here’s randomness.
That awful new Paris Hilton song is stuck in my head. If you haven’t heard it, don’t. Just believe me it’s awful. Man I like some gay shit lately.
My 8 year old cousin won second prize at the Harcourt Park Olympics at my cottage in swimming. She kicks ass.
The Jays are done. They went in the tank for over a week and ended playoff hopes. How sure am I? I’ve never been lucky enough to go to a Jays playoff game live – and I’ve always wanted to but they haven’t made it in 13 years. If they do this – I promise not to go watch which will kill me. That’s how sure I am.
Opie and Anthony are hilarious. I have XM Satellite Radio and a new perk is that you can listen online which is great for me at work. If you have the means, either on XM (channel 202) or if they’re sindicated on one of your local stations – listen. It’s great.
ECW comes to Canadian TV this week. Friday night – Midnight. Global. Good main event for the debut with Kurt Angle v Sabu. Watch.
3 and a half work weeks left until it’s move in day to the new place and then back to school. You can not believe how I’m counting the days.
Steve blew me off for the long weekend and then did nothing. I hope some sort of angry sharp toothed animal does something to some sensitive part of his anatomy in the fairly near future.
Well that only helped me kil like 5 minutes – you people aren’t good for anything.
Aw that was mean – it’s not your fault. Except Steve whom I hope …. well read above.
A Small Apology.
Well, I don’t like having to take back my words, but I think I sort of have to at least soften them this time. In my thought shake post, I got mad at a friend for not seeming to show much compassion for her sick relative that she was taking care of. I thought I’d heard the whole story. But I heard a little more yesterday, and now I sort of understand why she was so snippy about the whole thing. So, I’m sorry for ranting like a crazy thing about that. That is all. Hopefully I’ll have something more interesting later.
What’s a Bed and Breakfest?
I saw something that wouldn’t bug me much if I’d seen it anywhere but where I saw it. I saw a typo. Someone had written breakfest instead of breakfast. No biggy. Everybody makes a mistake sometimes. But where did I see it? On the main page of the newspaper’s website!
To me, this is huge. First, I remember catching six different kinds of hell when I was in school and made the occasional spelling booboo or typo. I appreciated the correction, but I sure didn’t appreciate the piles of bullshit about “You need to not make sloppy spelling mistakes if you want to work anywhere.” So how can someone who puts together a newspaper’s website get away with errors?
It especially bugs me when I see errors in a newspaper, because some people tell their kids to look at the newspaper as an example of how to write. It’s kind of the same level of annoyance as when I see typos in a textbook. I mean, come on, breakfest? Even a spellchecker could catch that one.
I wrote their web team, let’s see if they fix it.
Rub One Out For Research
Charity wants people to lend a hand…
The most striking part of this story to me isn’t that they’re holding a masturbate-a-thon, I’ve heard about a few of those before. What really gets me about this is that the event is being put on with the help of an HIV charity, and the article says that “Participants, who have to be over 18, can bring any aids they need.” That’s just so wrong on so many levels.
You Pay? We’ll Pray!
I so should be in advertising. That was a perfect slogan for these bottom-feeding sacks of shit I’m about to describe.
I just learned something. I learned that there’s a company out there that, for a fee, will sign the person paying the fee up with someone who will pray for them. Doesn’t that scream scum to you? To me, it screams scum on so many levels.
On the first level, the person sends money on the *hope* that someone will pray for them. This prayer partner as they call it doesn’t know the customer from Adam. They’re just given their name and told to pray for them, and that is what happens if the company is being honest. They could easily just fuck off with someone’s money, tell them someone prayed for them when no one did anything of the sort.
Second, isn’t the point of praying, for those who believe in that sort of thing, supposed to be done out of genuine care and concern for someone? Say a minister asks his congregation to pray for someone who is sick. Or, a family member prays for someone going through a hard time. It’s not supposed to be something bought and paid for. It’s like paying to be told good things about yourself. It’s insincere.
Finally, what kind of praying is being done here? Praying for, or preying on? Who would this kind of service appeal to? Probably people who are feeling low and desperate, people who have few friends, lonely people looking for some sort of sign that someone might care, and sadly enough, poor people. I hate to generalize, but some people who are struggling with money might be pretty desperate. So these scum-suckers are taking more money from them that could be better spent on food and necessities of life.
I can hear it now. “But churches ask for money. Are they no good either?” I can understand churches asking for money, to a point. The church still has to be heated. They might have functions to run. If they starte asking for a lot of money, then yeah, they’ve fallen into the pile of sludge in bottom-feederville.
I hear something else from the peanut gallery. “What about therapy? You’re not getting anything solid from that either, and you’re essentially paying to have someone help you, which could mean saying good things about you. Plus, a lot of poor people need counseling.” Again, there are some therapists and counselors that take advantage of vulnerable people, and they are an especially dangerous kind of leech. But if you need one, and you get a good one, they can do a world of good. Plus, they may know of other things that may help you, so they’re a resource. As far as the money stuff goes, there are places to go that have sliding scales, and if you do manage to have some kind of health insurance, it will often cover it. Also, counseling isn’t all about buttering you up and saying meaningless, insincere things. It’s about listening to you, being an objective person to bounce things off of, and giving you perspective on your own thoughts. That is something you can get your head around. It’s not something nebulous like telling someone to pray for you if you pay the right amount of money.
So, at the end of the day, I wonder if these prayer partner people feel the least bit disgusted at what they take part in to earn a living. Or have they had the soul sucked out of them as a prerequisite for working there? I guess they wouldn’t want to have it left over to find out if there is or isn’t a god when they die. Something tells me, if there is a heaven, St. Peter would slam the pearly gates in their faces.