In My Day…

What is happening to me? Am I aging too fast? I feel like a grandmother because of what I’m about to say, but I’m going to say it anyway.

Holy crap how lazy are we getting? I see commercials for egg yolks already pre-cracked and in a carton. Eeewww. how hard is it to go tap tap tap, break? The idea of pre-broken eggs just grosses me out.

Then I saw one for this thing you put into your wash that keeps colours from running, so you don’t have to sort your laundry. The only practical purpose I can see for that is if you’re in an apartment with coin-operated laundry machines and you’re too cheap to sort your laundry into separate loads, or maybe if you’re blind and have no idea which clothes are brightly-coloured, but in that case, you have bigger problems to worry about because you could be wearing an orange shirt when you think it’s blue. The rest is purely laziness. “Now I don’t have to sort my laundry. This thing will keep my clothes ok.” I’m waiting for the first lawsuit when it fails.

And then there are these weird self-heating coffee cans. You break something and then these chemicals heat up your coffee on their own. That’s too weird. What is in them? How hard would it be to just, um, make your coffee?

I think I’m done now. All I have to say is at this rate, the future freaks me out.

You Said it was Ok, I Should Have Known It Wasn’t.

Ok, since the creative juices seem to be flowing, why don’t I get an idea down that’s been bugging me for a while? Why do people have to play such games, especially when they start dating? Girls seem to love this, so much so that sometimes I’m ashamed to be one.

First there’s the waiting game. I hear other girls saying they want equality, but then they still wait for the guy to ask them out. You have a mouth, use it! If he’s scared off by a few words, then he’s not worth it.

Then there’s the calling game. “No, I won’t call him, I want to see if he really wants me.” Piss off. What if he decided to play the same game? Wouldn’t that be a lovely pickle you’ve got yourselves into? Each of you waiting for the other, then each of you pissed at the other for not calling, then giving up on something that could have been good if one of you had stopped playing the chess game of dating, forgotten strategy and just made a fucking move? It would make a whole lot more sense, and then you’d at least know where each other stands.

If you manage to get past the asking and the calling, there’s the opposites game. First of all, what the hell’s with playing hard to get? The way I see it, playing hard to get only works with creeps who don’t really give two shits what you think and will push for their way anyway, people who can’t read people’s signals, and people who think they’re God’s gift to the opposite sex and will chase you like Peppy Le pew. Do you really want to date one of those anyway? The ones you really want will get your signal and promptly go away.

And here comes the fun, when they say the opposite of what they really mean. “Na, I don’t mind if we stay out late.” “Yeah, let’s go home.” When they really mean, “I can’t stand this place and your friends” and “I’d like to stay longer.” Say what you god damn mean! Don’t leave the guy to guess. Then there’s the “I’m fine” game. She says she’s fine, but her body language is saying “I’m going to rip your face off soon.” Even when the poor guy asks what’s wrong, she still says there’s nothing. And then the complaining about the guy being insensitive starts. Well what do you think? You’ve taught him not to care because you won’t tell him what the hell you’re thinking.

And if the two manage to talk in backwards speak and read each other’s reverse signals and stay together, one of them thinks they can change the other one with work. My question to them is, why are you bothering to date him/her if you don’t like what you see? It’s one thing to mention a couple things, or reach compromises if you’re living with them. But when you’re trying to “shape” them into what you want, to the point that you’re making them change who they are, nagging at them constantly, maybe you should rethink the relationship. What do you think that nagging crap does to the other guy? Do you really think it’s actually helping them?

And those are the big ones that make my head spin. Then again, I’m single, so maybe I’m the one who doesn’t understand.

Phew! That scared me!

I was walking home tonight from swimming, and it was getting a little late. I hate walking home in the dark. It creeps me out, and don’t start with the, “But you’re always in the dark” shit. You know what I mean. I just have this way too overactive imagination. it picks that time of night to dredge up all the old crime scenarios I’ve ever heard of and fling them at me in rapid succession. Then I hear theme songs from crime shows, clips from the spookiest urban legends you’ve ever been told, and everything else dark and freaky you can imagine. To add to the fun, sometimes I imagine I can hear footsteps following me, and then I realize it’s a leaf stuck to my foot. No really, I’m not paranoid.

But tonight I got a good scare. I got to my entrance…and opened it to find flashing lights! It looked like lightning striking in the inside of the little lobby thingy before my actual apartment. I guess the florescent light that is always on has decided it’s time to die…but why did that have to happen at night? Holy Jesus Murphy that scared me. And now that you’re all thoroughly bored, I’ll go away.

Maybe We should Do That Here

Turkmen President Bans Lip Synching

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan – He has outlawed opera and ballet and railed against long hair and gold teeth, but now the authoritarian president of Turkmenistan is determined to wipe out another perceived scourge: lip synching.

President Saparmurat Niyazov has ordered a ban on lip synching performances across the tightly controlled Central Asian nation, citing “a negative effect on the development of singing and musical art,” the president’s office said Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, one can see on television old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs,” Niyazov told a Cabinet meeting in comments broadcast on state TV on Tuesday. “Don’t kill talents by using lip synching… Create our new culture.”

Under Niyazov’s order, lip synching is now prohibited at all cultural events, concerts, on television — and at private celebrations such as weddings.

Niyazov has led the former Soviet republic for 20 years, creating a personality cult around himself and issuing decrees regulating behavior in all aspects of life.

In 2001, Niyazov banned opera and ballet as not corresponding with the national mentality. Last year, he called for young people not to get gold tooth caps and urged authorities to crack down on young men wearing beards or long hair.

Freedom? Normality? What’s that?

I saw something on the news that scared me. Apparently, because of a few numbnutses who like to make Crystal Meth, which can be made by using ingredients in common cold remedies, they want to restrict common cold remedies. What kind of stupid solution is that? Where does it stop? Next, are we going to ban common cleaning supplies because they can be used to make bombs? Cell phones because they can have explosives put in them? And oh, we can’t fly planes because they’ve been hijacked! Anything and everything can be used for bad purposes if someone thinks hard enough. The solution is not to ban the thing, because the people with the meth labs will just find another thing to use. How about solving the problem instead of wrecking everything for everyone else? The only people who suffer in this are the people who just have a bad cold and need some medicine.

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Why is it these days that people have to make something more complicated than it needs to be? Why can’t something just be what it is? Why does there have to be an excuse? A disorder? Something to explain it all away?

Here’s an example. I met this guy who was…a total asshole! He had no respect for his girlfriend, he was in the military and liked to throw his military weight around, to solve problems, he liked to fight, and he often got barred from places because of this crap. When I described him to another friend, she said, “He must have some self-esteem problems, or he mustn’t be wel.” Ok, maybe he isn’t, but until I see some sign of that from him, the answer is simple! he’s a dick! End of story! Can’t some people just be assholes? We know the world is full of jerks, must their behaviour be explained away? Don’t people have to take responsibility for their own actions anymore? No no no, it’s someone else’s fault, always. I should know that already judghing by the piles of stupid lawsuits out there.

Another thing I heard was some stupidity when that thing happened with that lady they called the runaway bride. Some people were trying to say she did all of that because she had hyperthyroidism. Whatever. Sure a condition can make you do things a little out of wack from the normal you, but the mind in that body has to come up with the idea to run away and lie about getting kidnapped and all of that. That didn’t all just fly out of her overactive thyroid.

The way I see it, people have to earn my understanding to some degree, and if they earn something else before they get that, it’s even harder to sympathize with them. And I’m not going to assume immediately that they’re sick and that’s why they’re doing whatever they’re doing to be a total moron/asshole/idiot/knob. I mean, if I know a person and they’re not usually a dick, then it’s perfectly normal to assume something’s wrong and show concern. But if I meet them on the street and they go above and beyond the call of duty to show me they’re a jerk, then forget it. I’m all for the benefit of the doubt, but some people take that way too far.

This saddens Me.

I got a message from the company, Computer Associates, that makes the antivirus program, ETrust EZ Antivirus, I used to use before I got my new computer, which was pre-loaded with Norton. Otherwise, I would have still used it today. But this message I received made me think twice about this company. it’s like they have sunk to the lowest of the low.

I quote:

New Computer Worm Damages PCs Worldwide
Dear Insert my name here,

Without eTrust EZ Antivirus you are vulnerable to this worm! Purchase your eTrust subscription now to stay safe.

Security experts are warning that Tpbot.A the latest strain of the recently released Zotob.B worm is shutting down computers and is affecting hundreds of
major companies around the world.

Unfortunately, our records indicate that you have not yet purchased eTrust EZ Antivirus. PURCHASE NOW before it is too late. Tpbot.A is a clear and present
danger – don’t risk everything on your hard drive: photos, MP3s, archived e-mails, saved files and more…

Tpbot.A could be in your inbox by the time you go to sleep tonight. Get a good night’s rest. Purchase eTrust EZ Antivirus today for just $29.95.

The eTrust™ Security Team


Ok, isn’t that poorly-written message, um, a little like fear-mongering? If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was one of those circulating hoaxes that tell of certain doom because of a given virus that was found by Microsoft. Computer Associates is supposed to be a reputable company. Why are they acting like the filthiest of rogue anti-spyware software? The ones that say, “You’re infected, you need us now.” Please, guys, leave scare tactics to those who actually need to use them to survive, er, bottom-feed. Let your name stand for itself. If I haven’t renewed your product, I’m a big girl, I can handle the consequences.

Attention All Stalkers!

Ok, there are certain people out there who really need to learn some things.

Thing no. 1. When you haven’t talked to someone all day, and finally you catch up with them, asking extremely prying questions about where they’ve been every minute of the afternoon won’t make them want to talk to you. It’s one thing to ask how the person’s day was, or ask what they’ve been up to. But asking where they were at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00, unless you’re a member of the police conducting a murder investigation, will likely provoke the person to ask you to piss off. it will also vault you from the realm of nice friend to creepy stalker. Unless that’s what you’re aspiring to be, stop it now!

Thing no. 2. Every time a friend says, “My friend did that.” You do not need to demand their name and how this person met their friend. You do not know everyone your friend knows, nor do you need to. Get your nose out of their business. It’s one thing if you think you might know the person, but asking about every god damn friend they mention, and then acting insulted that you had never heard of this person before makes you look a little too interested in the details of your friends’ personal lives.

Thing no. 3. When someone isn’t home, and you don’t have an urgent need to get a hold of them, calling their cell phone to track them down isn’t a good idea, especially when you’re really not that close a friend. They likely have voice mail, leave a message and move on. It’s one thing if you’re trying to track them down because they’re supposed to meet you. But when it is 4 in the morning, and they don’t pick up their phone, immediately calling their cell phone will not make them be impressed. it will only impress upon them that you are creepy.

That is all, now if only a few people would learn those lessons well, the world would be a better place.

Oh the Irony!

I got to thinking about a few things that struck me as ironic. I was watching TV and some commercial came on for a medication designed to treat overactive bladder. I guess some people are always having to pee. Anyway, after having its praises sung, especially the fact that you didn’t have to get up to pee during the night so much, the voice started to speed up. It’s time for the side-effects, drawbacks, and everything else they don’t want to tell you but they’ll have their balls sued off if they don’t mention them. One of the side-effects was, get ready for it, diarrhea. I can just hear it now. “instead of having to get up in the night to go no. 1, you can rush to do no. 2. That’s so much better!”

I heard another drug commercial, why I notice them all I don’t know. Maybe it’s because they’re so damn obnoxious. This one was for some kind of pill that stops heartburn and heals the esophagus. And one of its biggest side-effects? Abdominal pain. So I guess you’re stuck with the pain no matter what. You just have to hope that this is the good pain.

And here’s a kicker of an irony. Picture a yoga instructor. What things come to mind? Relaxed? confident? accepting of their own limits? Virtually stress-free, or at least extremely able to deal with stress? Suffering from crazy anxiety? Woe, where did that one come from? Well apparently my yoga instructor had a whole lot of anxiety, so bad that she couldn’t stand up in front of people, much less turn herself into a pretzle. You just look at that and wonder. If that’s possible, maybe I’ll drive a car. On second thought, maybe not.

And that’s about it for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more stuff later.

I Heart Dictators

I just came across this
full of love poems written to some of the world’s most well known dictators. It cracked me up, so I’m linking it.

Here’s an example of what you’ll find there. It brought a tear to my eye, and it wasn’t even about me.

I Heart You
In Turkmenistan there is a man
free speech he might ban
but I have fallen hard
and want to send a card
filled with my love
that must have come from above
In the “Rukhnama” his book
my love took root
with statues to yourself all over the place
I think you won the cult of personality race
how much I love you could never compare
to how much I want to live in your lair
Please Saparmurat Niyazov
Buy me a shot of smirnoff!