Vote Or Shut Up???

So today is Election Day in Canada. As with any election in any area we’ve been slammed with ads and all kinds of rhetoric for the last while all telling us why we should vote for the different candidates. That alone is annoying enough for me to have considered posting on, but I refrained since I’m sure most people felt the same way and so, there was no reason to voice an opinion on it. But I’ll certainloy voice my opinion on this related topic.

There seems to be a VERY common thought process out there of “Vote Or Shut Up.” I’m sure most of you have heard it. All it means is that, basically, if you don’t go out and vote today, you have no right to complain about anything that happens between now and the next election in 4 years because you didn’t try to change it.

What the Fuck???

I have a very contrasting view point. It’s actually the complete opposite. My opinion is one shared by not a lot of people, but that I’ve heard from some experts and even one great comedian. (everyone loves George Carlin)

Before I start, I don’t want anyone to think that I’m biased on this because I WILL be voting today, and voting Liberal if anyone cares. (I don’t know why everyone gets so defensive about who they’re votiing for. Like it’s a personal failure or something if the party you voted for doesn’t get in.) However, in our recent Provincial Election I did not vote because I refused to support any of the retards that were running at the time. So I’ve been on both sides.

Now, for arguemens sake. Let’s say that I stay home today and deicde not to vote. YOU, the voters, have no right to complain after what happens today. If you vote some asshole in to the office that runs this country in to the ground, you have no one to blame but yourself. You chose for this to happen. Don’t look for a scapegoat in me by saying I should have gone out and voted for the other guy… why didn’t youv ote for the other guy? I didn’t cause this… I didn’t even leave the house today. “Vote Or Shut Up”?. Idiots. Let’s try “Vote. Then Shut Up” because everyone’s gonna have a hand in what happens. You voted for the modern day, HItler and I didn’t go out and vote for the modern day Ghandi. Don’t go looking for a scape goat in those who didn’t vote after you realize that you’ve made a bad choice. If I decide that I don’t agree with the ideals of any of the parties, why should I support them? I won’t vote and that’s none of your business. That’s the great thing about Democracy, remember? Yes. I can choose who will run my country, but if I cna’t support any of them… I can also CHOOSE not to vote.

All that said, I mentioned before I will be going out and voting today for the Liberal Party. If in 2 years he has half of us in Iran fighting another war right along side Bush (which he said he won’t) and the other half of us are living in starvation on the streets then I’ll realize that I made a very bad choice. But I certainly won’t look to the starving guy beside me and blame him because he didn’t go out and vote for the other guy. Maybe I should look to him and apologize to him for helping to put him in that position.

Democracy is a wonderful, wonderful thing and we should all be thrilled to have it. But people seem to want to use it as some way to blame other people despite the fact that they may have been one of the ones to make a mistakes. We’re all gonna be wrong once in a while… we just gotta hope that not more than 50 per cent of us are never wrong at the same time.

Happy Election Day, everyone. Let’s just get along and blame who should be blamed. Anyone who gets in to office and breaks campaign promises. Oh, I know it will happen. But those are the people you should be aiming your anger at, not those that didn’t vote when you did, or those who did vote when you didn’t.

Sometimes we just have to be able to admit ehwn we’re wrong.

This Site Lives Up To It’s Name

A bartender is shutting up for the night when there is a knock at
the door.

He answers the door and there’s a bum asking him for a toothpick.
The barkeep gives him one and shuts the door.

After a few moments, there’s another knock at the door. The
bartender opens it again to find yet another bum. Another request
for a toothpick. The bartender gives the bum one and shuts the
door again.

Because everything in jokes like this involves sets of threes,
there’s a THIRD knock on the door. This time, though, the bum
only wants a straw.

“Why not a toothpick?”

“Someone threw up on the sidewalk, but all of the good stuff is
gone already!”

Maybe I’ll Do Better This Time

PPV time is upon us once again and as usual, we the Salty Ham people have put together our predictions in an attempt to win a contest that I’m not even sure has a prize other than being able to say that we won. Hopefully I do a bit better than last time though otherwise I won’t be winning anything.

You can
click here
to check it out.

We’ve Had A Lot Of These Lately

For some reason the number of search engine hits on our site has gone way up even though our over all hit counts have gone down since Matt and I decided to get lives and not post here so much. In fact, we’ve had so many search requests that I’m sure I’m missing a few. But before I miss anymore of them, let’s take a look at how people are finding us, not to mention take a rather creepy look into the human mind.

23 Jun, Wed, 05:05:03
hyenna penis and vagina

I’m pretty sure this guy was trying to spell hyena, but stil…

23 Jun, Wed, 16:55:34

“Hey man, I know what we can do today, let’s look up random words that could show up anywhere and see who can get the most results!”

“Hey, good idea, the chicks will really start digging us once they find out that we’re doing that, we’ll be the kings of cool.”

24 Jun, Thu, 04:08:27
MSN Search:
free tits and ass of major female celebs

I’m actually sort of happy to see this one because it means that they’re finally giving up on the child porn. It also helps to explain why we’ve been getting so many searches lately looking for the Pam Anderson sex video. By the way, when did we talk about that here, I don’t remember.

I think this next guy might have killed somebody, or he’s about to.

26 Jun, Sat, 17:40:56
MSN Search:
Laws about vigilanty justice

26 Jun, Sat, 23:56:46
Google: “
his anal rampage is totally weak”

Nope, I got nothin’.

27 Jun, Sun, 04:10:15
brett favre’s anus

It’s nice to see that the Randy Orton’s penis crowd has matured and moved on. But I’d be willing to bet that those last 2 searches were the same person making a futile attempt to quench a thirst for gay porn that I’m not even gonna try to understand.

Ok, those are the best of the recent best but at the rate they’re coming in, we’ll be doing this again real soon.

I’ll be back later to promote things.

The First Rule Of Shotgun Is Don’t Talk About Shotgun

There are few issues in this world more contentious than who gets shotgun on a car ride. So with that in mind, I give you the shotgun rules, a surefire way to settle any disputes that may arise among your group over who gets the front seat.

Seriously, whoever is responsible for this site has covered every possible situation and has done so in the fairest way possible. So give these a read, they might just save a friendship some day.

I Always Knew That Record Companies Were A Virus

If any of you out there own or are planning to own a copy of the new Beastie Boys CD”To the Five Boroughs,” you might want to take a look at
this article from The Register
before you lay down your cash.

It seems that the fine folks over at Capitol Records are shipping CD’s that contain a virus that is designed to prevent you from ripping the tracks to your hard drive.

This isn’t the first copy protected CD to hit the market and personally I think that any CD that contains such protections isn’t really a CD at all because it doesn’t meet the technical standard of what is supposed to be a CD and because they are defective and have the potential to cause dammage to people’s computers and not work properly in some stereo systems, but that’s not the point. What makes this one especially worrying is that the CD has the capability to install files on your computer without first getting your permission to do so, and worse than that, without even so much as having the common courtesy to mention it at all, not even after the deed is done.

Removal instructions are provided in the article that I linked to above along with a way to prevent yourself from being infected by such malware in the future. But I’ve got an even simpler way to protect yourself than that, just don’t buy any CD that contains an anti-copying mechanism. It’s that simple.

The Welfare Of The Needy

I read a little while ago that a bunch of housing activists in Quebec are all upset about a proposed law that would allow landlords to take money out of people’s welfare cheques to pay for any back rent that a person might owe. These people are all up in arms over the fact that such a horrible law would even be considered, let alone passed by any caring and feeling government.

Well first of all, if anybody out there can show me a caring and feeling government, I’ll show you my third nipple. And second, where’s the problem with this idea? I don’t see it. In fact, I think it’s pretty fair, and I even dare say advantageous for the guy collecting the benefits.

Now before any of you think about clicking the comment link or sending off an angry email to call me a right wing asshole, hear me out, I think I have room to speak here. You see, I have a pretty good idea of what being on the government payroll is like, because I’ve been there. Granted my experience is with disability benefits due to my blindness and not the welfare system, but in both cases you don’t get paid shit and you have to be pretty good with money to make ends meet sometimes.

Just to put things into a bit more perspective for you all so you have a better idea of where I’m coming from here, I’ll explain the disability support system in my province. If you’re extremely lucky, you’ll get a maximum of less than $1000 a month, and that’s if you’re extremely fortunate, and by that I mean if your rent is so high that they can’t legally justify paying you any less than that. You get your rent covered plus what they call a cost of living allowance, but that rule only applies past a certain dollar figure because like I’ve already said, you can’t make any more than what they’ve determined is the maximum, and that’s the slightly less than $1000 I was talking about. Add to that that the cost of living figure they give you is a figure that hasn’t been reviewed and changed since 1995, and you should start to get a pretty good picture of what it’s like to live off of something like that. Let’s face it, a lot can change in 9 years when you’re dealing with money, and especially when you’re dealing with rent, which until they established rent controls could be increased at any time and by as much as your property owner felt like increasing it. Even with rent restrictions in place, it still has to go up, but for some reason the benefit amount never does.

So now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me tell you about something that I’m extremely proud of. Living under those conditions, I’ve managed to pay my rent on time every month, same goes for my bills. I’ve also managed to buy food and other things I need, as well as pay to get myself to places I need to go and have something left over to have a little fun now and then, and at the end of it all, still have something to show for it. I’ve never owed a person a dime in my life, and I’ve never gone into debt with any company. And you know why? Because if I don’t pay for things, they get taken away from me, and I don’t want that. I think you see where this is going. If I don’t pay my cable bill, I don’t watch TV. If I don’t pay for the phone, I’m not calling Grandma to say thanks for the sweater. If I don’t buy food, I starve. And if I don’t pay the rent, I get myself evicted, which when you really stop and think about it, is what this law is trying to prevent from happening to those people who are down on their luck and are unfortunate enough to find themselves for whatever reason needing social assistance.

By passing this law, what the government is really doing is compelling people who aren’t doing so of their own accord to hold up their end of a legal contract, that being the lease they signed when they moved into their apartment. A contract which if broken would give any landlord the right to have that person removed from the property, at which point the poor bastard is on his own. And it’s at this point that I have to ask these activists what they’d rather have, a law that collects money from people who owe it anyway and gives it to it’s rightful owner, or a homeless problem caused by a rash of evictions which under the law are completely fair and just?

I swear, none of these people have a clue, not a single one of them, and there’s a simple reason for that. It’s because they’ve never been there. I’m sure some of them have and them I respect, even if I disagree with their position but it’s been my experience that a fair number of these people are just idealists with far too much time on their hands that could be better spent at the penny arcade or washing the dishes. Seriously, it’s nice that you want to help change the world and make things better, but why not start with something you know a little bit about, or at least try to learn something about what’s getting on your nerves first? Maybe it’s just me, but I think that the world would be a much better place if at least some of the time, people gave a thought or 2 to their words and actions before they went out and tried to change things. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut and taking a good hard look at the facts can do much more good than holding up a sign and drawing attention to yourselves and the people you perceive as the needy. In fact, try talking to the “needy” and see if they even want your help in the first place. You might be surprised.

New Wrestling Site

The people over at
411 Mania
have recently put up a brand new site and it’s pretty cool. If you’re wanting to check it out, just head over to
The Wrestling

A bunch of guys who write columns and such for 411 write there and it’s pretty much a collection of thoughts on wrestling done in an instant commentary style rather than in column form.

The first thing you should do when you get there is check out Raw in Sixty Seconds, it’s hilarious in it’s own special way.

Time To Start Offending People

I know it’s not Christmas but this was emailed to me a little while ago and I thought I’d post it because it’s funny and because I have the ability to post things here.

Santa is GAY! I hate to be the one to defy sacred myth,
but I believe Santa’s gay. Christmas is a big, organized,
warm, fuzzy, nurturing social deal, and I have a tough time
believing a straight man could possibly pull it all off!
For starters, think about the planning that goes into an
event like Christmas. Even Martha Stewart is envious.

Straight men have day jobs, so they wouldn’t have time to
stand at the local shopping malls and ring a bell all day.
But if you’re a gay, out-of-work Actor/Dancer/Waiter it’s
the perfect gig until you get your big break. Also, if he
were straight he would have picked a more masculine animal
than the reindeer to get him around, like horses or oxen,
but the reindeer just happens to appeal to Santa’s inherent
sense of grace and beauty. And those names: Dasher, Dancer,
Prancer, Vixen? Fill in the blanks.

Mrs. Claus has been married to him for eons and he’s never
fathered a child with her, she’s over-weight and still
content… Can you say “Fag-hag”?

Ever thought about the Rudolph story? He’s gay too! “All of
the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They
never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.” (as if
he wanted to). Isn’t Rudolph really a metaphor for the gay
child in a straight society anyway?

Ever ask yourself why fruitcake is the traditional dessert
at Christmas time? Well, now you know. And stop pretending
you don’t like it. Deep down inside, you’ve always liked

Other reasons why Santa can’t possibly be a straight man:

* Look at the size of the bag he packs for a one night trip!

* Red velvet, fur collar, black engineer boots… think people!

* Physically he’s a wet dream for the Girth and Mirth club
and the perfect poster model for GMSMA.

* Gay men have long been using stockings to hide their candy.

* Ho Ho / Homo… a little too similar if you ask me.

* That long over-night flight around the world taps into the
flight attendant gene. And one more thing, did you ever
know a straight man named Nicholas? Oh, straight society
has tried to butch up his image by calling him St. Nick,
but we know better. It’s Nicholas, damn it! Ms. Claus if
you’re nasty. Merry Christmas!