Something To Think About

I was just reading a story about how the Recording Industry Association Of America has filed suits against another 400 and some odd people for copyright infringement. By now most of you should probably know how I feel about those so I’m not going to get into that. But one thing that struck me funny was the rationale behind who the RIAA have chosen to sue in this new round of legal action.

Here’s a quote from the story I read.

“the organization highlighted its litigation against university students, this time at 14 separate schools. Record labels have been particularly concerned about high levels of music trading on campuses, where students often have access to fast Internet connections and little money for music purchases.”

So what’s so wrong with that? Well, let’s look at what that all means.

The RIAA are worried about college and university students who don’t have lots of money at their disposal downloading music and not buying it on CD’s or through places like iTunes, so in their infinite wisdom they respond in the most logical way possible, by suing them…for thousands of dollars per infringement. I guess that makes sense if you’re the most retarded retard to ever be retarded in the entire recorded history of retardedness. Come on, if the reason that students aren’t buying music is because they simply don’t have the cash for it, then how do you figure they’re going to pay the settlement, or hadn’t you thought ahead that far? Some days I honestly think that the RIAA should hire me to head up a common sense department because they obviously can’t be bothered to have any of their own.

But I suppose that if there’s anything positive we can take from this story it’s that we can all thank our lucky stars that the people plotting out the RIAA’s legal strategy are doing that rather than teaching math to our kids.

Happy downloading,


They Just Keep Coming

Feel free to keep sending these things in, they’re great. This one even gets extra points for penising the album title.

Maroon 5 – Songs about Penis
1) Harder to Penis
2) This Penis
3) Shiver Penis
4) She will be Penis
5) Tangled Penis
6) The Penis
7) Must Get Penis
Sunday Penis
9) Secret Penis
10) Through with Penis
11) Not Coming Penis
12) Sweetest Penis
Satan | 04.28.04 – 12:16 am |

I’m A Blogging Machine

So I heard an interesting theory on the radio this morning that made a lot of sense and I’ve been thinking about a lot. It’s in regards to the Leafs/Flyers series that will continue tonight.

It was said by one of the announcers that Philly coach, Ken Hitchcock, is going out of his way to be nice to the Leafs. The Leafs seem to play better when there is a hatred there and an intensity. The Leafs got by Ottawa this year and you know there’s a hatred there. They played Philly real tough in the playoffs last year when things started to get real mean. The Islanders and Senators the year before that definitely had some heat and when they go to Carolina there was no rivalry or hatred and they went right in the shitter.

The Leafs are made up of guys like Tucker, Roberts, Marchment and guys like that who play better with a burr in their saddle. They want it real physical, they want lots of lipping off and shoving and they’re not getting that.

When Hitchcock talks to the media about Toronto he is very very complimentary saying things like “we’ll need to get much better because we know Toronto will” “oh, they’re a great team and they’re going to push us to the edge” “well Sundin’s a great player and we knew it would be tougher with him back in the line-up” “we’ve been lucky to get a few by Belfour because he’s one of the best in the world” and things like that. The Flyers’ players are doing the same thing and it’s almost certainly by order of the coach.

You look at Jeremy Roenick. He is one of the most outspoken guys in the league who is always good for a quote to spark something and he has done nothing but praise Belfour and the Leafs. It’s obvious Hitchcock does not want to wake up the Leafs. I’m sure in the locker room they say all the same “Toronto are assholes” “fuck this guy” kinda thing but not publically. They’ve been very diplomatic and that’s something that the Flyers’ are not known for.

Philly is quite content playing an up and down game without much intensity because they’re winning at it. Philly plays tough but they’re not as big as they used to be and they don’t want this to turn in to a war. They wanna continue what they’re doing now and get the last laugh when they sweep the Leafs right out of the playoffs.

Toronto needs to find something to hate about the Flyers. You would think that the fact that they were eliminated last year by this would be enough but it has not been. In all fairness, the Leafs have not played poorly but they have not played that mean game that they can play and need to play to be effective. Philly has small guys on the team. You need to start hitting the Recchi’s, the Roenick’s and the Kapanen’s and taking advantage of that. That will accomplish two things. You’ll knock those smaller guys off the puck to create opportunity for yourself and you may upset them and begin to put some life in to this series. Toronto needs that.

I just thought it was an interesting theory and when you look back at the different series’ where Toronto has played well vs where they’ve played badly it usually has something to do with heat and rivalry. You can even go as far back as the wars with New Jersey. Toronto lost those series’ but they played well and they were long series’ and you KNOW there was hatred between those teams then.

Just something to think about.

Someone Help Me Figure This Out

Yesterday I was at Karine’s blog and I followed a link to one of her friend’s blogs. I read a bit there and was about to move on but just before I left another link caught me eye that said “My Secret Life As A Prostitute” or something along those lines. Me being the curious guy I am decided to check it out. The link said it was just another blog so I wanted to see what kind of person would possibly name their blog something like that instead of something classy like VomitComet.

When I got their, it was exactly what it was advertised to be. This girl had her normal life and then a private life where for extra money she would sell herself. She tried to classy it up by saying “call girl” or “escort” and saying she had “apointments” but it is what it is, to me. This blog was something that she didn’t tell her friends and fmaily about but was just a journal of the guys she was having “apointments” with. It wasn’t something dirty where she went in to all kinds of detail on what she did with each of them but actually seemed like her own journal just saying “this guy was sweet” “oh god, i’ll never go to him again” and things like that.

In the second post I read, she talked about doing up new ads to post. That struck me as odd since I know that prostitution was illegal. So I wondered if she may have lived in a different country. It turns out she lives somewhere in the U.S. (did not reveal where for obvious reasons). Prostitution is illegal in the U.S. so it stuck me as odd that she would be so publically advertising. This was something I’d never really thought about much before. I’d heard of different “Escort” services and things like that but I thought they were all kind of shadey and you just kind of had to find them by “word of mouth” and things like that but I decided to look more in to it.

So, I think I’ve said on here before that I don’t live too far from Toronto, Canada. So I typed in to just the standard Google search bar the following phrase. “Toronto Escorts”. I was not surprised that I got a lot of matches as the internet is full of porno and shit like that. What I was surprised with was that there were actual ads and things online. One of them was a link to where there was a listing of all the Escort Services in the Toronto Area. I was floored at how freely this stuff was advertised if it’s illegal.

I mean if the police are so interested in getting rid of prostitution why don’t they just look in the damn phone book and then go to these places and break it up. I mean the only difference between these things and a chick you pick up off a street corner is that if you’d like to, you can take her to a party or something first so it looks like you have a date before you go home and fuck her. It’s still prostitution.

That’s where my question lies. Perhaps someone has a better understanding of the laws than I do and can shed some light on this for me. Is an “Escort Service” legal? If so, why is it legal and prostitutes on street corners are arrested regularly? It doesn’t make much sense to me. These “Services” are just basically more professional and classy looking prostitution. (if that’s possible). And if these things are not legal? How is that they can be so freely advertised in such public areas as the Yellow Pages. It would be one thing if you had to go to some shady website (and those were there too) and get a list of e-mail adresses or something but how can you get away with publishing that in your phone book? Someone’s gotta help me out, here.

One last thing. This oughta help Steve out with his fun with people’s searchs and ending up here. You know someone will be looking for a Toronto Area Whore and end up at our site now.

More Random Blogging

Good Wednesday morning to all you bored people. (why else would you be here?)
So Calgary snuck by Detroit last night. I’m impressed. Detroit was missing Chelios but the Flames were missing Warrener and looking at the 2 organizations I would say that Detroit should have had an easier time making up for that than Calgary. Kudos to the Flames though as they are certainly holding their own in this series. Do I think that they have what it takes to get by Detroit? The answer is still no. But I hope I’m wrong and they’re starting to give me doubts. Besides Toronto/Philly, this has become the series I’m most interested in. Looking at things right now it seems to be the series that has the best chance of keeping a Canadian team in it.

This weekend I go to Montreal for the final Olympic team selection camp. We’ll practise/play all weekend and each player will get a phone call within the week or so following that camp and find out who made it and who didn’t. It goes without saying that I’m nervous but I’m also incredibly fired up.

It’s an odd feeling to know that you’ve worked for 8 years and it all gets condensed in to one weekend. Do well, you’re in. Do poorly, see ya next time. To be honest. I don’t like the system that we have in place for selecting the team. It’s my feeling that players should be evaluated on their performance all year. That is not the case for us. You are evaluated on your performance at this camp, and that’s it. Last year that worked in my favour. I don’t believe going in to this thing last year that I was being looked at seriously and that Bruno from Quebec was the guy they were really keying on. He had a bad tournament and I had a great one and from that, I got his spot. Obviously, I was thrilled to be named and to get the opportunity last year but at the same time you’re kinda left with a feeling of “well was that really fair?” It will happen in sport that an athlete will have an off game/tournament where they just don’t have it. That’s not a fair representation of their skills. Bruno had an outstanding season last year leading up to this and had one bad weekend and ended up losing his spot. Those are the rules and everyone knew it going in but you still can’t help but feel bad. Now I find myself worrying about the same thing. I’ve had a good season, better than Bruno. But I could be that guy this year who just has an off weekend. It’s something pretty daunting to think about.

But, can’t worry about that. As I said I’m fired up and ready to give this a hard push. I’m going in with a few minor nagging injuries. Things that are just more annoying than painful really but I don’t see them providing much of a problem on the weekend. My back’s kinda beat up and my knee is pretty tender but once you get in to the games I find those things seem to leave your mind and you just focus on what you’re doing. I’m sure that will be the case here. I’m looking forward to this. Though, the week of waiting for the call afterwards is something difficult.

By the way, yesterday we did an above average amount of hits. Just goes to show you that you’re never too old to enjoy the word penis.

Be back later.

Am I Missing Something?

If you haven’t heard the song “Rotten World Blues” by The Eels, check it out, it’s a pretty cool song, and listening to it might help you make sense of the questions I’m about to ask here.

There’s a line in that song that keeps coming up and it confuses me. It’s really annoying because it’s the chorus so I have to hear it over and over again. It goes like this.

This rotten world’s gonna chew you up
Swallow you whole, and then spit you back out
The sooner you recognize this simple fact
Then this rotten world gives you what you lack

I’m pretty sure that some of you probably know where I’m going with this. How can you be chewed up and yet still swallowed whole? And when you’re spit back out, which form would you take, the chewed up or the swallowed whole?

Is it creative or poor songwriting, am I missing a reference to something somewhere, or do I just have way too much time on my hands since I’ve got time to sit here and think about things like this? If anybody has any ideas on this one I’d love to hear them.

You Can’t Keep A Good Game Down

Ok, people keep on submitting these so I’m going to keep on posting the good ones.

But first, a little reminder of how the game works. Grab a CD, any CD at all. List all the tracks from that CD but replace the last word of every song with the word penis. If the song only has a 1 word title, keep that word but add the word penis. For the not so smart among us that would mean that you now have a 2 word title.

Ok, here we go. First one comes from the comment board.

Barenaked Ladies greatest hits:
The old penis
Falling for the first penis
Brian Penis
One penis
Be my Yoko Penis
Alternative penis
Its only penis
If I had a million penis’
Call and penis
Get in penis
Its all been penis
Jane penis
Lovers in a dangerous penis
Pinch penis
shoe penis
What a good penis
Too little too penis
Enid penis
Thanks that was penis
a different anonymous 04.27.04 – 4:58 pm

And while we’re talking Barenaked Ladies, our good friend Carin emailed me this one.

Barenaked Ladies, Everything to Everyone.

1. Celebrity Penis

2. Maybe Penis

3. Another Penis

4. Next Penis

5. For Penis

6. Shopping Penis

7. Testing 1,2,Penis

8. Upside Penis

9. War On Penis

10. Aluminium Penis

11. Unfinished Penis

12. Second Penis

13. Take It Penis

14. Have You Seen My Penis??

15. Another Postcard – (acoustic Penis)

16. Maybe Katie – (acoustic Penis)

17. Second Best – (acoustic Penis)

And here’s one more from Carin to round this out nicely.

Sarah McLachlan, Mirrorball

1. Building A Penis

2. Hold Penis

3. Good Penis

4. I Will Remember Penis

5. Adia Penis

6. I Love Penis

7. Do What You Have To Penis

8. Path Of Penis

9. Fear Penis

10. Possession Penis

11. Sweet Penis

12. Ice Penis

13. Fumbling Towards Penis

14. Angel Penis

You can feel free to keep sending these in, either by email or by posting them on the comment boards. Have fun with it, not that that will be too hard since after all, how can you not have fun with a penis?

And We Look Like Bigger Idiots Than Usual

I noticed something a little while ago when I was reading some of the archived stuff on the site. It seems that anything on the comment boards gets deleted after about a month or so.

This kind of sucks for 3 reasons. First of all, losing some of the truly classic stuff that’s been posted there over time is just a damn shame. Second, when you look back over the old stuff it seems like nobody visits this site because nobody’s commented on anything and that we’re just making up all of the comments and feedback to make it look like we’ve got fans. But third and most important, certain bits lose a lot without the comments tacked on for good measure at the end. Oh well, what do you want for free?

I guess the morral of the story here boys and girls is that if you make a comment that you’re particularly proud of, save it, or write one of us a nice ass kissing email begging us to somehow work it into something that could be posted on the main page where it will be saved for all eternity for everyone to see.

Now It’s My Turn: The Penis Game Continues

Ok, Matt’s had his fun with this, so now it’s my turn to take an, um, shot at it so to speak. Let’s go with the 2 most recent CD’s I picked up.

First we have “Cool To Be You” by the Descendents. Really good album soon to be reviewed for Salty Ham, and it works out to be pretty good for our purposes here too.

1. Talking Penis

2. Nothing With Penis

3. She Don’t Penis

4. ‘Merican Penis

5. Dog And Pony Penis

6. Blast Penis

7. Dreams Penis

8. Cool To Be Penis

9. Maddie Penis

10. Mass Penis

11. One More Penis

12. Tack Penis

13. Anchor Penis

14. Dry Penis

Ok, let’s move on to Hot Hot Heat’s Make Up The Breakdown. Some good ones here too.

1. Naked In The City Penis

2. No, Not Penis

3. Get In Or Get Penis

4. Bandages Penis

5. Oh, Penis

6. Aveda Penis

7. This Penis

8. Talk To Me, Dance With Penis

9. Save Us Penis

10. In Penis

Ok kids, now it’s officially your turn.