“The Easter Bunny is a sadistic and unscrupulous offender who preys on people’s sweet tooth.”
Man I. Confused
Can somebody please explain to me how it is that spam is such a profitable industry, because I seriously don’t get it. I go through my spam folder every day trying to figure it out, but so far, nothing. I’m not sure if there’s just something I’m not picking up on, some sort of subtle message that most people immediately understand that I can’t find, but it seems to me that hiding such a message within the confines of “ur dicky s 2 short & ur women r not love u no more” would be next to impossible. Maybe that’s my problem. I see something like that and immediately think ok, somebody from AOL wants to sell me some sort of wang widening thingamabob and just delete it, totally missing out on the life changing greatness that lies within. Maybe I just don’t have the right vision, the ability to think outside the box so to speak.
Or maybe the key is in the names. Perhaps I’ve been living in a bubble all these years and if I were ever to emerge, I would find myself in a world full of people with names like Seafood K. Sexual and Wizjukxwwwielph who frequently toss off missives to their friends and colleagues containing such pearls of wisdom as “High atrium elliptical centrifuge antithesis, click here,” and it’s entirely possible that in this strange and mysterious place, buying breast-enhancing life insurance from these people is a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to do.
Or maybe, and I’m sure this can’t possibly be the case, some of us just aren’t that bright. Nobody could honestly be thick enough to think that the penis enlargement pills will truly have them tucking it into their shoes within a few weeks, could they? Nobody truly thinks that buying spam filtering software through an email from a place they’ve never heard of is a good idea, do they?
Hopefully some day I can solve this riddle and put an end to my torment. But until then, if you need me, I’ll be checking my bulkmail.
Whore On Terrorism
Money quote: “My breasts have only ever helped people while Bin Laden has killed thousands of innocent victims.”
Would Idd Be Bozzible Do Gedd Zub Zoob?
If you’re wondering what the hell I’m trying to say, or whether that was English or not, that was me trying to spell what “would it be possible to get some soup?” sounded like with my cold-ridden voice on the phone to Swiss Chalet when I called them in despearation asking if I could get their soup delivered. This was when, miracle of miracles, I found out, yee ha, they deliver soup! That soup rocks! It made me be able to go out and do what I had to do, which seemed impossible before the powers of soup set to work.
Man it made me laugh when the girl on the phone said, “Would you like some orange juice too?” I mean, my clogged nose and crackling voice on the verge of hacking up a lung would be hard to miss, but still!
So to everyone who finds themselves with a cold, no chicken soup in the cupboard, and something to do, Swiss Chalet soup will save you!
Nobody Knows The Perverts I’ve Seen
05 Apr, Wed, 14:03:01
free dicksucking
05 Apr, Wed, 19:32:07
naked male wrestlers
06 Apr, Thu, 10:00:19
stories of girls busting boys testicle
06 Apr, Thu, 11:24:03
free pictures of naked male wrestlers
06 Apr, Thu, 12:35:53
randy orton penis
06 Apr, Thu, 13:07:48
randy orton penis pictures
06 Apr, Thu, 20:29:59
MSN Search:
07 Apr, Fri, 15:45:48
Where can I find pictures of Randy Orton’s wife?
07 Apr, Fri, 16:59:41
MSN Search:
08 Apr, Sat, 02:17:27
Randy Orton penis
08 Apr, Sat, 12:36:01
randy’s orton’s penis
08 Apr, Sat, 22:16:27
MSN Search:
how to finger fuck a w woman
09 Apr, Sun, 05:44:15
masturbation and urine with foam
And on and on it goes…Every day…Just like this…Sometimes worse…
For Those of Y’all on Blindtech, Come On!
As a public service from Steve and I to anyone who is blind and can’t spell, or maybe just can’t spell period, here’s a helpful list of words that seem to be hard to spell for a lot of blinks. Let’s call this the blinklish to English dictionary. Feel free to give us suggestions of new words.
- win amp = Winamp.
- spybit or spy bot or spy bit or spy bots or spybotsd = Spybot! Can we get any more creative?
- Down load = download! There is a difference in emphasis when the screen-reader says it for crying out loud!
- gate way = Gateway! Again, emphasis, children!
- sacure = secure! Tip off no. 1. the screen reader mangles it. Tip-off no. 2. A helpful list member renames your thread.
***We interrupt this spelling lesson for a short grammar tip. *** Folks, when you have a question, it is not necessary to end your subject line with a question mark unless your subject line is in fact a question. For example, “firewall question” does not need to be, “firewall question?” Are you not sure that you have a question? Are you asking permission? Are you going to heighten our interest with that subject line and then proceed to talk about dogs? Come on, punctuation is important!
*** now back to your regularly scheduled Blinklish to English glossary.***
- nexessary = necessary.
- bittorrent or bitorrent = bit torrent. Two words this time. I know I know, it’s complicated.
- AVV = AVG. It’s a piece of shit, but at least spell the piece of shit’s name right.
- spy ware = spyware.
- Notice how I spelled firewall before? It’s not fire wall!
- Micro medium player = macromedia flash player. Come on! That’s not even close! I thought he was trying to play mini cassettes!
And now for the grand finale and our personal favourite…
If this helps someone, just one person, even if it helps them by making them laugh, that would make us happy. Feel free to suggest additions. And, if you just haven’t had enough of me being grammar bitch, read this or this and if you make these mistakes, learn!
Peace at Last!
Remember my loud and crazy new neighbour also known as Stupidhead? Well, apparently her stupidity knows no bounds, and soe does my relief at her exit. She’s gone!
I wouldn’t usually wish eviction on anyone, but frankly, she needed it. If you can believe it, she got worse since the last post about her. There were all kinds of criminals entering and exiting her house, and we know they were criminals because we witnessed them dealing drugs. Plus, dear old Stupidhead didn’t mind using some of the product either. Sometimes I’d knock because I got a piece of her mail, or had a simple question, etc. and when she came to the door, I could tell she was high as a kite. I would knock and a dude would answer the door. I’d ask for her, she’d freak out, run out of the apartment, answer my question, and slam the door in my face. Hello Paranoya!
It gets better. Her friends apparently didn’t know how to use the door, so they would crawl through her window! Piles of them would stay at her house when she was not at home, and it sounded like they were trashing the place. The only reason I knew she wasn’t there was I called over one day at 3 in the morning and asked for her so I could tell her to get her crazy buddies to pipe down, and one of them who sounded stoned out of his mind said she wasn’t even there.
It got to the point where I would be nervous walking down my part of the street just because she associated with so many thugs. I’m sure nothing would have happened, but it was that element of fear. I never know what people are going to do when drugs are involved.
Now I wake up in the morning and don’t hear slam! slam! slam! I don’t smell smoke seeping in from her place and filling the lobby. I don’t hear tales of dudes wanting to “fuck up” other dudes. I don’t wonder if I should call the cops. No more drama! Life is beautiful! Let’s hope the new neighbour rocks.
Yea Suckadoo Game!
Wow. I’m a loser. I’m sitting here, my ears are full of some cold-related goop and I feel like some invisible man is plugging them, and what am I doing? I’m playing a new game that I just found out about. It’s Sudoku, or as one funny man called it once, suckadoo, for blinks. Technically this game is called the Ultimate SounDoku but let’s face it kids, it’s Sudoku!
Now, has anyone else played Sudoku and wanted to just scream? Just when I think I’m getting the hang of it, it completely fukcs me over. Apparently, you’re supposed to memorize an 81-square grid and while you’re filling in the gaps, remember the whole rest of the picture so you don’t have to wipe a bunch clean and start over! Yeesh! I always wondered what was so fascinating about sudoku. Now I half wish I’d never asked. This is worse than that time I challenged Destination Mars! God damn you Sudoku, I! Will! Win!
You Are Here? The Mini And Less Funny Version
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, mostly because there haven’t been a whole lot of searches lately that have really caught my eye. There still aren’t, but here are a few that I’ve either just noticed or have had kicking around for a little while that I’ll toss up so that you can get a small peak into the minds of the people who somehow manage to find their way here. Remember, these are actual things that actual people actually searched for, Lord only knows why.
25 Jan, Wed, 15:07:01
MSN Search:
burn randy orton’s shower campaign
I’ve spent almost 3 months thinking about this and still have no idea what it could possibly mean. What The Fuck Department, I’m counting on you, don’t let me down.
30 Mar, Thu, 22:47:47
Is Randy Orton sucking a males penis
How in the hell I’m possibly supposed to know this I have no earthly idea, but what I can tell you is that WWE
just suspended him for 60 days,
so if he is, it’s obviously not the right one.
By the way, even though I’ve been trying to figure it out since 2003 when we opened this place up, I still have no idea what people’s obsession is with young Randy and the staff of life. I was hoping that one of the literally thousands of people who have stumbled upon the site that way would have explained it to me by now, but sadly, not one of them has found the courage to lift the vail of shame that allows them to remain anonymous perverts and send that email or leave that comment. I can sort of understand why, but come on, this is the internet, and you can always pretend to be somebody else, like that guy at the office you don’t like very much.
05 Apr, Wed, 15:59:15
me naked
Um…maybe try a mirror?
That’s all I’ve got for now, but time and weirdoes willing, I’ll be back with a better one before too long.
But until we meet again, I’ll leave you to ponder this question.
How does it change many dyslexics to take a light bulb?
This One’s For The Ladies
It’s official, donkeys are better than housewives.
And don’t go hating on me for this one either. It’s in a school textbook, so it’s got to be true.