Bizarre reversals

Explain this to me. There are no ophthalmologists for humans in this city, but there’s one for dogs. What the hell? Why does a dog need an ophthalmologist anyway? It’s not like he’s gonna drive anywhere. I mean if the dog’s doing some kind of work, then ok, but most dogs sit around, gnaw on bones and go “arf arf.” Who in hell is going to pay to have Spot see an ophthalmologist? But humans who might need one, nope, they have to go to another city. I know there’s a major vet school here, so I guess that’s explained. It’s just a pain. There’s one for dogs right here, but I’m gonna have to go on a major excursion just so the guide dog school’s happy.

Anyway, that’s about it. I just couldn’t believe that. An ophthalmologistfor dogs? How do they even survive? Are there enough people taking rover and butch to see how blind they are in their old age? Guess the only way they could survive is if they charge an arm and a leg for an eye. Then the prosthetics-fitters for dogs would be kept in business too…so round and round we go.

I’m back.

Sorry for the unbelievably long silence from me except for drivel on the comment boards. That’s what happens when your plumbing breaks, your phone breaks, parts of your supposedly brand spanking new computer break, you have exams, and then you scurry home for Christmas, to your parents’ house who have dialup, and you just get back now. Oh yeah, and when you go home, you find out your grandma’s in the hospital and her family doctor is being a tool chest. A tool chest? Nope, a whole tool warehouse! But anyway, that’s my lame excuse for not posting since like, what? December 5th or something.

I don’t even know why I’m posting except to hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was good. I got stuff I didn’t even know I wanted until I got it. Love those. The only part that sucked about it was the Dr. Tool Warehouse part. My grandma had to spend part of Christmas day in the hospital for no god damn good reason, except that the doctor refuses to let her out until the results of some stupid ass assessment are back. Until then, she could have come home god damn it. She’s sharing a room with a woman who can’t remember her name from day to day and shuts off the lights at fucking 7:00 at night cause it’s time for beddy bies for crying out loud. that’s no place for her. Ok I don’t even know where that came from. Don’t let me near a keyboard and the internet when I’m really mad. Who knows what might happen.

And holy crap my parents get a lot of spam. Here’s a tip. don’t fill out surveys that pop up and don’t give them your real address. Jesus Murphy. They get emails with part of their real address in them. And downloading hundreds of crap-filled messages on dialup…did I mention how slow dialup is? isn’t fun.

My brother’s hilarious. Everywhere he goes with his laptop, he looks to see if there’s a wireless connection he can tap into and mooch off of. Silly brother I have.

On the positive side, my neighbour is hilariously cute. He knocked on my door and gave me a huge, and I mean huge, cookie jar filled with mints. So everyone who comes to see me can for sure have a mint. Hell have two! Man that’s a lot of mints.

How do I end a post like this? I dunno. Hope you’re all safe and happy and cosy and warm…and well, no where near Thailand.

Merry Christmas

This would have been awesome to watch, and I’m not talking about the race.

Santas run right out of Christmas spirit
By Simon de Bruxelles

THERE was no shortage of suspects matching the description when police were called to a fight in a small Welsh town.

More than 30 drunken men dressed as Father Christmas were slugging it out in the main street after the world’s biggest gathering of Santa Clauses ended in a mass brawl.

Officers used CS spray and drew their batons to break up the fighting Santas after the record-breaking fun run.

More than 4,250 runners had donned their Father Christmas suits to raise thousands of pounds for charity. But after taking part in the 2½-mile run a few of the Father Christmases headed straight for the pub.

Amid scenes that would not go down well at the North Pole, five men were arrested for alleged public order offences. Four officers suffered minor injuries during the fight in the centre of Newtown, Mid Wales, on Sunday.

PC Gareth Slaymaker confirmed that many of those involved were still wearing their Santa outfits. “Behaviour like this justifies our reluctance to extend licensing hours for public houses and bars for this type of event,” he said.

The fun run set the world record for the largest gathering of Santas in one place. The Guinness Book of Records states that in order to qualify all the Santas must wear the full regalia of red costume and hat, white beard and black belt. The original record of 3,200 was set at last year’s event, but this year’s run attracted 1,000 more Santas from all over Britain.

Dougie Bancroft, organiser of the Santa Run, said: “The trouble happened seven hours after the run . . . If we find that people connected with the run were involved, they will not be involved in the race next year. We don’t want anything to tarnish the reputation of the event or the charities which benefit from the Santa Run. We support the police in their action.”

The five men arrested were released on bail while Dyfed-Powys Police continue inquiries. Police said that a number of other Santas had been interviewed.

Emma Jones, 25, from Brecon, Powys, who took her children to watch the event, said: “It was great fun to watch a sea of red and white jogging around the town. We went to get my two young children into the Christmas spirit and they want to take part in next year’s run, but they won’t be going if it turns into a drunken brawl. “You could see that a lot of the older male Santas were heading for the pub straight after the race. It is such a pity that a few of them had too much Christmas spirit and spoilt it for everyone else.”

Mick Bates, the Welsh Assembly member for Montgomeryshire, who took part in the run, denied that the annual event was becoming an excuse for a pre-Christmas booze-up.

He said: “More than 200 charities will benefit from this year’s run and the organisers do a wonderful job planning the event. The problem with excessive drinking is not the responsibility of the Santa Run but of pub landlords and individuals.”

Last year runners raised £80,000 for charities.

Welcome Back

What a busy and eventful few days it’s been. So much is going on that I’m not sure how I’m going to cover it all. What that basically means is that I probably won’t, because there’s only so much I want you all knowing about my life. I mean seriously, I’ve seen the lengths that some of you will go to to find things and if Randy Orton’s penis means that much to you I’m sure it would only take you a couple of days to figure out where I live. Or maybe Randy Orton’s penis means more to you than I do, in which case I want to take a moment to say thank you.

Speaking of penises, it’s great to see Matt back writing again. Seriously it is. He’s got a way of writing about everyday things and making them interesting that a lot of people don’t have. That’s right friend, I gave you a compliment. Its Christmas, what can I say? Don’t get used to it, that’s what.

We don’t hear from Karine much anymore. I don’t think a lot of people do since she decided to pretty much give up blogging, or at least take a break from it. I guess when she gives up her own blog she gives up on everybody else’s too. Then again it’s not like giving up on us is really that bad of an idea so maybe she’s on to something there. But if she does happen to be reading but just not saying anything, happy holidays.

Oh and one more thing while I’m talking about Matt and things that came from his return post. I’m really sorry man but I’m having a hard time finding some quality Ebola for you so I was thinking about hooking you up with a
Highspots gift certificate
if they still have them. It might be after Christmas by the time you get it but I did plan on getting you something. If you weren’t planning on getting me anything it’s cool, don’t worry about it. But if you were and need an idea, just get me the same thing I’m getting you. Same goes for anybody else who wanted to get me something but doesn’t know what I like. I’m pretty sure you can send them through email and it’s not like my address is hard to find.

Wow, this is a really long post but like I said, there’s a lot going on and this might be the last one you get for a while so read it in shifts or something if you’re one of those short attention span people.

Ok, so finally I’ll get to what’s been going on. My birthday was Sunday and seeing as it was one of the ones that people have made into an important milestone for some reason, I did what any self-respecting person would do. I partied for 3 days straight. Good times.

Friday it was a neither of us have the desire to drive an hour to watch the band so let’s stay home, sing and get drunk party with my best friend. And well, that’s pretty much what we did.

Saturday there was a surprise birthday party for that same friend and a bit of a party for me that some of my family decided to throw. I ended up onstage with an Irish band at the pub playing the spoons for a couple of songs. That was cool until some old married woman who I started calling the Spoon Groupie wouldn’t leave us alone for the rest of the night. But whatever, it’s not like she ruined the whole evening since the power of free booze can overcome just about anything.

Sunday consisted of a lunch at Red Lobster with some family and a supper at home with some other family, the non-drinking ones. It’s always nice to be home for the holidays, see family and to get beaten up by my baby cousins.

So now it’s on to Christmas, which is always an insane time for me since I’ve got a 3-sided family, the sides of which all like me and want to see me for some reason. So like I was saying earlier, this might be the last time you hear from me for a bit. Maybe not, but there’s a pretty good chance. I’ll be around the comment boards as much as I can and maybe I’ll toss something up on the main page if I get a few spare minutes but if I don’t talk to you all before it’s too late, merry Christmas, and remember to
buy me something nice.

Spongiest Movie Ever

Well there. That didn’t take too long. Only about 2 days and I’m back here \again.

Tonight I went to see…. wait for it…. the SpongeBob Squarepants movie. It’s not what you think. A friend of mine was babysitting and was gonna take her guest and so we decided to tag along since we had nothing better to do. (Although it probably is what you think cuz I think I would have went anyway, young kid or not)

Now, I don’t know all the ins and outs of Mr Squarepants but I’ve seen enough to at least know the characters. What can I say? It’s one of my guilty little pleasures. I’ll say this though. I think Bob, Squidward and the gang are better suited for half hour doses on tv than 2 hour movie features. It’s funny in that cute kinda way, but after about an hour or so you’re seeing just how dumb it is and about ready to walk out. It’s not to say it was a bad movie I guess. But it did kinda drag. Or maybe it’s just cuz I’m a little old to be sitting through a movie made for 9 year olds. I’m not sure if that’s a fair statement or not though since I took my 2 little cousins to see Looney Toons Back In Action when it came out and I laughed my ass off far more often than they did. Maybe I just need to grow up.

There’s some questionable content in here, as well, in my opinion. Having Patrick dance in a seductive mannor wearing thigh-high boots and fishnet stockings may not be sending the right message to kids.

I also gotta laugh at some of the jokes that sored right over the kids heads. At one point are underwater heroes meet up with David Baywatch-star. (ya right. like i’m gonna try to spell that german last name) and some kid 2 rows up yells out to his friends “hey!! it’s the guy from Dodgeball!”. I mean come on! He’s even wearing his classic red baywatch swim suit. Oh well. I guess that one was thrown in for the losers like me who shouldn’t have been there anyway.

Oh well. I guess there’s only so much that you can say about a movie about a Sponge and a Starfish so I guess I’ll get outta here and enjoy the rest of my quiet Saturday night in. It’s -40 out there tonight so there’s no chance I’m going back out there.

Ah, Why Not?

So holey crap, it’s me. I don’t remember the last time I posted here but it was certainly a while ago. I see Steve and Carin have been getting some pretty good numbers in my absense so I figured I should come back and try to post a bit more regularly to try and bring those back down to oldschool VC numbers. I spit in the face of growth! That and people who don’t want to be cool. (I hope someone gets that 🙁 )

So I sit here, now having written my opening paragraph, and realize that I have nothing of any importance to say. (as usual) So maybe I’ll ramble for a bit.

For those of you who wonder where I’ve been (anyone?) I will tell you that I’m about 10 thousand miles north of where I was before and it’s god damn cold. But I’m gonna have a white Christmas which I’m not used to so yay for that.

I could ramble about the NHL lockout but I already did that over on my column on Salty Ham so if you care what I think (and you shouldn’t) then go read it over there.

I’m kinda resentful of the fact that Steve has wished for me to receive Ebola for Christmas this year. Though, I do find the rest of his Christmas list to be a pretty typical list. Perhaps I should send Steve something for Christmas… some form of Ghonorea perhaps. After taking one look at Steve at last year’s holiday get together, my girlfriend immediately found it appropriate to get him cookies as he looked like a man who had enjoyed a few in his days. Perhaps that’s the route to go once again.

Hmm, more ramblings? I’m not up on the VC current events. Are se still hearing from our friend Karine? Or has she wised up already and found better ways to occupy her time? I’m pretty sorry that I missed the nut crushing article Steve referred to a few days ago. Everyone needs to be greatful for what they ahve on Christmas and if it takes an article like that to make you thankful to at least have your Jingle Bells, then I think it’s worth reading… perhaps right before ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas. Just to get people in the right mood.

Well for now that’s about all I’ve got to say. I’m hoping to start writing more regularly again but if I’m not back before Christmas, Happy Holidays to all our (by which I mean Steve and Carin’s) readers. And especially to Steve and Carin who’ve kept this thing going through my laziness.

Eat Fresh

HOUSTON – A Houston man got “heated” over a cold sandwich and threatened to kill a Subway manager and blow up the shop, police said. Delvin Nelson, who works for the city’s public work’s department, was arrested for making a terroristic threat Wednesday night. Nelson was apparently angry because his steak and cheese sandwich wasn’t hot enough.

“It got pretty heated, where he threw a sandwich down at her and told her that he would kill her and blow up the building,” Houston police officer Jim Atkins said.

Nelson got even more agitated after the manager offered to make him a new sandwich and went into the kitchen and threw the food at her, police said. The city has suspended Nelson from his job pending the outcome of the case.

Writing Your Letters So You Don’t Have To

If you’re like a lot of parents, you probably can’t be assed to help your kids write their yearly letters to Santa. Well thankfully for you, help has arrived in the form of
The Santa Letter Generator.

Just click that link, select your options, hit submit, and you’ve got a nice little note to mail off to the North Pole.

Here’s an example of this excelent resource at work. This is the letter I’ll be sending off just as soon as I’m sober enough to hit the post office.

Dear Obese Trespassing Altruist,

This year, I have been a very passive aggressive little advertising tampon. I have compulsively pillaged, and I have rarely helped my mommy’s “special friend” with their pyramid schemes. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of age-inappropriate pants this year!

Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring the onset of menopause. For my daddy, please bring a new topaz-studded ass plug. For my little brother, please bring fingernail polish. For my hampster, please bring non-surgical sterilization. Oh – and for my mail man, please bring some work ethic.

Now about me! Please bring me all of the Spongebob Squarepants beer coozies, and front row tickets to GWAR – plus backstage passes so I can get airborne Chlamydia! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my amputee Afghan orphan. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $1,000,000!

Anyway, I hope you like the cognac I left out for you.



PS: Please say Merry Christmas to the baby Jesus.

PPS: Oh yeah, and remember Matt? He has been a really selfish weener all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put ebola in their stocking. Thanks!

Another One Of Those Search Result Thingies

I thought for a while that I was going to have to mothball this bit because the weirdos and perverts that make it possible had gotten way too repetitive to make it worth my time to write it up or yours to bother reading it. But at long last, the old hit counter search request bit that still has no official name is back and smaller than ever. Yes, I said smaller. When I said that people were getting repetitive, I wasn’t kidding. We have more search hits these days, but even though you’d think that would be a blessing, it isn’t. Well actually in a sense it is, because it means more site visits for us, but in the context of what we’re dealing with here, all it means is that more people than ever before are discovering the Comet while trying to discover everything there is to know about the penis of Randy Orton. But wading through the endless number of people looking for that paid off today since I found 3 that caught my eye and are worth sharing. So, uh, here they are and stuff.

10 Dec, Fri, 22:59:29
Ways To Crush Your Own Testicles In Your Own Home

Anybody who’s been reading the site for a little while and has a really good memory will know exactly why this is so funny. for the other 98% of you, I’ll explain it.

Generally when I pull this stuff up I have to ask myself 2 questions. Why the hell would somebody look for that and how the hell did they find it here? Ok, so question 1 is still completely valid, but this time, I’ve got a good solid answer for question 2.

Back in August I posted a link to an article written by some freak detailing 12 ways to crush your own testicles in your own home. Sadly, or happily if you happen to be a testicle, it appears that the site has been taken offline so I can’t link it again. Don’t feel bad about not getting to read it though, this thing was brutal. So brutal that I had to read it in sittings, pausing after every couple descriptions to get up and make sure that my nuts were still there. It was that bad. I’m cringing just thinking about it. And hey, it must be cold in here because my nipples are starting to…oh never mind, it’s just my balls trying to climb to safety. Perhaps we should move on.

13 Dec, Mon, 09:35:27
MSN Search:
elemementary math quiz

Maybe it’s not my place to say anything, but perhaps before we worry about the math we should work on the spelling a little bit first. Or maybe this guy’s keyboard just has a stuttering problem, in which case I apologize.

And what search result thingie would be complete without yet another twist on the one that started it all? Not this one, that’s what one.

13 Dec, Mon, 03:39:18
Randy Orton’s apartment

I guess they figure the odds are pretty good that if they’re ever going to find his penis, that his apartment would be a good place to look.

And just like that, we’re done. Hopefully I can do one of these again soon, they’re fun. But until then it’s back to whatever else we do around here, and back to watching, waiting and hoping.