Found this on a pretty funny site. where to these people come from???
One day in a popular chat room, a young religious man by the name of ILuVGod32 posted an invitation reading, “Any ladies who would not find it too much trouble to have cyber sex with me, please send me a private message.” He received in reply a private message from the young lady of faith ChristGirl1210. An involved conversation took place. This is its transcript.
ChristGirl210: hey wanna cyber?
ILuVGod32: sure…
ChristGirl210: cool
ILuVGod32: alright
ChristGirl210: ready?
ILuVGod32: yep
ChristGirl210: ok
ILuVGod32: yeah
ChristGirl210: well?
ILuVGod32: well what?
ChristGirl210: well lets do it
ILuVGod32: i’m waiting for you
ChristGirl210: no dont do that, go ahead
ILuVGod32: i cant
ChristGirl210: why?
ILuVGod32: b/c i’m waiting for you
ChristGirl210: just go ahead
ILuVGod32: no, you, please
ChristGirl1210: whats the big deal?
ILuVGod32: alright, fine, listen: i dont know how to do it
ILuVGod32: i just hear my friends talking about it
ChristGirl1210: golly gosh darn gee!
ILuVGod32: sorry… can you tell me?
ChristGirl1210: i dont know what it is either
ILuVGod32: damnit!
ChristGirl1210: do you have any idea at all?
ILuVGod32: someone said something about getting horny
ChristGirl1210: ok…
ILuVGod32: so like… maybe i think horny thoughts..?
ChristGirl1210: maybe
ChristGirl1210: i’ll try that
ILuVGod32: alright
ILuVGod32: wait, this cant be right, we should be somehow chatting
ChristGirl1210: yeah ur right
ILuVGod32: well then what the heck could it be?
ChristGirl1210: i dont know
ILuVGod32: well its called *cyber* sex, so it must have to do w/ computers
ChristGirl1210: and?
ILuVGod32: maybe we rub up against our monitors and keyboards or something
ChristGirl1210: but then we aren’t chatting
ILuVGod32: oh yeah
ChristGirl1210: then what is cybersex?
ILuVGod32: Oh, i know! we tell eachother horny stuff, like we’re having sex
ChristGirl1210: oh thats probably it
ILuVGod32: ok lets do that, i’ll start
ChristGirl1210: alright
ILuVGod32: i’m taking off my shirt, to expose my chest
ChristGirl1210: what’s it like
ILuVGod32: its very… bright white, and it has two nipples, one on the left, and one on the right
ChristGirl1210: ooh! i see the left one… and there’s the right one, equally handsome
ILuVGod32: in fact, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could touch it
ChristGirl1210: i cant, i’m not really there
ILuVGod32: it’s pretend
ChristGirl1210: oh! thats right
ChristGirl1210: ok i am reaching out to touch your chest, it is magnificently white
ILuVGod32: oh sorry
ChristGirl1210: what?
ILuVGod32: i just farted
ChristGirl1210: gross! its not real, remember?
ILuVGod32: oh, thats right, never mind
ChristGirl1210: where were we?
ILuVGod32: touching my chest
ChristGirl1210: oh yeah.. its a very nice chest, i like all of the contours
ILuVGod32: oh really? maybe you could also take off your shirt (if it wouldnt be too much trouble)
ChristGirl1210: ok
ILuVGod32: wow, that’s a nice stomach you’ve got there
ChristGirl1210: what do you mean? i took off my sweater, i’m still wearing my shirt
ILuVGod32: oh, oh, of course
ILuVGod32: i never really took of my shirt, either
ChristGirl1210: you didn’t? I did, just not both of my shirts
ILuVGod32: you didnt, y not?
ChristGirl1210: do u think i’m gonna sit here w/ my shirt off when you can’t even tell?
ChristGirl1210: i mean, my dad is home
ILuVGod32: this isnt turnign me on
ChristGirl1210: oooh, sorry, let me try again
ChristGirl1210: i’ve taken off my shirt now, i’m showing you my undershirt
ILuVGod32: christ, how many shirts do you have?
ChristGirl1210: did u just say the lords name in vain?
ILuVGod32: sorry, i didnt mean to
ChristGirl1210: its ok
ILuVGod32: im takin off my pants
ChristGirl1210: hey now
ChristGirl1210: i dont even know you
ILuVGod32: yeah you do, member, you asked to cyber.
ChristGirl1210: oh yah, i did
ChristGirl1210: ooh, your legs r sooo hot
ILuVGod32: i like your chest
ChristGirl1210: hey, why r u lookin at my chest? you perve!
ILuVGod32: what? i thought this was cyber sex!
ChristGirl1210: i’m sorry, i just cant do this.
ILuVGod32: aw, come on now
ChristGirl1210: hey, thats sexual harrassment, and i don’t have to take it
ILuVGod32: OMG, what is wrong with you?
ChristGirl1210: i dunno…. i just feel dirty
ILuVGod32: but, we didn’t do anything
ChristGirl1210: i know…
ILuVGod32: then whats the problem? come on baby.. i like the taste of your inner thigh
ChristGirl1210: what the hell? who r you?
ChristGirl1210: what have you done w/ jason?
ILuVGod32: whos jason?
ILuVGod32: im mark
ChristGirl1210: u are?
ILuVGod32: no, im jason, just screwin w/ yah
ChristGirl1210: lol
ILuVGod32: lol
ChristGirl1210: anyways
ChristGirl1210: i really like your body, its so sexy
ILuVGod32: thanks, you can hardly tell that i’m 5 ft 2 and weigh 240 pds, right
ChristGirl1210: eeeeew
ILuVGod32: oh, sorry i just farted again
ChristGirl1210: why do you keep telling me these things
ILuVGod32: i dunno, i guess its a fetsih
ChristGirl1210: what’s a fetsih
ILuVGod32: its weird stuff that turns people on
ChristGirl1210: oh, like how my dad dresses up like a sumo wrestler, and jumps on my mom?
ILuVGod32: whaat?
ChristGirl1210: oh, n/m
ILuVGod32: so, what turns you on?
ChristGirl1210: i like bunnies
ILuVGod32: so do i, they are so soft and fuzzy, and i like to touch them
ChristGirl1210: thats just weird
ILuVGod32: what?
ChristGirl1210: oh forget it
ChristGirl1210: btw, are you wearing a condom?
ILuVGod32: it’s not real!
ChristGirl1210: i know, but it just feels dirty otherwise
ILuVGod32: what the hell does it matter?
ChristGirl1210: would you please quit cursing? anyway, i dont want to get some horrible std, duh
ILuVGod32: are you crazy? i dont even have one
ChristGirl1210: well if you’re gonna be having sex with random people from chat rooms, you should at least carry one in your wallet
ILuVGod32: ok whatever, i’m putting on a condom
ChristGirl1210: you said you don’t have any
ChristGirl1210: alright, fine, but if i get pregnant, dont think youre dodging child support
ILuVGod32: my god you are weird
ChristGirl1210: well it’s not like i’d get an abortion, i couldn’t kill a child
ILuVGod32: what is your problem?
ChristGirl1210: i’m not the one who keeps farting
ILuVGod32: can we get on with it?
ChristGirl32: ok, ok
ILuVGod32: how bout takin off your pants so we can get some action going?
ChristGirl32: how bout NOT, creep!!
ILuVGod32: oh this is so hopeless
ChristGirl32: it wouldn’t be if you weren’t such a pervert, shouldnt we at least get to know eachother first?
ILuVGod32: you don’t get it do you?
ChristGirl32: you’re the one who doesn’t know how to have a proper relationship
ILuVGod32: listen, i’m leaving, dont talk to me again unless you know what the hells going on
ChristGirl32: i dont wanna have sex with you anyway, you curse so much you’d probably be abusive later in life
ILuVGod32: whatever, bye