Old Songs and Being a Kid

When you were a kid, do you remember, along with the goofy kids’ songs you heard, you listened to your parents’ records? I know I did, some of them obsessively. I don’t even know why, I guess because mom and dad liked them. But I would even ask to listen to them! And now that I’m older, and hear some of the stuff I listened to, and recited more than likely, I’m surprised mom and dad never put a stop to it.

Here’s an example. Does anyone else remember the song “Ruby” by Kenny Rogers? I remember when I first heard it, I had no idea what it was about. How could I, I was only 3 or 4. Anyway, my parents live out in the country, and mom used to always get annoyed that dad always wanted to go to town to go shopping and “run the roads”as she called it, and never help out around the house. So, I just thought the guy was mad that his wife was going to town all the time. Not quite! How about he’s a Vietnam vet who’s pretty much on death’s door and his wife’s always off screwing other guys.

And the worst part was I probably memorized it and sang it along with the record, and who knows where else. It’s really weird. I remember every word of that song, even though I didn’t really realize their meaning. I hadn’t heard that song since being a little kid, and I heard it the other day on an oldies station. And every line came back to me only in the form of a string of meaningless syllables. That’s a weird experience. Has anyone else had that happen? And then you realize what the song means, and you can’t help but laugh at yourself and wonder how many people you freaked out for knowing that song and singing it.

I remember making my grandma mad for singing that Ghetto song by Elvis. I had never seen her mad before, but holy crap I was forbidden to sing those words in her house. And I still remember something that every time I think about, I cringe. I remember vividly singing “Let’s Get Physical” by Olivia Newton-John to a bunch of people. Ug! I had no idea what I was singing. I remember the line about hearing your body talk. I had so many talking things that I was like, “hmmm a talking body? Neat!” God I was such a stupid kid. Did anyone else do this? Or have I just exposed that I was the stupidest kid on the planet?

Update on the Screaming Freak

Remember the other day when I wrote that crazy post about that guy who wouldn’t leave the bus unless he got his TV, oh so sorry, TV-VCR combo back that he left on the other bus? Remember when I thought he could have shot somebody? Well I wasn’t far off. My friend ran into him downtown, and overheard him talking. It turns out he’s a crack dealer! Or was doing some less than cool things anyway. Whatever he is, he’s stupid, talking about his stuff in a pretty obvious place in a pretty obvious way, or maybe he’s smoked too much of his product. Anyway, woe that was close. I hope I never run into him again. Well at the rate he’s going, he’ll tell the wrong person how much crack he’s got real soon and I won’t have to worry about it. And it sure makes me wonder if he really spent $150 on that TV-VCR combo after all.

Let’s All Hope for My Neighbour!

Well, today I found out that what I was afraid of was happening. A long time ago, I heard that my neighbour had cancer, but that he had fought it off before, it had come back, and he was sure he would fight it again. It seemed that he was doing it. Then the doctors put him on a clinical trial of a drug. I started to notice that he was going through longer and longer times where he just didn’t seem as well. Today I asked him how things were going. He says the cancer is spreading, and the clinical trial isn’t working. Let’s all hope that when they start him back on the other stuff, that he’ll get better! It’s really freaky to watch someone who was so full of life still trying to do everything, but he just doesn’t have the same strength. If he talks too long, he just has to stop because it’s so painful. It kills me to watch such a good person going down hill and being helpless to do anything to stop it. So let’s all hope he gets better!

Holy Crap!

Well, here I go again, boring you with the mundane details of my life. But as I sit here, sort of studying, sort of daydreaming, the stunning realization hits me like a brick that just over 12 hours from now, I will have done all the work for my whole B.A! and provided that some other hidden pocket of the university doesn’t want money from me, or I don’t royally bomb these exams, it will be mine! I can’t believe it. Six years of work has come to an end…and has coughed me out confused and looking around wondering what the next step is. I mean I know the next immediate step is going for this guide dog, but what does my future hold? The future freaks me out! That’s all I know!

It’s funny. I can’t make up my mind. I have counted the days for this to get here. I have wanted so badly to see the end. Now it’s here, and I’m happy, and want to celebrate, but there’s a part of me that’s so completely confused and kicking myself really hard for not laying out more concrete plans for the next move, and wondering exactly what I’m going to do. I mean I have vague ideas, I just hope I can bring them to a more specific focus. And there’s another part of me that regrets not making more connections with more people. A lot of my friends and people I knew have left the city to go either back home or to other cities. Oh well, it will come together somehow. It’s just really weird to be standing on the edge of one big piece of the structure of my life as it crumbles. I mean I’ve gone to school since I was like 4! It’s freaky to think of it that way.

Ok, I should shake myself. Yick! I sound like a whining sniveling baby. It should be fine. It’s just a little freaky to watch it all end.

You Wanna Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name?

Well I seem to have gone there. It’s pretty wacky to walk down the street, like I did this morning, and have someone come up to me and say, “Well if it isn’t Carin with a C!” At this point I’m trying to figure out who they are, and how they know me. This happens to me all the time, and I feel like such a terminal tool every time I have no idea who they are. Part of me says,if they know me so well, why don’t I know them? Even freakier, some of them know where I live. For some, I understand why. Of course a cabby is going to know where I live. but it’s pretty weird when I accidentally pass the walk to my house and some random person yells, you passed it! It’s really cute, I just wish I could have a better memory of who these people are so I don’t have to either look like a complete jerk or a person gone senile way too young.

It’s happening’!

Well, way back in October, I wrote about getting a guide dog. After several months of sitting on my ass, and then a shitload of paperwork, it’s actually starting to come to reality. And ya know what the irony of it is? I’m going to the school whose package I didn’t like at first glance! But that’s where I’m going, and by the end of next month, I will have my very own guide dog! Some people joke that it will be a guide chihuahua since I’m so short. Who knows. Well I don’t think it’ll be a chihuahua, but I don’t know what kind of dog it is. They won’t even tell me that much! They like keeping things a mystery.

So hopefully while I’m there I’ll have time to write a post or two. I don’t leave until the 9th of May, but that’s when I’m planning to go! So that’s the doggy scoop. I’m still in disbelief that it’s actually happening, and can’t believe I’m going to go live in a guide dog school for about 3 weeks! Wish me luck, hope I don’t go crazy, and hope my guide dog doesn’t have a dumb name!

The Freaks On the Bus Go Scream Scream Scream

Wow. That was an interesting bus ride home. I’m glad I don’t live in the states, because maybe if I did, this wouldn’t be a happy post.

I’m sitting on the bus, well in the bus, because if I were on the bus I wouldn’t be on it for long. So anyway I’m riding the bus, and we come to this stop and this guy gets on, or should I say, puts his feet on the steps. ” Sir, sir, you need to stop that bus.” he says with a certain urgency. “Sir, tell that bus to stop! Sir!” The bus driver, confused, asks him what’s the problem. I’m thinking he must have a baby on that bus or something. He says, “I had a TV, a TV-VCR combo, and I left it on that bus! I don’t want someone to go home with it! You’re going to tell that bus to stop!” The driver gets on the radio and asks if anyone has a TV on their bus. The man barks, “TV-VCR combo!” He’s standing there, and the driver tells him he’s not getting a response. The man flies into a rage. “No, you can’t say it wasn’t on the bus! You can’t! You can’t say it wasn’t there it was there! Tell that bus too stop! It just dropped me off! Tell the bus driver to hold on to it for me. I can wait! Tell him to bring it back!” The bus driver asks him if it was a lady or a man bus driver. AT this point, our lune flies into another fit of rage. “What does it matter? I can’t remember! Lady or a man bus driver! I don’t know!” At this point, he’s leaning in towards the bus driver, the bus has been stopped through this whole escapade, and he’s bossing him around. “You tell that bus to come back! The one that just drove by! You tell him to come back and bring back my TV! My TV! You tell him to bring it back!” The bus driver is completely taken aback by this whole thing. he eventually tells him he cant’ help him, he’ll have to call transit and uses the doors to push him off the steps, or somehow makes him leave even though he didn’t want to, all the while, you can hear the guy going, my TV! The last thing I heard, which killed me was, “I spent $150 on that TV!”

I just couldn’t believe that, all over something worth $150 that *he* left on the bus because *he* screwed up. Now here he was stopping a whole bus, trying to stop another one and make it change routes, all because he left it on the bus! Some gall! Like get on the bus, ride down to the square and track down your TV there. I was just glad he didn’t have a gun, because he had enough rage that I thought he might have shot someone.