The Link

Well, I guess now that it actually has correct spelling, as far as I can tell, I’ll post the link to the site I was bitching about. She wants to make custom greeting cards for people with her art on them, and from what I’ve heard, her drawings are pretty cool. I’ll warn ya, the site is still in its pretty primitive stages, but hey, it can only grow. And for those with eyeballs, she has some of her art up there. I hope she does well.

So, if you’re interested, go visit Yvonne’s site and have a look.

Get a spell checker!

I sit here and it makes me so sad. So unbelievably sad. My friend who I will not humiliate by disclosing her website msn’s me excitedly. “I have a business and it’s up and going,” she chirps. “Go to the site.” She gives me the address, and there is very little text on the page, and what text there is is riddled with spelling mistakes! My god! It’s not like she had a giant amount of code to do and lost track of the mistakes. I doubt she did any code at all judging from where it’s posted. She wrote a few lines of text and posted it, and it’s full of errors!

If you’re going to run a business, please, please, have some self-respect and use a spell checker on the material for your business! It might make or break you!

I wouldn’t care most times, I’d just laugh and move on. I just know she has a lot of potential, and it fucking kills me to see that destroyed by laziness and/or complete sloppiness. It’s one thing if it’s on a blog or a fun site. But a business? Come on.

Where the hell did that come from? I’m turning into my dad! Somebody save me!

Emailing Steve

If anybody out there has sent me an email any time between Wednesday afternoon and now and I haven’t gotten back to you, I’m not ignoring you. I’ve been having major email problems and most of my mail hasn’t made it to me. It’s not bouncing back to people, at least not that I’ve heard and every now and then a few will make it through but something has been really really wrong with it so that’s the reason. Maybe I’ll get your messages eventually since I’m not sure where they are and sometimes when things go funny, things show up later but in case they don’t, try sending your message again since things seem to be getting a little more back to normal now. Or you can leave it on the comment board if it’s not overly personal if you really feel the need.

If you’re one of those people who happens to know either my home number or the number at the place I’m staying right now you can try me there since I’m checking messages, or you can look for me on MSN.

Sorry to anybody who might have written to ask for a link if anybody did. Like I said above, try the email thing again and hopefully it’ll work. And in case you didn’t know, yes, we will link to just about anybody provided that you write in a style that could be considered literate and provided that you give us some kind of plug in return, a permanent link on your own blog or site if possible.


As I look at our new fangled google ads framy thing, I am struck by something that makes me laugh. This is a site run by three people who couldn’t drive if they wanted to, at least I’m pretty sure that Matt couldn’t and if anyone gave either Steve or I a license, it would be a license to kill, and all the ads right now are asking people to donate their cars. I just find that really funny. I guess I underestimate the intelligence of google’s targetting thingy. It knows we couldn’t use a car if we had one, so it’s trying to find a use for them. Just a thought.

Carin Breaks the Site

Well hopefully not, but anything’s possible since I was brave enough to do some site-tweakage, namely, adding google ads. So, call to everyone, how do they look? Do they look good? Being blind and all I have no idea whether they look good or not. So hope they work, and let me know, either by commenting or emailing me. To me it doesn’t look broken, but who knows?

Is This Cliche Or Am I Just A Prick?

Let me start this by saying that if you can give anything for the Tsunami relief effort, I definitely think you should.

I had to put that before I write this because there are some people out there who are a little over-sensitive about this kinda stuff. Even if it is just merely for discussion. I do believe we should help, I donated myself, but this bit of writing may have given the message that I don’t think we should…. That’s not the case.

It seems everytime that we have a huge happening like the one that has just happened in South East Asis a few weeks ago, we kinda go screwy. It happened for September 11 and numerous other events as well. I’m talking about these benefit concerts/games/events to raise money for the relief efforts.

It might just be me but it’s starting to seem a little bit cliche. My main point is about the big concert style telethons they always have where they get a bunch of the top musicians in the world together and have them perform while we all phone in to pledge our money.

Are we really that shallow of a society that we won’t donate if we aren’t entertained first? I don’t think so. I think that a large portion of the population is willing to do whatever little they can to help out without these things. They seem to strike me more as a PR opportunity for the celebrities themselves. To me, I think that anyone out there who was going to donate a small bit to the efforts was going to do it anyway. Without any kind of inspiration from Britney Spears. It strikes me that these are more a chance for a bunch of people with way more money to stand up in front of the world and tell us to donate.

I don’t know about you but I’d say that maybe 1 million of the 10 you made last year on your album is a more helpful contribution than one night of your singing. I’m not saying that none are donating because lots of them have been on the news making very generous donations. In some cases donating more than other countries in the surrounding area to the tragedy.

If it is truly PR that you want. Donate a sum of money, any sum is something, and then get your PR director on the phone to all the papers and TV stations to tell what you’ve donated. That’s fine. At least that is a contribution to the effort, right?

I saw a piece on CNN that talked about how many of these artists do these shows and then don’t donate. Their arguement being that was their donation. We saw them on TV singing and performing so we just assume they’re on board with us but we don’t know if they’ve ever put in a penny. The people with no clean water or food over there don’t have a tv to watch you anyway…. maybe you could spare a couple bucks for them. I’m sure they’d prefer that.

I’m not saying you need to give away 10 and 15 million as some have…. but if the general public can spare 50 bucks, surely you can. I don’t necessarily hold them to a higher standard that they should give more than us, or any at all for that matter, but if you are going to be on the support wagon, you could throw in a few bucks.

Certain things don’t bother me as much. Like the sporting events that are giving half the proceeds from a certain regular season game to the effort. That even was going to happen anyway and someone just decided that all the money from the popcorn sold at the game would go to the effort. That’s fine. If Christina wants to just give half the concession money from an already scheduled concert in to the pot, that seems fine to me. But having these huge benefits with 10 or 12 multi-millionaires on stage telling us to give money doesn’t seem quite right to me. I don’t think there’s enough people in the world saying “I will only donate if Saveage Garden tells me to.” We’re a better society than that. If people feel it is a just cause and have the money, they’ll donate. If they don’t think it’s a worthy cause or can’t afford to give up anything, then that’s fine too.

Right now the ratio of money donated by individuals to that by the governments is something like $4/$1. That’s great. We’re all generous people. but I just think we’re all generous enough without being herded up like sheep by the people we see on TV everyday.

That might be a jaded view, but I personally think it’s a positive one. People deep down are good. I don’t think they need to be given any more reason to donate than that of the original tragedy and the thought that maybe they can help someone out.

Take Care

>Does This Guy Like Anybody?

>I just finished reading this
of the newest RF Video shoot interview with New Jack, and oh my God, it’s unreal. How this guy continues to make money in wrestling is beyond me, but what’s more frightening than that is that people will still work with him.

But if you’re a wrestling fan who is at all familiar with ECW and a little bit with some of the bigger indies, or even if you want to see why exactly he hates the Dudley Boys so much, check this thing out. Craziness, that’s all I can say.

More Warnings

Nick’s best friend -666 posted these on the comment boards a little while ago. They’re great.

A label on a baby stroller warns: “Remove child before folding
A brass fishing lure with a three-pronged hook on the end warns: “Harmful if swallowed
A household iron warns users: “Never iron clothes while they are being worn”
A label on a hair dryer reads, “Never use hair dryer while sleeping”
A warning on an electric drill made for carpenters cautions: “This product not intended for use as a dental drill.”
The label on a bottle of drain cleaner warns: “If you do not understand, or cannot read, all directions, cautions and warnings, do not use this product.”
A smoke detector warns: “Do not use the Silence Feature in emergency situations. It will not extinguish a fire.”
A massage chair warns: “DO NOT use massage chair without clothing… and, Never force any body part into the backrest area while the rollers are moving.”
A cardboard car sunshield that keeps sun off the dashboard warns, “Do not drive with sunshield in place”
An “Aim-n-Flame” fireplace lighter cautions, “Do not use near fire, flame or sparks”
A label on a hand-held massager advises consumers not to use “while sleeping or unconscious”
A 12-inch rack for storing compact disks warns: “Do not use as a ladder.”
A cartridge for a laser printer warns, “Do not eat toner”
A 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow warns: “Not intended for highway use”
A can of self-defense pepper spray warns users: “May irritate eyes”
A warning on a pair of shin guards manufactured for bicyclists says: “Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover.”
A snowblower warns: “Do not use snowthrower on roof.”
A dishwasher carries this warning: “Do not allow children to play in the dishwasher.”
A popular manufactured fireplace log warns: “Caution – Risk of Fire”
A box of birthday cake candles says: “DO NOT use soft wax as ear plugs or for any other function that involves insertion into a body cavity.”

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers…

You can’t make up stuff like this. And check out the quote at the end. Not so much for what he says, but for the way he says it.

MUSCATINE, Iowa (AP) – A Wal-Mart greeter was sacked for apparently showing too much of his friendly side to customers.

Dean Wooten, 65, was accused of greeting customers with a computer-generated photo of himself in which he appeared to be naked – except for a carefully placed Wal-Mart bag – and of telling customers that Wal-Mart was cutting costs and the sack was the company’s new uniform.

A supervisor at the Muscatine store where Wooten had worked for seven years told him to knock it off after customers complained. He was fired five days later, in September, after he displayed the photo again.

Wooten’s application for unemployment compensation was rejected by an administrative law judge who said “a reasonable person would know the act of showing a naked body wearing a Wal-Mart sack would not be good for the employer’s business.”

Wooten said he did not see the harm in the photo, which he said was made by a friend who spliced a picture of Wooten’s head on to a shot of another man’s body.

“When I first seen it, I pretty near died laughing,” he said.