
Remember those slow times I posted about about a month back? Well, count the last 4 days or so as one of them. I’ll try to get something up here tomorrow night once I’m back home or maybe even later on tonight if time permits and I decide to still be awake when RAW is over, or even while it’s still on.

Feel free to leave random comments about things if you want, hell, feel free to start a competition amongst yourselves to see who can write the best post yelling at us for being lazy bastards and not giving you all something to read. Maybe I’ll pick my favourite one and put it up on the main page, yeah, I’ll do that. If Matt likes a different one he can do the same thing. And if none of you respond to this well then you all suck…or something.

Terrible Board Games

I just read this over on X Entertainment and thought it was humourous enough to steel and bring over here. The blog won’t support the pictures but its still a very funny read. If you wanna check out the pictures after, hop over to the X-E front page and just scroll down. There’s a link right on the front page for this article.


In my travels, I’ve acquired a lot of board games. In years past, I used to pick ’em up by the truckload to hock on eBay. I’ve since ended my reign of auction terror, but for whatever reason, the habit has stuck with me. Whether at a thrift store, yard sale or dead relative’s house, I can never resist picking up a cheap old board game. They’re usually weathered and incomplete, and the sheer amount of junked games I’ve picked up has turned my closet into an artistic representation of Milton Bradley’s graveyard. Still, some of the games were way too odd to banish to the closet. Here’s a look at five of the strangest (and shittiest) board games I’ve collected over the years. Before anyone e-mails: Yes, I know that some of them aren’t technically board games. I already made the logo above before realizing that. Forgive me, I’ve sinned.

That’s right — a “Tetris” board game. In name, it’s one of the ten worst ideas I’ve ever heard. In action, it’s the biggest pile of shit anyone’s ever seen. I understand that the video game was white hot at the time; aside from single-handedly persuading millions of thumb-pushers to buy Game Boys, Tetris became a cultural phenomenon that damn near everybody had indulged in. As with any great fad, the people who stood to profit from Tetris’ popularity sought out other avenues of merchandising. The colorful bricks didn’t lend themselves to action figures or cartoons, so instead, we got this. The “Tetris” board game. The kind of Christmas present that’d make a kid knife Santa and piss all over a plastic manger.

As you’d suspect, players had the familiar goal of making lines and such with odd-shaped brick pieces. How they reached those ends is more ambiguous, because despite having read the insipid directions ten times, I can’t figure out how the Hell the game is played. It seems like the Pressman company intentionally worded the instructions in an impossible-to-decipher way, rightfully theorizing that the only way to skirt customer backlash was by making the game’s instructions read like a mixture of Greek, French, and the end result of letting baby alligators walk across the typewriter in the middle of all the sentences.

Looks fun, don’t it? Each player gets a “3-D” playing board, dashing for the pile of cardboard pieces in an effort to win the game by doing God knows what. If I read the instructions correctly, there’s no “turns” in the game. Everyone just keeps grabbing the stupid pieces from a pile until one of them manages to do whatever it is one does to win. I’m betting that most games quickly degenerated into mere cardboard-throwing fights: less intellectual, but way more fun.

It’s always dangerous when video games go for the boards. We’ve seen a number of examples here on the site, but none were quite like Tetris. It just absolutely should never have been made, and if the haphazardly applied “SAVE TEN BUCKS ON NINTENDO CARTRIDGES” sticker on each box is any indication, nobody was taking the hook.

GRADE: Big motherfreaking “F.” I’d liken the fun factor of playing the “Tetris” board game to having the hair on your testicles tweezed out by a clumsy old lady on a shaky caffeine high, but then, at least the latter would provide you with a neat story to tell the guys on poker night.

It’s the Masters of the Universe “3-D Action Game” — more harmlessly boring than outright shitty, but still worth a look since it’s the only game with a “Teela” playing piece. Made by Whitman in 1983, it’s sort of like a He-Manized version of “Candy Land.” Take a look…

Basically, each player makes a spin on the included spinner, moving their cardboard figurine across the boxes on the playing board. Each box contains different MOTU-inspired pictures and battle scenes, with a good percentage of them including extra directions: some tell you to spin again, others make you lose a turn, and there’s even a dismal square that forces you to start the whole trek over again. While the scenes painted on each square are adequate for the most part, others make absolutely no sense. One of ’em features He-Man fighting a very literal woolly mammoth. Huh?

The crappiness of the game shines through only when you actually attempt playing a round: there’s 25 squares total, and 20 of ’em include penalty instructions. It looks so fast-paced, but with all the instances of losing turns and starting over and getting “sneak attacked” by what appears to be a giant mole, it actually takes a good six days to finish a single game. That’s a lot of time to devote to making a cardboard Man-At-Arms walk over woolly mammoths and the infamous “Teela riding a unicorn” square.

For my money, the only thing saving the “3-D Action Game” from being a total failure are the six cardboard playing pieces — you get He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Skeletor, Beast Man and Mer-Man. Yes, Mer-Man. I found myself much more interested in posing these little dudes in fight stances than making them cross over ancient elephants and misplaced unicorns, and I’d imagine most kids who had the game in 1983 felt the same. If the thing has a saving grace, it’s that it only cost me a buck. Found this one at a thrift shop last year, and while the many dead and dried-out baby centipedes littering the inside of the box was no coup, at least those baby centipedes weren’t alive.

Grade: “C.” It’s certainly not fun, but at least the children who had it would’ve been able to comprehend the directions. And even if they were too stupid to do that, at least they could’ve played with the little cardboard figures. I envision grand scenes where Mattel’s “Skeletor” action figure transforms Man-At-Arms into paper, hopefully leading to the puppeteer’s first experience in playing with matches. Matches-At-Arms.

Hrm. The “Beverly Hills, 90210 Entangle Game.” You’re not going to believe this one. Made in 1991, the time was definitely right for a 90210-inspired game. The “Brenda Years” were still going strong, and while the series was inherently ridiculous from the start, it hadn’t quite yet plummeted down to the level of offensive boringness it would in later years, after everyone besides Ian Ziering and the progressively mousier Jennie Garth jumped ship to do other shows or simply vanish from the planet. I hadn’t heard of this game until locating it just a week ago, but I was certainly a big fan of the series during the time it was produced. As a teenage male, would I have ever bought a 90210 game? Hell no. Yet, when it comes to “Entangle,” I’m pretty sure I would’ve been embarrassed just by passing it in the store aisle. This is a bad game of an entirely different kind.

If you look closely at the box, you should be able to piece enough of the puzzle together. Slowly, you’re realizing what we’re dealing with, and admit it — you’re scared. Yes folks, this is the 90210 version of — holy shit — Twister. Acceptable to play only at a seven-year-old girl’s slumber party, I guarantee that you’ve never seen anything quite like …well, this:

Now, I’m looking at that picture, and I know there’s a lot riding on how I describe it. As someone who so frequently seeks to entertain through crap, this is truly the Holy Grail. Still, I’ve got no words. Really, I’ve got nothing. People don’t “review” the Mona Lisa: it’s a cultural masterpiece — accepted as such worldwide — and anything that could be said goes well past “subjective” and right into “hey, why the fuck is that idiot reviewing the Mona Lisa?” Not so similarly, what can I say about a giant, absolutely giant plastic, Twister-like mat where the goal is to keep yourself balanced with a left foot on Brandon Walsh and a right fist on Dylan McKay? So rarely are we handed material like this, and now that my day has come, I’m not so sure I can handle it. I’m trying, really I am, but this is a sort of pressure I’m just not used to. Fact is, I’m looking at that hideous mat, I’m staring at the hideous characters, and with so many thoughts and ideas swarming around my poisoned brain, only one statement seems to fully surface:


As things turned out, graduate she did. Good for Donna!

Oh my God, it gets worse. Okay, I’m going to try to explain the directions, but if I fail, please understand that it’s a failure I share with the company who crafted this travesty. The one-page tutorial on how to play reads like an Emily Valentine freak-out, but as far as I can tell, the large arrow tells you which part of your body is to be placed on the mat, while the smaller arrow points to the body part of the particular character to throw it on. Doesn’t make sense? I know! Isn’t it great?!

I’ll make things simpler, if at all possible: in the spin illustrated above, the player must put their elbow on Donna’s shoulder. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen, positively, bar none, and that includes the old episode of “Roseanne” where she has that big gameshow dream and Darlene melts into a puddle complete with pro-wrestling level special effects. The last line of the instruction sheet simply reads “Have Fun,” ultimately making the directions impossible to follow correctly because nobody could possibly “have fun” with their body contorted over the fucking cast of 90210.

Fun fact: As I was setting up the mat to take pictures, my neighbor knocked on the door to let me know that I had left my headlights on. He saw the 90210 playmat. We looked at each other, and I could see the pity and unforgiving judgment in his eyes. I thanked him for letting me know, and off he went, never to return to my apartment again. My conclusion? Son of a bitch never saw the episode where Mr. Walsh sung showtunes with Dean Cain. That was a time!

GRADE: A+++++. Why? Well, you know how we sometimes have these odd dreams about impossible inventions and wondrous devices that could better shape mankind? If something like 90210 Twister can exist, it gives me hope that a third eye or a bicycle that can cook and fly might not be too far off.

Mattel’s “M.U.S.C.L.E. Mega-Match Game” isn’t fun to play, but it’s not like kids were going to go by the rules anyway. Made in 1986, it was moreover just Mattel’s way of getting customers to pay much more for the small figures than they normally did. The ten included figures would only cost a few bucks (and were sold in these really great plastic trash cans), but with the game, that price more than doubled. The only “extras” included were a cheap board and a sticker sheet.

The game seems to be a rare find nowadays, as any kid who owned it likely lost the figures a long time ago. Without those tiny wrasslers, it’s nearly worthless. I’d still call M.U.S.C.L.E. one of the most undervalued toy collections of the 80’s; I had as much fun with these guys as my Transformers and Star Wars figures, and it was a whole lot easier (and infinitely cheaper) to collect hordes of ’em. This “Mega-Match” thing was a different story, though…

I’ll spare you the tutorial, but essentially, players could only win by knocking everyone else’s figures off the court. Right, like anyone was going to play this thing legitimately. Grubby little hands and popular action figures aren’t conductive to organized games, and I’d presume that the granite-colored board was used more for staging wars than determining winners. Besides, M.U.S.C.L.E. had much cooler “competition toys,” like that plastic wrestling ring that let kids bash each other’s toys in a much more literal fashion. For all intents, this was just an overpriced ten-pack of figures — but there’s a small upside.

Eight of the ten figures included varied with each game, but the last two remained static — it was “Muscleman” and “Terri-Bull,” the two highly sought leaders! Though really no more rare than any of the other figures, kids would typically trade 5-for-1 to get either of the leaders. They were two of the very few M.U.S.C.L.E. warriors with names we actually knew, and were given further worth by appearing in all the comic strips featured on the toy packaging. Aside from the game, the only easy way to attain these figures was by purchasing the more expensive 28-packs, and even then, you could only get one at a time. The “Mega-Match” game doesn’t seem like much fun from what I’m looking at, but at least kids were receiving figures worth bragging about.

Kid: Hey guess what! I got Terri-Bull and Muscleman!

Other Kid: Holy crap. I tell ya, you should’ve waited till the others got here to tell me this. I have nobody to help hoist you on my shoulders with.

Kid: Is that sarcasm?

Other Kid: Could be. I’ve been watching a lot of “Charles in Charge.” I mean, you wanna talk about acerbic…

The green guy in the front is Terri-Bull, by the way. Sucks that they were already up to hocking the lame neon-colored versions by the time the game came out — I’ve always preferred the flesh-tone variety, so much so that I stopped collecting the things entirely when the switch to neon became complete. Sadly, most of the other figures were total schlubs. No hand-shaped figures, no two-headed demons — just a bunch of small-framed humanoids either wearing loincloths or pointy things that sometimes became inappropriate based on where they were placed. The stickers on their chest — clan emblems, apparently — were only available by buying the game. Is that enough for an “A+?”

GRADE: No, but it’s definitely good enough for a “B.” That “B” hasn’t been earned by the actual game, mind you. I’d never rank anything that includes ten M.U.S.C.L.E. figures any lower than that. Package them with a Ziploc full of bat vomit — it’s still getting a “B.” Isn’t that terri-bull?

I think I’ve saved the best for last — take a look at the “Full House” board game — I repeat, the “FULL HOUSE” BOARD GAME — made by Tiger Toys in 1992. Tiger Toys is perhaps best known for their line of handheld, electronic video games. Their rare journeys into paper into cardboard were always met with some apprehensiveness, and it’s not like you can call those feelings unjustified, because these guys made a board game based on “Full House.”

The box is adequately offensive, snapping a photo of the three girls during the precise year that they hit their peak annoyance. Michelle, having grown a bit older and more able to form coherent statements, was the recipient of enough “awwwwwwws” from the phony audience track to make people who weren’t paying close attention think she was constantly going around telling everyone she had cancer. It wasn’t the Olsens who were the problem here, folks: it was those god damned “awwwwwwwws.” Stephanie, on the other hand, had quietly morphed from a toddler who was even cuter than Michelle into a living inspiration for dartboard targets, showing signs of the actor-through-puberty effect which hadn’t been this incredibly intensified since Rudy Huxtable gained four bricks and a beard. As for D.J. — well, I never had much of a problem with D.J., save for the fact that she shared her name with a really annoying leather-wearing cat puppet that somehow got its own TV show in around the same timeframe. She was just kinda there, not bothering anybody. By Season 148, she even had a nice haircut.

A traditional, non-threatening game board paves way for sinister goals: the winning player must be the first to collect the entire Tanner family (and the six hundred other people they lived with) in a tiny car, driving them back home. You got to make stops at the health club, mall, school — you even got to visit Danny at the TV studio. This would’ve been a heck of a lot of fun if the scheme of the game was changed entirely and made to have no association with “Full House.” Though, I’ll say this: I’ve been catching a lot of reruns lately on Nickelodeon, and the episodes are nowhere near as grating the second time around. In most of the actors’ cases, it’s easier to watch and take solace in knowing that their careers died with the show. I kid, with love. Gimme a hug. Ya big lug.

Each player takes charge of a tiny car-shaped playing piece, and I only call it car-shaped because the directions insist that they’re cars. They look more like small rotary phones. The method in which the game is played isn’t important, but know this: you’ll be picking up lots and lots of cards, and lots and lots of those cards will look like the ones shown below.

Notice how Becky and the twins had to share a card? If you ain’t Tanner blood, you ain’t Tanner nothing. Oh wait, was Joey by blood? One of them wasn’t by blood. Who on “Full House” wasn’t by blood? I know the answer. I just wanted to say “by blood” a bunch of times.

There’s cards for everyone, but by far the worst are the “Joey Joke Cards.” One side features Joey’s face, the other side lists one of his jokes. It’s like Russian Roulette with a full chamber. There are no winning flips with a Joey Joke Card. To prove it, I’ll transcribe some of the jokes:

“My aunt gave me a tie for Christmas. I didn’t complain though… My uncle did once and she gave him a sock.”

“Mom told me that smoking was dangerous, if I got caught dad would kill me.”

“What’s black and white and red all over? A blushing zebra.”

I heard that Dave Coulier used to make the stagehands spray him down with boiling vinegar after each day’s shooting, all the while cursing the writers and swearing he’d have them fired.

GRADE: D, for Dave.

We’ve seen Tetris and He-Man. We’ve played Twister on Shannen Doherty’s face. We got down with the M.U.S.C.L.E. game. Then we talked about “Full House” and everybody died. All that’s left are the Joey Joke Cards; the last vestige of an article gone terribly wrong.

Terri-bully wrong.

Leaf Trade Talks

Well it’s only a few weeks from trade deadline day and Maple Leaf fans, being what they are, are already talking trade. That’s not necessarily to say that there aren’t some moves to be made but people don’t evne think. It’s just like “Let’s trade our 5th round pick and Wade Belak for Rob Blake”. Well, while that would solve our defensive problems it’s never gonna happen.

I’m ashamed to admit it because I’m a huge Leaf fan… but too many Leaf fans are retards. Do you honestly think that the Leafs are the only team out there looking for a “horse” on defense to sure up their playoff drive. EVERY team that even still has a chance of making the playoffs is looking for that. Colorado had the best D in the league and still made a move to make it better!

The report that I’ve heard today is what spurred me to write this. On the table from Washington is a deal that would send Sergei Gonchar to the Leafs for Caro Colaiacovo AND Nik Antropov AND our first round pick next year! That’s RETARDED! Even more retarded is the number of people screaming “MAKE THE TRADE! MAKE THE TRADE!” I’m tellin’ ya. Leaf fans are dumb! I won’t take myself out of that group because I’m a Leaf fan… but there are some of us that stop and think first.

As soon as the name Gonchar was mentioned in the group of defenseman that would be available Leaf fans immediately assumed that that’s exactly what we needed and we should give up ANYTHING to get him.

Gonchar is a great offensive defenseman. If you only watch Leaf games and not any other games I’d say you’d compare him to a … Bryan McCabe. What’s that? Yup. Bryan McCabe. Y’know? That guy we ALREADY HAVE! Sure it would be nice to have another guy like that to work the point on the powerplay but if you run out and get him and his salary and give up the farm to get him what are you going to have left to spend/trade on a guy you actually need? Like Bob Boughner. I know he’s gone but that’s the kinda guy the Leafs need. A physical presence that will clear out his own zone and can shut down other teams top lines.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying DON’T get Gonchar. I’m saying don’t make the deal that’s on the table now. You give up two of your best young players a year after giving up Brad Boyes for Nolan and you’ll also give up your first round pick this year which will be another good prospect.

I know the Leafs are getting old and they need to go for it but as I JUST said… the Leafs ARE GETTING OLD! What happens when these guys retire and you’ve traded all your young guys? Does anyone remember the 80’s for the Leafs. Nothing but losses!

The Leafs need to make some deals but they need to do it by agreeing to pick up salary. They can afford that. They can’t afford to give up young guys. We’re already thin on those.

Antropov, Colaiacovo and first round pick? Fuck off! Would you like Stajan, Bell and Telqvist while we’re at it?


Truth Is Dumber Than Fiction

Just when I think I’ve seen the stupidest thing I could possibly see, somebody comes along and tops it. Ok, this story actually more than tops it. It not only takes the cake, I think it baked the fucking thing.

I can’t remember which town this happened in but honestly it’s not that important to the story. It’s somewhere in Canada though and I think it might have been Toronto but I can’t be entirely sure.

A woman living in a townhouse complex opened her front door yesterday to find that somebody had left a baby on her doorstep. So rather than calling the police as most of us would probably do in a situation like this once we finished freaking out, our hero decides that she’s going to take the kid to the management office of the complex she lives in. Ok, I can understand the thinking there, maybe one of the managers will recognize the kid and be able to point you in the direction of the person who left it, or maybe you can go door to door with a manager asking people if they know who the little guy belongs to. Both fine ideas I figure, it’s just too bad that’s not what happened. Here’s where things go wrong, horribly horribly wrong.

When she gets to the office, our favourite future Mensa member doesn’t look for a trusted office worker at all, but rather for reasons that only the truly mentally afflicted among us could even think about understanding, simply hands the kid off to some guy she’s never seen before. Yeah, you’re reading that right, she just gives the kid to some random guy who in true random guy fashion, promptly fucks off and takes the kid with him. So now the police are left with no names, no missing persons report, and one really big idiot who I’m sure they’d all like to take turns slapping upside the fucking head.

I’d ask what must have been going through her mind, but that would imply that she has one, which clearly she does not.

I’m not sure what we the public are supposed to do to help solve this case, perhaps we should all report any random man we see with a baby to the police so that they can question him immediately and hopefully bring a swift end to this case and reunite the poor baby with his family, or at least with somebody who won’t leave him at random houses when they need a babysitter.

Relationship Tip

One of the most common argument starters in any relationship is the toilet seat. A large majority of men have a tendency to leave the seat up when they’re finished, seeing no reason for putting it down. For obvious reasons this causes women many headaches and upsets them quite a bit and rightfully so. But men, there is something you can do to help. You have the power to stop the nagging, the complaining, the wining and the arguing over something that should be a very trivial matter and I’m happy to say that the solution to the problem is quite simple.

If you never want to have the toilet seat argument again, all you have to do is piss in the sink. It has no lid, nothing to lift up or put down. Just piss, rince and forget. Another advantage to this is that you can wash your hands and flush at the same time saving yourself the trouble of walking to 2 different places just to use water. And for those of you out there who might be wondering, yes, the tub will work just fine and is actually recommended for those of you with strangely built sinks or severe aiming issues.

I Hate New Music

I have just about had it with new music… or at least the lighter side of it. (i.e. pop, country). I’m gonna tell you why. I will start with the one that offends me less because… I wanna.

This morning I woke up and came upstairs to where the family was getting ready for the days activities. On the radio was the same country station that my mother always listens to in the morning. I’m not a huge country fan but at that time of day I usually don’t even notice what’s playing. This morning I did. And Faith Hill, as hot as she might be, offended my ears greatly.

I don’t know how long it’s been out but Faith was doing the old Janice Joplin song “Take Another Piece Of My Heart” and doing it quite badly. As I said before I don’t generally like country but I’ll admit that Faith Hill has a great voice… but she RAPED this song.

First of all the obvious. This does NOT turn in to a country song very well. The addition of a fiddle and the change from electric to steel guitar does not do the song any favours. It sounds just terrible.

Secondly. Faith Hill is a great singer – Janice Joplin is not. But in this instance it almost seemed reversed. Joplin’s voice is very crackly and almost masculin. Faith’s… ISN’T. The song fit greatly with Janice’s voice and that song made her lots and lots of money because people loved it. Faith performs it how she does all of her other songs, with a high pitched, angelic tone that is great for her but just terrible for this song.

The song was a classic good song and she has tortured it and anyone that must listen to it. She never should have treid to tackle it. She’s a great singer but she needed to understand that she did not have the right kind of voice for this song. It was almost offensive.

My second example hurts me more because it takes away from something I personally enjoy… and in the end isn’t it always about me? Yes it is.

Two nights ago I was watching part of the Brit Awards and I saw a pop group I’d never heard before called “Busted’ (I believe) take the stage and as they did the announcer said something that scared me.

“Now to perform their latest hit, Teenage Kicks, here is Busted!”

I was filled with terror. “it couldn’t be” I thought to myself. It was.

These lousy British pop motherfuckers were taking an old old punk song and turning it in to something that would have any punk fan almost in teers.

During the height of the Romones popularity there was another Europena punk band making some noise that doesn’t get near the recognition of say the Romones or the Clash. The Undertones were putting out solid record after solid record and had developed quite a large fan bass around Europe and some parts of North America. These boys hailed from Ireland and their first hit was… yup, Teenage Kicks.

The song was not as heavy as many punk songs are now but then neither is most of the older punk. It’s not that it’s softer or worse… It’s just different. Partly because of where music was at and partly because of where instrument technology was at but the song got very big in Europe and you still hear it now on certain Punk shows and compilations from time to time.

The electronic poppy little bastards started up and sure enough, it was the same song. Although, you could barely say the same song. Not once did anyone give the Undertones any kind of credit or even mention that the group didn’t have anything to do with writing it. No one even mentioned that it was written, performed, released and making money 10 years before these guys were born. Nope. Just a bunch of teenage girls screaming and thinking their geniouses for such a great song. It almost made me sick to my stomach.

There’s all kinds of bad covers out there and punk bands are some of the most famous for taking other peoples songs and performing them… but seriously how much money are they making off of it and how serious are they. Punk Covers are generally something you download online for a laugh. These modern mainstream bands, though, take these songs and put them on their cd’s and make millions.

How about the Ataris doing Boys of Summer. I bet you all the 13 year old girls flocking out to buy that album have never even heard of Don Henly and the Ataris sold more copies of that album then of all their other albums put together.

Write your own damn songs you pricks. I could sit here and name off a bunch more things that people never ever should have tried to cover but I thought it might be kind of fun for the comment boards. If you guys got some songs in mind that someone decided they could do a better job in and just killed it… please feel free to throw them on up here.

To me it’s just sad that we’ve reached a level where people can no longer write their own songs. Has every possible musical note combination been used up? Pretty sure it hasn’t. Quit being so lazy and if you are gonna use someone elses song you should acknowledge them every time you perform it or have it all over your cd or make radio DJ’s give real credit every time they play it.

Fuckin’ music. Almost tired of it.

Everything Works Again

If you were here earlier and tried to comment on something but the comment boards wouldn’t let you, the problem, whatever it was, seems to be fixed now. It was something to do with the commenting host and it went away on it’s own without us having to do anything. This is good because I’d have no clue how to fix it if it was our fault. I’m not sure how long it was down for but it’s all up and running again so comment away.

Flawed Logic

A group called The Kaiser Family Foundation has just published a study on junk food addiction and childhood obesity and their findings are in a word, stupid.

The study finds that a large part of why kids are so addicted to junk food and getting so fat is that their are more commercials for candy and snack food than their used to be. They say that as a matter of fact, the number of ads for such things has doubled from 20000 in the 70’s to 40000 today. Ok, I’m not going to argue that point for 2 reasons. First and foremost, I don’t have any of my own numbers to use to make a good case and secondly because they’re probably right, there are a lot of commercials out there these days and quite a few of them are for food.

Here’s where I have a problem. As part of a separate but related study, a team of psychologists spent about a year and a half studying the impact of commercials on different age groups. What they found was that children under the age of 8 have trouble understanding that the intent of ads was to sell things and that the claims made in those ads were in fact exagerated. Well first of all let me just say on behalf of anybody who’s money went into funding any of this and on behalf of anybody with a functioning brain, duh!

So now the American Psychological Association and the people who did the other study are calling for tighter controls on junk food advertising directed at young children thinking that somehow these new laws are going to stop kids from getting fat. Um, I think you’re all missing something here, that being the fact that kids don’t have money and that they’re not the ones buying all of this crap. If you want to try to change something, why not try to target all the parents who are buying everything just because their kids are asking for it? If Mom and Dad could just say no to little Billy when he asks for the big bag of chips and the 12 gallon drumb of sugar water, maybe the chances of him becoming not so little Billy before he turns 11 would go down a little bit.

Parents are so afraid of saying no to their children these days, it’s ridiculous! I know some of them have guns but give me a break, put your foot down, you’re a parent for god sakes! My Mom used to say no to me quite a bit when I was a kid and she’s still very much alive and well thank you very much. Kids can’t have everything they ask for, whether it be junk food, toys, clothes or whatever.

I’m not sure what it is with parents these days but something really needs to change and maybe, just maybe, before we start coming down on the kids for not understanding how commercials work and putting all the blame on them, perhaps what all of these groups should be doing is funding classes for Mom and Dad to teach them the proper use of a small but effective part of the English language, that being the word no.

Irony At It’s Finest

If you ever find yourself needing to define irony for somebody, forget the dictionary and just point them here.

It seems that Eminem has filed a nice hefty lawsuit against Apple Computer, specifically Apple’s iTunes music download service for of all things, get this, copyright infringement. Acording to Em and his music publishing company Eight Mile Style the so-called “legal pay per download service” used the song “Lose Yourself” in a TV commercial without permission and then even went so far as to put the ad on a company website. So now the rapper and the publisher are taking Apple, Viacom, MTV and a company called TBWA/Chiat/Day advertising to court for millions of dollars, money that Eminem says that he could easily get for an endorsement deal.

I love it when the jokes write themselves like that, it makes my job so much easier.

Oh My God But This Is Funny!

If you’re a fan of wrestling, laughing, or both then you have to click this link, no excuses. It seems that in the 1980’s somebody got the brilliant idea of making a porno movie based around wrestling. And now, the folks over at
Wrestle Crap
have done an absolutely hilarious write-up on it. Make sure you’ve got Real Player or Real Alternative too because this thing even has audio clips and they’re a very important part of the whole experience. And don’t put off clicking there until later because the link will only work for a few more days before something else replaces it. I won’t keep you any longer, you need to go there.