It’s Not Their Job!

Ok, time to vent a little.

I just finished reading an article in which members of the RCMP as well as B.C.’s Solicitor-General John Les slammed the makers of the new movie “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” for making a film that glorifies illegal street racing. They say that the movie’s producers are irresponsible for celebrating such a dangerous and deadly activity, and they worry that the film may cause people to take what they’re seeing in the theatres out to the car and onto the roads with them.

Lucas Black, one of the stars of the movie, quite rightly pointed out in response that “”The drifting and driving stunts in Tokyo Drift are amazing and they’re also fantasy, and that “city streets and highways are no place for reckless behaviour.” And just so we were perfectly clear about everything, he dropped this bit of knowledge on us as well. “Stunt driving belongs in the movies and not on city streets.”

That’s probably a slightly better response than “fuck you guys,” which had they gotten it, wouldn’t have been completely undeserved. Harsh yes, out of line, no.

Let’s look at the facts.

Every time a movie, television show or videogame comes out that touches a nerve with somebody who holds a little bit of power, we hear about it. And when we hear about it, we always hear about how horrible it is, and how soon enough it will be the ruination of society because, I suppose, we’re all too stupid to distinguish fantacy from reality. None of these people ever come right out and say that, but honestly, what other reason could there be? If there’s no danger that somebody might take things too far, why bother bringing it up? Why not spend the time and energy doing whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing for a living, which I guess in this case would be either mountedly policing or generally soliciting, however one goes about doing something like that. Or if you don’t want to do that, why not spend a little time figuring out how the world works. Maybe by doing that, you would realize that it isn’t the job of the Hollywood types to be our moral compass, it’s their job to entertain us in whatever manner they so choose. It then becomes the responsibility of the rest of us to be discerning in our entertainment decisions. You can’t expect anybody to make a movie and then tell his customers not to watch it, that’s just stupid. But what you can expect is that he will present us with the option, and that the savvy consumers will then decide what’s right for them and their families. It’s the same with pretty much everything else. If you like Brand X of milk but not brand Y, you buy brand X and leave Brand Y on the shelf. You have the choice, you make the choice, free will and democrasy triumph over the forces of well, people like you who don’t seem to want us to be able to make any sort of choice at all. It seems simple enough, I don’t understand why people can’t figure this out.

And on the issue of society being stupid, yeah, we are. Every one of us without exception has done at least 1 dumb thing. But as dense as most of us have ever been, a lot of us are intelligent enough to comprehend the concept of something like fiction. If you’re over the age of…let’s be generous and say 12, you’re probably well on your way to understanding the differences between real and make believe, at least I’d like to think so. So who does that leave as targets for these government warning messages? I hate to say it, but if you’re 33 and wondering how it is that the dogs in the Disney movies can speak better English than you can, the good ship Hope for the Future has sailed, and you showed up late for the boarding call. And that being the case, all that’s left for the protectors of law and good taste are a bunch of deaf ears, deaf ears who do well to remember that they exist from day to day, let alone interpret anything that anybody else might try to make them understand. Those who get it already get it, and those who don’t aren’t going to, or they’re children who will hopefully have it taught to them by a responsible influence as they grow and learn.

So please, stop wasting my time and yours. You’re not helping anybody now, and next time we have to have this discussion, and believe me, we will, nothing will have changed other than the target of your outrage.

Hippest Birthday Ever

And that friends probably goes down as my lamest Title ever. Humblest apologies for subjecting you to it. Onward!

So today is your third favourite VC writer’s birthday! Hizzah! Yes there’s been merriment abound today with well wishes, cards, a free lunch and so on. Not too shabby. I gotta tell you, though, that this has been one of the more depressing birthdays. Maybe that’s the wrong word. Maybe thought-provoking is better. I’m 23. No special number. Nothing changes in terms of benefits or legalities. Just 23. Yet it bugs me. 22 was fine – but 23 feels close to 25. And 25 is damn close to 30, and 40 and then dear god it’s down hill from there. I’m not depressed. I’ve just never had to answer the old “do you feel any older” question with a “yes” before.

Anyway – the family celebration is tonight. They’ve just opened up a Crabby Joe’s near my house. That’s the bar that our crew all hangs out at in Belleville as it’s right behind our house. It’s perfect. So I figure it’s time to christen the new one here in Oshawa. So the family is headed up there for dinner/wings and some beers. It should be pretty good.

The big celebration with my friends is this Saturday as it is to take place at Toronto’s Fort York. The Tragically Hip are playing a huge show there that a big group of us from schol got tickets to somehow – as the show sold out in minutes. My buddy’s birthday is next week so it fits in well between the two birthdays and it should be a huge piss up surrounding the show. Unfair to put “Jays Game” expectations on it – but should it reach that level I’ll definitely give it equal story telling time. Irregardless I’ll report back on the show as it should be a blast.

I think that’s it other than that we should all flame Steve for the fact that they played in his very hometown last week and, as far as I know, he did not attend despite the fact that from what I”m told by people that went, tickets were much easier to get. For shame, Steve. for shame.

VC Cares: An Important Lesson In Urination

So I spoke to a guy the other day who did not know how to piss in a urinal. Doesn’t seem that complicated, step up, zip down, flop out and aim in. However, interestingly, this is not the first person that I have spoken to in my travels with this particular problem. So it’s time for a VC public service announcement. How To Piss In A Urinal. Or more directly, proper urinal manners. Here we go.

The Ideal Situation.

If you are lucky, and rarely is this the case, then you may be on the receiving end of what is only known as the “Ideal Situation.” This situation is, of course, the presence of one urinal. The etiquette here is simple: if it’s empty, pee, if it’s not, don’t. Period. Of course, a foray to the world of the public stall could be merited if the urinal is busy, but it is always preferable to busy one’s self with washroom related activity while waiting for the urinal to free up. Wash your hands, check your hair, check the floor for loose change, do the moonwalk, etc.

An important note: It is NOT considered proper etiquette to enquire to a peeing person if he is almost done. Nor is it seemly to attempt to peek in the urinal for activity. If you suspect the patron is merely standing around with his fly open, it is usually best just to keep those suspicions to yourself.

The Two Urinal Tango

One urinal was easy. No tough decisions there. Two urinals, well, it’s a whole different world. With luck, they will both be empty. In this case, choose the appropriate urinal based on proximity to walls and other forms of shielding, and preferably as far away as possible from large sources of microwaves and free radicals.

Chances are though, that with two urinals one of them will be occupied. In this case under no circumstances should you proceed to the urinal. I repeat: DO NOT PROCEED. To proceed is to pee in one urinal adjoining another which is also occupied. This is the cardinal sin of urinal etiquette. Never pee beside someone. Instead, it is best to busy one’s self with activites mentioned under the Ideal Situation, with the possible exception of moonwalking, for which breakdancing should be substituted.

A question which becomes increasingly pressing at this point is the option of the stall. If the need is urgent (and it may well be), the stall may be considered. However, it is of utmost importance to make it appear as if the stall was the destination all along. This is why planning is necessary. If there is potential urination in the near future, one should always take these easy steps:

Scout out the bathroom: Urinal number and location
Map out a secondary stall acess route
Practice casual-seeming scouting of urinal area
Limber up for extensive periods of breakdancing
Planning is not all it takes though. Once in the stall, standing is no longer an option. To stand is to admit to all who peek for feet that you never had any intention of using a stall, but rather that your efforts at finding a suitable urinal were unfruitful. Sit and pee, and if at all possible, stay for an amount of time equal to that which you would normally take if the stall had been the appropriate initial choice, once again to suggest that you are not simply peeing in a stall. However, here we delve into the realm of stall etiquette, which is an entirely different field.

Three’s Company

Well then, what about three urinals. Well, this starts to get tricky. If you should come across three empty urinals, then the natural male tendency to attempt to accumulate power and property might lead you to try the middle urinal. Unfortunately, in some countries, to do so is punishable in manners unspeakable. For to choose the middle urinal is to deny any subsequent patron of the urinals the opportunity to pee in isolation while you are still at your business. To choose the middle of three urinals is to commit an act of pure, unadulterated selfishness, and for it one should be ashamed. Instead, one should immediately proceed the the end urinal which is furthest from the door, or alternatively, best smelling.

However, all three urinals are not always empty. If upon entering the bathroom you discern that the middle urinal alone is occupied, ever, you should immediately seek out the proper authorities to punish the culprit. Hopefully though, one of the end urinals is occupied. This allows one to proceed to the opposite urinal, and pee in relative security.

Further complications arise if two of the urinals are occupied. If they are the two end urinals, then one should proceed with delay tactics which were described earlier, especially nose scratching and armpit sniffing. Alternatively, a stall may be employed, being sure to use the deceitful tactics also mentioned earlier. It is possible that two adjacent urinals of the three be occupied. In this case, it is best just to leave. Hold your urge, and retreat. To stay is to share in the shame that must accompany any two individuals who are engaged in such an unseemly situation. Furthermore, if you are ever engaged in peeing at an end urinal, and someone enters the middle urinal with the intention of peeing, it is most definitely appropriate to ask him to leave. If he is unreceptive to your request, you might consider peeing on his leg.

Should all three urinals be occupied, upon entry to the bathroom, not only should you beat a hasty retreat, but you should also avert your eyes in order not to have the horrible sight of three adjacent occupied urinals forever ingrained into your mind.

Just Four, Not More.

Well with four urinals, the decisions start to really pile up. Even if all four urinals are empty upon your arrival, there is still a lot of thinking to do. Ideally, you should still choose a nice, clean smelling urinal at either one of the ends. However, certain extenuating circumstances have set precedence for the selection of one of the two inner urinals. The reason that this is acceptable is that the selection of an inner urinal does not decrease the potential M.P.P.N.B.A. (Maximum People Peeing Not Beside Anyone). Therefore, if, say, a large deposit of nuclear waste has located itself in BOTH of the end urinals, an inner urinal may be employed, preferably the one farthest away from the largest nuclear waste deposit.

What about if someone is already there? Well, much like the other situations, pee if you can without peeing beside anyone, and otherwise lapse into delay tactics or stall deceit strategy. In fact, because the MPPNBA’s are identical for three and four urinals, etiquette is greatly preserved across the platforms.

Five! Five! Five!

Well, what about five urinals. This is starting to be a lot of urinals here, and so proper etiquette is even more important, as the potential for people in the washroom to view improper etiquette at work is steadily increasing. Now, however, in the case of an empty bank of urinals, the decision is going to reflect your personality. If you are relatively shy, or introverted, either of the end urinals is the appropriate choice. This shows your good knowledge of urinal etiquette, but in no way is flashy or showy. However, if you are bold and daring, you should choose the middle urinal. This immediately gains you command and authority over the entire urinal bank, while still maintaining the highest possible MPPNBA. Manners and power, and unbeatable combination.

Now, selection of a urinal remains simple if one or more are occupied. Pee if you can, if you can’t don’t. Don’t break any rules of etiquette, and make sure that others uphold them. However, because the number of urinals is increasing, it becomes increasingly difficult to assess the situation while still maintaining an entirely casual and matter of fact air. At this point, practice is essential. Use mirrors to scan the urinals, tie your shoe without ever taking your eyes off the urinals, etc. Of even greater concern though, is to appear all the time that you are not actually examining the urinals. Such actions could be misconstrued, and such misinterpretations must be avoided to maintain the proper bathroom decorum.

Six, Six, Pick Up Your Sticks.

Now with six or more urinals, the rules are not so concrete. However, a few things must still be kept in mind.

Maintain a high MPPNBA. Choose end urinals when possible, and plan your entry to the urinal bank so that every second urinal is occupied. To employ only every third urinal is a waste, and often is accompanied by a small fine if caught.

Pee as far away from others as possible. If you enter into a washroom of 6 urinals, and someone is at an end urinal, then by all means proceed directly to the urinal at the opposite end. Maintain your distance at all times. However, in banks of 8 urinals are more, or when the gap between a urinal patron and the end of the bank is 7 urinals, it is appropriate to choose the second farthest away urinal. To choose the farthest urinal might imply to a sensitive individual that he smelt, or emitted a blinding light, or some other such condition, and might cause undue insult. Therefore, the second farthest urinal is selected in order to suggest that while you have a good grasp of urinal etiquette, in no way do you feel that the other individual is a grotesquely deformed monster.

T So there it is, kids. It’s pretty simple if you follow the rules. Special thanks for the people in the Bathroom Etiquette Department (yes we have a Bathroom Etiquette Department… it’s a big company ok?) for working long hours and doing lots of unpleasant research so we could all learn something here today.

Happy Wizzing

And You Think You’re Having A Bad Day

Read this, and check out the names on these poor bastards.

Suddenly the silly jokes people made about my last name when I was a kid aren’t so annoying anymore.

Thanks to whoever it was that sent me the link to this. I deleted the email and can’t remember your name now, but full credit and much gratitude to you sir.

Caladonia Debate Continues

This was left on the comment board underneath post on the situation in Caladonia. The man clearly knows what he’s talking about this had been bumped fairly far down the page by the time I found the comment so I wanted to make sure everyone saw it.

He refutes a couple points that I made. Since this is not the first time I’ve been taught something I didn’t know and will certainly not be the last – I thought I would give his point fair exposure.

” “The law is the law”. The law, in this case, includes the Treaty of Albany, the Two Row Wampum agreement, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, all of which recognise First Nations’ sovereignty. At a variety of different levels, from treaties to the census (which Statistics Canada does not take on First Nations reserve communities), we recognise and treat the First Nations as sovereign entities.

Now, in this case, as the news release from the Chiefs and Clan Mothers makes clear, the law (the Treaty of Albany) provides a process for the Canadian government to ask the Haudenosaunee for the extradition of offenders who have committed theft or a number of other offences.
John G. Spragge | Homepage | 06.15.06 – 10:40 pm “

Clearly he’s more educated on the subject than I, so there’s no need for a rebuttal. Well said, John.

We have been redeemed!

I’m awake because I’m scared to sleep. I’m in my miserable apartment next to the freaks, creeps and druggies, and my parents have not yet arrived. They’re coming to help me move out of this frightening place, so I came back to stay in it, expecting that they would arrive just after the vampires came out to strike, so to speak. I expected them 2 hours ago. I keep hearing, “thump! slam! bang! stomp stomp scrub scrub bang!” but none of those sounds bring good news. They only bring more hooligans and unknown eeewwwness.

So I decided to look back in the archive to keep my mind occupied, and revel in something we haven’t been able to see in a long time. I even went to the trouble of finding the first time Steve first noticed that our comments get eaten by something similar to the sock-devouring dryer monster. But today, thanks to Haloscan deciding to change its mind, the monster has puked our comments back out so we can read them all again. So we can go back and laugh at Gee, Satan, Greg, and all our other characters who have come and gone, and newbs can finally see some real in-fighting! Thank you, Haloscan! We no longer look like we’re spewing piles of bullshit. and dad, get here so I can go to sleep! I feel like the little kid who’s afraid of the dark. Give me a nightlight!

Better Late Than Never

Back in December of 2003, I posted an item about a man named George Pavlovszky. Well, I just found out that his kid, or at least somebody claiming to be his kid, didn’t really like it too much. I didn’t get these comments until right now, partly because things used to disappear after a few months and partly because he posted them underneath the wrong post, but here they are now.

Hey, I was looking through all of the stuff on my dad and I came acrossed this page. I just thought id let you know the real story… I dont appreciate people bad talking my dad when they dont even know what happened.

My Dad is a great guy and always was, He may have a short temper but hes a really nice guy, Friendly and all.

The reason my dad, George Pavlovszky, Did what he did is because he has been working there over 20 years and lately they have been screwing around with him alot. About 1 week before he did this, They were getting my dad to train two guys to do Hisjob, Which to let you know, He cuts down trees for the City of Moncton, And thats also his private work, He doesnt work in the Post Office, I dont get where you would get that Idea… Anyway, My dad got mad because his bosses were going to get these two guys to take his Job and then they were going to fire him or something like that.

And also, My dad is now being screwed around by the Union. They arnt helping him at all, Its not what you think. They are now screwing with him. They HAVE to help anyone with getting their job back but they are basicly ignoring my dad. I dont know really anything else to say, But yeah, I just wanted you to know the true story. And because of this, I will be spending my christmas alone, Without my dad. Hes a great man, But he does lose his temper easily. Hes getting out soon, But not soon enough.

–Steve Pavlovszky–

( The 14 Year Old Son Of George Pavlovszky )
Steve Pavlovszky | 12.09.03 – 9:06 pm

A few quick comments.

1. Sorry for not getting to this sooner, we’re usually a lot quicker than this.

2. I’m sorry to hear that you had to spend Christmas without an important member of your family. that’s got to be hard to deal with, especially when the reason why is such a public one.

3. Saying he’s got a short temper is an interesting way of putting it.

4. The post office thing was a joke. I don’t actually think he works there. Ask somebody what the term going postal means and it’ll make a lot more sense.

5. And finally, I hate to say this, but the union probably decided to ignore your Father because he’s a public relations nightmare. Even if he’s the nicest guy in the history of history, it’s kind of hard to explain fighting for the rights of a drunk guy waving a gun around at the office. Maybe that doesn’t make what they’re doing right from your perspective, but that’s how the world works. Like it or not, public perception means a lot, and the way that Dad was presented in the media and by you in your comments since you didn’t deny that he did what he did doesn’t paint him in a very good light. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of unions, but I can’t sit here with a straight face and say they’re wrong for not taking his case. the kind of man he is off the clock doesn’t mean a thing to them, and it shouldn’t. What matters is that he was fired for doing something that I hope we would all be fired for. Under those circumstances, it doesn’t make any sort of good sense for them to tarnish their reputation by defending him, which was my point in the original post.

Thanks for writing in, and I really hope you see this some day.

That’s Awesome!

If I was the type of guy to do such a thing, and the chance came up to blow somebody over at HaloScan, I’d probably be wanting to do it right about now. But since I’m not, I’ll just settle for letting everybody know that all of our old comments are back. Everything that all of you said from December of 2003 when we started using our current commenting system up until right now is all back on the site. this is great because it means that most of our inside stupidity has context again, and it’s also great because it means that we no longer have to pay to get everything back. We like this a lot for many reasons, not the least of which is simply that we’re cheap. So feel free to look around the archives and to marvel at the stupidity of a few of us, and the brutal reactions of others to that stupidity. It’s good times.


So a few posts ago I mentioned that all the sports fans were gone to which Steve commented that you have to write about sports to get them to come back via search or whatever. Since this isn’t the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, I figure I’ll try. I mean you gotta get search hits somehow and since we have no pictures of “RANDY ORTON’S PENIS” or “MATT STAJAN NUDE WITH GIRLFRIEND”, we’ll try it this way.

Hmm. I may have just accidentally attracted the wrong crowd again. Anyway….

Last night was one hell of a hockey game. Edmonton managed to somehow keep the series alive. I’ll say this, though. If you’re Pisani for Edmonton, you’re shorthanded, it’s overtime and you’re one loss from elimination – you need to have a serious set of nuts on you to stand in at the other team’s blue line and hope you can pick off that pass because if you miss it Carolina is going 5 on 3 in to your end with your season on the line and you go from being the hero to the goat. Good on him for having the balls to do it but that could have gotten ugly really quick if he misses that puck. Game 6 is Saturday at 8. Should be great. Enjoy.

Jays continue to impress winning the last 2 with the Orioles. 1 more to go. Hopefully they can take the series with a win.

CFL season starts this weekend. Light up a dube in honour of the Argos most recent signing, Ricky Williams. What’s the big deal? So they signed a guy who has more NFL drug violations than he does rushing yards. Oh. Apparently that’s frowned upon. I forgot.

Lastly. a note to everyone in my office. Shut up. Just shut up. There’s no need to laugh at everything you say yourself. Not everything is funny. Referring to the pre-hole punched paper in teh photo-copier as holey paper is only funny once, and even then it was marginal. Quit it. Do not whistle while you wait for the copier to be done, it irritates the 2 of us who sit right behind us. Do not drum on said copier while waiting for same reason. Do not assume I know exactly what the coaches in the Cup Final should do and bring up the game 3 times a day to me just because you know I like hockey and you’re bored waiting to speak to someone else who is busy. I’m still trying to work! So honestly. Just Shut Up for the rest of the day.

Have a lovely day.

The Baby?

Well, Steve beat me to the punch with his reference to my smallness sinking to a brand new, um, well, low. So I figured I should tell the story. It’s short, har har, aren’t I full of endless puns. But here it is.

While we were in Ottawa, we decided to take a cab to a pub to meet the guy who got married this weekend and his wife. The cab pulled up, and in a completely serious voice, the cabby said, “You two get in, I’ll take the baby.” as he reached for my hand the way some people do. The way you lead your little daycare kid through a crowded area so they don’t run out into the streety weety in front of the trucky wuckies. Yes, this man thought I was a baby. And his English was good! So I can’t even think that maybe he got a couple words mixed up, and in a bizarre coincidence, pinned the wrong one on me. I know his English was good because as soon as I started convulsing with laughter, he said, “Oh! Lady! Lady! … You’re not angry that I called you baby?” He was really shocked when a. it was pointed out that I was the oldest one there, and b. I paid the fare. Then he said, “Oh, you are being mature now! … but you really look like a baby. You have a baby face.” He wanted to keep explaining how he made that mistake. God it was funny. So I am officially the baby now. If I’m not careful, at the rate I’m going, I’ll be the fetus soon.