Irony Rules

So how is everybody? Good? No? Yes? Whatever, let’s just get on with this.

I wish I could figure out what the hell is up with the weather these days. Last week it was amazingly Summerish, then over the weekend there was snow on the ground and yesterday was just cold and crappy, but today was one of the strangest weather days I can remember. When I woke up this morning it was raining pretty hard, when I left the house the rain had stopped but it seemed like it might start up again, when I left the radio station it was windy as hell, and then when I got off of the bus to walk home the sun was shining and it felt like a nice Spring day. And now according to my little computerized weather thingie it is currently 15 degrees outside. That’s celsius, not Fahrenheit, I should probably mention that so that all the Americans don’t start freaking out. But seriously guys, that shit ain’t right. We aren’t supposed to have 3 seasons in as many days, we just aren’t, and I think that 2 in 1 day is a little much too. But the more of this craziness I live through, the more sense
Lewis Black
makes. If you’ve ever listened to any of his albums, you’ll know what I mean.

“This is great Steve,” I hear you saying, “but what does you bitching about the weather have to do with irony?”

“Nothing,” I reply, “but I’m writing this article and I’ll make casual conversation if I feel like it. But since I sort of promised irony in the title of the post, I guess I should talk about it, so here goes.”

Carin was talking yesterday about how in our city they’re messing with everything and have decided to
move the bus system to a new spot
until they’re finished. The whole situation is a huge pain in the ass, and she’s right, nobody can agree on what exactly it is they’re doing there. I’ve asked 6 or 7 different people myself and gotten as many different answers. The purpose of the construction seems to change about as much as the weather in this stupid town, but enough about that. I’ve heard everything from they’re putting in new street lamps to it’s a wiring job to my personal favourite, “hell if I know.” That one came from somebody who works for transit here in the city. You’ve gotta respect honesty like that.

But speaking of the transit system, here comes your irony. When I found out that everything was being moved around, I called them to ask about whether or not there were any scheduling changes because when you’re trying to get somewhere on time, that’s kind of important to know. The woman on the phone told me that they were having a lot of trouble with busses arriving late but that I should plan to get to the stop at my usual time just in case. Well, it’s a really good thing I listened and it’s even better that I’ve kept listening since because every bus I’ve taken since this mess started has been more on time than any of the others that I’ve taken in the entire 5 years that I’ve lived here.

See, irony rules, just like I said. And it gets better, even though this one has nothing to do with busses or me.

According to
this story,
one of the people on Michael Jackson’s potential defence witnesses list was arrested last week for having sex with an under-age girl. The man, 18-year-old Ahmad Elatab, was charged with sexual assault, criminal sexual contact and impairing the morals of a minor.

I have nothing more to add to that, other than like I’ve already said, irony rules.

I’m going to do something else now, I’ll talk to you all later.

What Does Freedom-Fighter Mean to You?

No, this isn’t even remotely close to deep or political. The deepest it goes is, wow people are out of it in my town.

There’s this weird coffee store near me. It’s kind of a cool place. There’s a grinder working all the time, and they get blends of coffee that are supposedly made in fair-trade working conditions so little kids aren’t being forced to pick beans and make stuff, etc. Since I’m graduating, I was buying some gifts for some people who have helped me along the way, and I know one of them likes coffee from this store. So I go in there to get him a gift basket. I ask what kind of gift baskets they have, and they tell me they have this one where you get two different kinds of coffee, a chocolate bar, and some tea. Now, here’s my point. The two most popular kinds of coffee they have are Freedom-Fighter, and Chatty Matty.

Chatty Matty I follow, especially if it’s espresso. But what does Freedom-Fighter make you think? To me, it makes me think terrorist. Isn’t that what some terrorists call themselves?

Unable to contain myself, I call the store, blocking my number of course. I ask them what’s in the coffee called Freedom-Fighter. She flatly says, “It’s a blend of Guatemalan and Peruvian coffee.” Surprised that she doesn’t want to know why I’m curious, I can’t leave it alone. I say, “the reason I’m curious is because when I think Freedom-Fighter, I think terrorist, and can’t figure out how coffee and terrorists go together.” The reaction is, well, priceless! First it was..”I’ve never had anyone ask me that before.” then “Um, I didn’t name it….” Then it’s “I never thought about it…” then it’s “well, I guess you can take it any way you want to…I just think someone’s fighting for their freedom.” After assuring her that I wasn’t appalled or anything, just more laughing than anything else, and saying that was the only reason I called, I let the poor befuddled clerk go.

Then I got to thinking, wow, people in this town really live in bubbles. Think about it. If it is one of their most popular blends of coffee, how can at least one other person have not asked that question? Do people not think any more? And, how can it have never crossed her mind that freedom-fighter means terrorist to most people, unless she’s lived under a rock and never heard the term except in the context of coffee? Part of me says she reacted that way because she’s getting paid by the store, and so, to protect their good name, she sort of played dumb. But oh no, the amount of shock and complete surprise in her reaction tells me she honestly had never had that idea float into her head. It just surprises me. I admit that I don’t read and watch as much news as I should, but I at least have a general understanding of what’s going on around me!

Confusion Square?

Well, the people in the city where I live sure know how to make things interesting. For some unknown reason that no one can agree on, they’ve decided to rip apart the main hub of downtown. Some say it’s to fix sewer pipes, some say it’s to put in phone lines, some just stare mystified at all the fenses and barricades and go, “What the hell?” At any rate, they’ve basically ripped up the place where buses usually come in.

Ok, fine, it had to be done. Glad they’re fixing something, whatever they’re fixing. So they’ve moved the place where buses come in to another set of four corners. Cool. But here’s the part where I get confused. At this new place, they didn’t bother to tell people which bus goes where. And they don’t seem to have kept the same configuration of buses. So it’s really hillarious to watch, because I’m just as confused as the rest of the world. Now, on top of basically having their routes turned on their heads, and apparently having to drive around looking for a place to park, the poor frazzled bus drivers are left answering an endless string of “which bus is this?” or “Is this where this bus comes in?” You’d think the least they could do is put up a few temporary signs. Oh well, at least they didn’t shut down the whole bus system. That would have sucked so huge. And for now, when I look lost, I’ll just look like everybody else.

Ok, This Is Just Strange

If you’re planning a trip to Germany, you might want to pack a raincoat and a helmet. And no, Helmet isn’t some German guy either.

Apparently parks in the city of Hamburg are being faced with a very unusual problem,
exploding toads.

Nobody seems to know why it’s happening, but over the past 4 days, over 1000 toads have spontaneously exploded in various city parks sending entrails flying into the sky and leaving body parts scattered everywhere.

Nature protection worker Werner Smolnik described it this way:

“You see the toads crawling along the ground, swelling and getting bigger as they go until they are like little tennis balls, and then they suddenly explode.”

Personally I think they should make some kind of tour out of this. I’m sure that a fair number of people would pay good money to watch toads blow up. I know I’d give some thought to going and I’m sure I could find a few people to come along.

Hope I Didn’t Jynx It

Wow the weather is psycho. I’d just started to think that spring was here to stay. I’d been saying to people, wow, I think spring is really here. We actually didn’t have too many return visits from Old Man Winter! Perhaps I said that too many times, because I woke up to a nasty surprise! There was snow on the grass! Nooo! It doesn’t seem fair after the almost summer weather we had just last week! All I have to say is it better get gone real fast.

Resume Mistakes

These are supposedly things that were actually written on resumes and cover letters. I love this sort of stuff.

“I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.”

“I have lurnt WordPerfect 6.0 computor and spreadsheat progroms.”

“Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.”

“Reason for leaving last job: Maturity leave.”

“Wholly responsible for two (2) failed financial institutions.”

“Failed bar exam with relatively high grades.”

“It’s best for employers that I not work with people.”

“Let’s meet, so you can ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over my experience.”

“You will want me to be Head Honcho in no time.”

“Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.”

“I was working for my mom until she decided to move.”

“Marital status: Single. Unmarried. Unengaged. Uninvolved. No commitments.”

“I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse.”

“I am loyal to my employer at all costs… Please feel free to respond to my resume on my office voice mail.”

“I have become completely paranoid, trusting completely no one and absolutely nothing.”

“My goal is to be a meteorologist. But since I possess no training in meteorology, I suppose I should try stock brokerage.”

“I procrastinate, especially when the task is unpleasant.”

“Personal interests: donating blood. Fourteen gallons so far.”

“Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain store.”

“Note: Please don’t misconstrue my 14 jobs as “job-hopping.” I have never quit a job.”

“Marital status: often. Children: various.”

“Reason for leaving last job: They insisted that all employees get to work by 8:45 every morning. Could not work under those conditions.”

“The company made me a scapegoat, just like my three previous employers.”

“Finished eighth in my class of ten.”

“References: None. I’ve left a path of destruction behind me.”

4 Things

1. Go read this. Somebody sent some hatemail to Five For Fighting and the guy who is the whole band actually wrote him back. It doesn’t end up being much of an exchange and Mr. For Fighting ended up being pretty cool about the whole thing, but the email he was sent is really funny so check it out anyway.

2. Note to the Bang on a Can All-Stars. Change your name, immediately! This one makes you sound like some sort of homosexual theatre troop. Don’t get mad, I’m just trying to look out for you.

3. On the news tonight there was a story about a new hospital that will specialize in burn injuries. That got me to thinking, has there ever been a report of a fire in one of those places? I can’t remember ever hearing one, but maybe one of you can. If so, let me know. You get extra points if the building burned completely to the ground.

4. We are currently testing our public address system to ensure that everything is in working order and that all equipment will respond properly in an emergency situation. We kindly ask that anyone who cannot hear this announcement contact us immediately. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

What’s Up with That?

I’ve noticed lately when I hear commercials for dog and cat food, they talk about the taste. How it tastes better than ever, how it’s the best food ever taste-wise. My question is, how do they know? It’s not like you can ask fido or spot which food he likes better and get a definitive answer. And, if they’re not asking fido or spot, are humans eating it and being the judge? If so, I hope they’re well-paid. that’s absolutely disgusting. The only other explanation, and the most likely one, is that it’s a load of bullshit. Who the hell knows if it tastes better? Unless they tell me how they know, they’re stringing me a line.

I remember the old days when commercials for pet food made sense. They talked about how much protein was in them, how they were recommended by vets, etc. That could still be bullshit, but it’s believable bullshit. This shit about taste? Whatever.

It must be because the pet-owning population has gone sappy. They want to be assured that what they feed spot tastes good to him. Face it, pet taste buds are different than yours. Just accept that their food likely tastes like ass, and don’t be so gullible!

Post Title Goes Here

Hey everybody. Sorry for not posting anything since Friday, though I’m not sure how sorry I should be since it’s not like you didn’t have anything to read. Big ups to Carin for keeping things going while I’ve been lazy, and for helping out in general. That’s really cool of her and I appreciate it.

I can totally relate to the whole song thing even though I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head. But it’s weird hearing stuff that you listened to as a young kid and realizing how much deeper a meaning things have and how much you really didn’t understand even though you thought everything made perfect sense. Same goes for things like TV shows and movies and comedy routines. No matter how much you really did get, or thought you got back then, there’s always more to understand. But when you stop and think about it, everything in life is that way. There’s always more to figure out. Wow, that was heavy. I apologize.

While we’re talking site business and things that go on here, feel free to check out the ads if you like what we’re doing. Good things happen when you do that.

Does anybody remember Matt? I’m just curious because nobody’s asking me where he is, how he’s doing and whether or not he still writes here anymore. I’m not complaining, I’m just noticing is all.

Ok, here come a few random thoughts…

Am I the only one who thinks that they should rename Smokey the Bear? You might think I’m nuts, but I honestly can’t figure out how he became so successful in the PSA business with a name like that. I mean it would make sense if he worked for the tobacco lobby, but he doesn’t. He’s the fire prevention bear and maybe it’s just me, but a name like Smokey sort of implies that something went horribly wrong at some point. And if at this point you feel like writing in to tell me how Smokey got his name, don’t waste your time because I already know and my opinion still stands. If you can’t figure out why I feel that way, read this and then try to tell me that it’s not even a little bit mean spirited. After all, there’s a reason why you never see Choppy the Chimp speaking out about the destruction of the rainforest or Timmy the Tumour campaigning for cancer awareness. It’s just wrong. But having said that, I still can’t help but think that Crispy the Caterpillar was completely overlooked during spokesanimal interviews.

But maybe it’s time to retire Smokey anyway. He’s gone through enough. He’s suffered with that awful name for over 50 years now and I for one think he deserves to live out the rest of his days not having to be constantly reminded of how he was almost burned to death but was then captured by a bunch of do gooders, named after his tragic accident and then exploited for the majority of his existence because an ever-increasing number of retards don’t know how to look after a camp fire. We owe him that much.

So the question now becomes if he does retire, who will replace him? I’d say Crispy the Caterpillar but that would just put us back where we started with the whole naming thing and besides, he soured on the whole industry years ago. So no, that won’t do at all. Personally I think we should go with either Hydrant the Hound Dog or Water Bomber the Worm, either of whom would more accurately reflect the prevention message that we’re trying to get across. I would have said “trying to spread,” but that would have been a little too ironic.

There’s a player in the NBA named Darko. I find that really funny, but maybe that’s just my racist side talking.

But speaking of racism, I heard something on the radio this morning that really got on my nerves. There was a story on the news about a guy who tried to lure a teenaged girl into his car by following her as she walked home and repeatedly asking her if she needed a ride. The story went on to describe the suspect as a “non-white” male.” What the hell is that? Have we really “progressed” so much as a society that instead of talking about what colour somebody is, we have to talk about which ones he isn’t even in cases where lives could potentially be saved? Non-white is about as helpful as non-blue or non-Asian in a situation like that. Why not tell us who we *are* looking for instead of who we don’t have to worry about?

And by the way, there’s something you never hear, non-Asian. And you never hear somebody talking about their non-gay friends either. And when was the last time you heard somebody refer to you as a non-asshole? Probably never, because it sounds ridiculous. Non-white is one of those terms that guilty white people came up with in a pathetic attempt to make themselves feel a little less discriminatory. Nothing more, nothing less. It means nothing, and it makes you sound like a prick. Seriously folks, this political correctness has gone insane, and it needs to stop. So if all of you could do me a small favour I’d appreciate it. IF you ever find yourself in the company of someone who uses the term non-white in a serious context, I want you to non-refrain from punching that person right in the goddamn head. Thank you and good day.

I’ll be back with more later, and I bet that Carin will probably have more to say at some point too, so stay tuned, or whatever you’re supposed to stay to a website. We’re not TV or radio, so tuned doesn’t work…any ideas? But yeah, more stuff coming soon. I’ve got a bunch of new searches that need to be put together and who knows what I’ll come across or what will land in my email between now and then so stay…somethinged.