So Tired

Hey, Everyone.
Well the updates have been few and far between just as we said they would be but I didn’t expect it to be like this. At leat not on my own end.

I got back from my Montreal trip on Monday afternoon and went in to work on Tuesday. That was a day of catching up on what I’d missed Friday and Monday. On Wednesday I woke up at about 3:00am with a sever case of projectile vomit. I didn’t go in to work on Wednesday as the day got progessively worse with chills and some lovely head aches. Thursday was not much better so I stayed in bed most of the day again. On Friday I got my shit back together and went back in to work and tried to resume a normal life.

It was then that I noticed my Internet Explorer was royally buggered and wouldn’t let me on. It’s not even like it won’t find sites, the program itself just will not open. So last night I got MSN Explorer up and running and I’m using that as my browser now as I still can’t get I E running. So that’s where I’ve been.

Tonight is the NHL Skills Competition. I love this stuff. It shows the players in kind of a laid back atmosphere just showing what they can do and having fun. I’ll be havin’ some people over for some beer and pizza just to kinda enjoy it. Tomorrow is the actual game. I’m not always a huge fan as in the actual games I like a bit of intensity but it should still be enjoyable. I’m sure I’ll still watch.

Only 3 more days until I jet off to Sweden for a 3 day competition. We’ll be there for 7 days but most of it will be spent getting over jet-lag before the competition. The day in between the end of the competition and the trip home will be spent in Copenhagen Denmark checking out the Karlsburg Brewery. Hang over on a trans-atlantic flight. Should be great.

Hopefully I’ll get back with something more later. If not…. well don’t be surprised.

Just One Of Those Things

I was watching a bit of the morning news today when I got up and I happened to catch a segment called Your Say. It’s the part of the show where they read some of their viewer mail on the air and give the results of the daily poll question. The question of the day had something to do with something that happened at the Super Bowl so I’m told, something about a boob, I don’t think it was a very widely publicized incident. But enough about that, that’s a whole other post for another day. What they wanted to know is whether we the people thought that the worldwide titty flash would spike record sales for either of the people involved. I don’t even remember the results because as they were flashing them up on the screen something hit me, something I’d never thought about before.

Along with the percentages for yes and no, there were a number of people who voted for undecided. My question then is this. If you have no opinion, why bother voting? It’s not like someone’s holding a gun to your head saying “answer the question even if you say I don’t know,” it’s a web poll, you can choose whether or not you want to participate. Think about it. In order to let the entire world know that you have no feelings one way or the other on a given subject you actually have to take the time to log onto the internet, punch up the website and then vote in the poll. And it’s not even like you’re going to get your name mentioned on the show, all of those polls are completely anonimous. No names given. You’re just lumped in there with all the other losers who can’t make up their minds and wanna tell us all about it.

I wouldn’t even care if it was a telephone survey and they just asked you a bunch of questions, you agreed to participate in that and sometimes you just don’t have an answer. But nobody’s forcing you to vote here so why not just spend the time it would take to do that to I dunno, get a life or something? I just don’t understand people sometimes. We all have this compultion to be heard, even if we have absolutely nothing to say. And if you need some proof to back that statement up, just think about how popular blogs are. Ok, I think I’ve said too much now. More later.

Where’d Everyone Go?

Well look who’s back… Ya. I know you were hoping for Steve but it’s just me.

I’m back from Montreal and weighing in one gold medal heavier. The Championship game turned out to be a good one for the very reason that this tournament in unique from others. The Men’s Final pitted the defending American Champions against the defending Canadian Champions. Obviously, the Canadian side was going to win and the final score turned out to be Ontario 6 Pennsylvania 3. You just don’t get that at Canadian or American Championships as you only play against those in your country. These “Open” or “Invitational” tournaments are great for that as you see the top states and provinces go at it for North American Bragging Rights. For anyone who’s interested the final standings (or at least the top 4) after the tournament were.

Gold: Ontario
Silver: Pennsylvania
Bronze: Nova Scotia
4th: New Jersey.

On the women’s side…. well I don’t know. I hardly watched any of it. It was two American teams in the final though and that was… not cool. I believe the final game saw Michigan take on Colorado. I did see the very ending. The two teams after going head to head went to center court, shook hands and together delivered a rousing USA chant in Montreal. (Canadian soil for you Geography buffs). If that doesn’t get the Canadian women motivated for the Olympics, nothing will. It would make me sick to be sitting in the stands watching as my American peers walked in to my building and kicked my ass bad enough that Canada wasn’t even represented in the finals. Then to watch them deliver that little message. If Canada doesn’t show better next time then there’s something wrong for sure. I mean kudos to the Americans for winning it all… but they’ve left an impression on the Canadians… or at least I hope they have.

Well I’m back for just a little more than a week. I leave next Tuesday for some Scandanavian touring. I’ll be there for about a week and will suffer a few days of jetlag upon my return. But hey, Steve told you things may slow down for a bit. But I’m sure I’ll have lots to say upon return from that. I mean hell. It’s the other side of the world, god dammit. Maybe I’ll go visit Karine! haha. What’s for dinner there, friend? Have a cold one on ice for me if you don’t mind.

Well, not much else to say for right now. I’ll get back… sometime.

This Post Has No Title. Wait, Yes It Does.

If I ever meet the guy who invented bubble gum flavoured toothpaste I’m gonna hoof him square in the sack. And before you ask, yes, I am in a good mood today. The fact that I’m going to limit myself to a single kick to the nuts on a guy who had the nerve to unleash something so horrid on all of humanity should tell you that I’m feeling rather jovial at this time. Seriously, this stuff is some of the worst tasting shit that you could ever hope to inflict on yourself. There really needs to be a warning label on tubes of the stuff that says “NOT FOR USE BY ANYONE OVER THE AGE OF 7,” or perhaps one that says “WARNING: PRODUCT TASTES LIKE ASS”

It’s not even just that it tastes bad, but it’s for how long it tastes bad, an well, pretty much the whole experience of using it now that I stop and think about it. The first thing you’ll notice when you realize that you’re using bubble gum toothpaste is the flavour which as we’ve already covered here isn’t what any sane person would call good. This is followed closely by the realization that your mouth, rather than feeling clean and fresh as you would expect when brushing your teeth, actually is developing a nice healthy coating of dirty feeling film. And try as you might, nothing you can do is going to get that taste out of your mouth for a good half an hour or more. I’m about 27 minutes and 3 glasses of water removed from my last cleaning and every sip of water still tastes like gum, each one more than the last. I just stopped and ate a little bag of those fruit snack things and a couple of peanut butter cookies and I think the gum taste is almost gone though I’m not entirely sure and I don’t want to declare victory too early. And I just realized something else. Now that I’ve eaten all that candy, I should probably brush my teeth again. God damnit! I just can’t win.

And to make matters worse, I have to use bubble gum toothpaste every day until next Friday afternoon. It’s all they have at the place where I’m staying right now. There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s all they have, it’s free and I’m getting paid to be here. So kind of like trying to figure out Matt’s spelling and back translate it into English, the torture continues.


This is just a quick note to sort of explain the lack of updates lately. It pretty much boils down to this. Matt and I are both busy people. I can’t really speak for him but I know that he’s got a lot going on right now.

But I can speak for me so I can say for sure that right now I’ve got a lot going on. I’ve been pretty busy lately with things and now I’ve got some pretty big personal problems to deal with so updates might be few and far between around here for the next while. And no, personal problems isn’t a code phrase for I’m in rehab, rehab is for quitters. I’ve just got a lot to deal with right now is the thing. I’ll post things up here when I can, whenever the mood strikes but don’t be surprised if it’s days between posts for the next while.

In the meantime feel free to rip the ever loving hell out of each other on the comment boards or just use them to talk to each other and maybe even get along. Just remember that we’re not going away, it’s just that this site is a hobby and sometimes it has to take a back seat to real life, as much as that sucks sometimes.

So until we talk again I’ll leave you with this.

Q. How do you turn a lawn mower into a snowblower?
A. Give the bitch a shovel.

That’s me, doing my part to promote equality.

This Actually Happened

I heard this on “The Weird News” on my way in to work this morning.

Yesterday a South Dakota judge made a decision that local residents of a small S.D. town said was only fair.

The problem arose when the citizens of a small neighbourhood went to authorities with a complete about one single man who lived on their street. All parties were heard and the judge after reviewing the case decided the following.

1. This man would no longer be allowed to moe his lawn in the nude. Apparently he did this frequently and waved to passing cars in broad daylight.

2. The man is not permitted to paste pictures of his snake and eggs on the windows of cars in the mall parking lot.

Finally, he would not be allowed to pull start the ol’ one-eyed yogurt thrower in his driveway.

Sometimes you just wonder what goes through peoples’ minds.

I’m leaving this afternoon for Montreal and won’t be returning until late Sunday night so you won’t be hearing from me. Maybe something later today but that’d be about it. I’m sure Steve will have some shit to say over the next few days. If not… well just keep tearing each other apart on the comment board.

Random Observations From The Middle Of A Snow Storm

Ok so I’m not actually in the middle of the snow storm itself, I’m in my nice warm house but my nice warm house is right smack dab in the middle of a great big storm that’s pretty much got the entire province shut down so it’s close enough. The only good thing to come out of this whole thing is that I got the day off, that was pretty sweet. I hate Winter with a passion so whenever I can take something positive from it I’m all for that.

One thing this weather proves to me though is once again just exactly how dumb people can be. I know I talk about this a lot but there’s a good reason for that, that reason being that people don’t seem to be getting the message and just keep right on doing or saying dumb things. For instance, I was watching the news the other day when we were in the middle of the last snow storm, the one that wasn’t quite as bad as this one. The news girl was tossing out all the standard lines about not driving if you don’t have to, dressing warmly, taking your time, that sort of thing. Then she comes out with this gem. “Remember that snow tends to blow around more in open areas than it does in others.” Well gee thanks, I was wondering why it didn’t happen so much indoors, or in places where you’re surrounded by fucking buildings. I’ll sleep better at night thanks to you and your endless wisdom there Sparky. Good lord, how did you get that job, let alone learn to read in the first place? I mean come on, what am I supposed to take from a statement like that? It’s about as informative as telling me that fat people tend to weigh more than anorexics do. At least it was on the noon news, the one that nobody watches. Ok, nobody but me and maybe the families of the anchors who haven’t gotten over the fact that they’re related to somebody even remotely famous.

Speaking of famous people and the people who know them, why is it that people take deep personal offence when they tell me they know somebody and I look at them and go “who’s that?” Forgive me for not watching the news from a town I don’t even live in on a station I don’t even get just to see your 12th cousin 4 times removed tell me that the local Peewee hockey championships take place next Thursday.

And by the way, just because I am blind doesn’t mean that I am a fan of, or personal friend of every blind person on the earth famous or not. Odds are that I’m not in fact, stop asking. I don’t automaticly have to like Stevie Wonder just because we have something in common. He doesn’t have to read my website and I don’t have to like his music, it’s all about choice. Yeah, I’m feeling a little bitter, what’s your point?

My girlfriend keeps getting these Spam emails talking about how she can get continuous penis growth with some sort of revolutionary new patch. I’m not even going to bother with the obvious question of why would she want that, but instead the thing that got us both thinking is why would anybody want that? Even if it did actually work which it more than likely doesn’t, is continuous johnson growth really that good of an idea? That means that it doesn’t stop, so it’ll just grow and grow. A couple of extra inches wouldn’t harm anything I figure, might even do a little good but the thought of it getting out of my control and possibly even giving myself an inadvertent circumcision while I’m out walking one day just doesn’t appeal all that much, call me crazy.

I was listening to that old Aaron Neville song “Everybody Plays The Fool” today and I heard a line that I forgot, “use your heart just like a tool.” Not sure how you’d do that since I’ve never seen anybody jerk off with or piss out of one of those things. I think I think too much.

And just to wind things up all nice and propper like, it’s time to piss some people off with a joke, sent to me by a friend.

A gay guy falls in love with a proctologist. He goes to the proctologist’s office and says he has an obstruction. So the proctologist sticks his hand up the guy’s ass but can’t find anything. However, he notices that the man has an erection, so the proctologist cuts short the examination and orders the gay guy out of his office.

The next day, the gay guy calls the proctologist and claims he has another obstruction. The proctologist doesn’t believe him but the guy claims he is in great pain, so the doctor relents. When the guy arrives, the doctor sticks his hand up the guy’s ass again but this time he finds something. “Good God!!!”, the doctor exclaims, “No wonder you’re in pain — there are two dozen roses shoved up your ass!”.

The gay guy turns around excitedly and says, “Read the card! Read the Card!!”

Gays Get Defensive. Kevin Smith Gets Defensive and Then Gays Get Defensive Again

Well I just read something that I had to push along your way cuz it’s a real funny read. If you’re evented by gay jokes, I wouldn’t proceed if I were you. If you enjoy laughing, I would highly suggest you proceed. By the way, this came from

This comes from September 2001.

Let’s Go

Gays Get Defensive, Kevin Smith Gets Defensive, and Then Gays Get Defensive Again.

Last month, the gay-rights group, GLAAD, saw Kevin Smith’s latest movie, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. They were outraged by the number of gay jokes, and were positive that they would inspire a dark and evil future where people outside of movies might make gay jokes. And when that happens, how will they be able to keep their quiet dignity while parading down the streets in panties and vests on giant penis-shaped floats?

GLAAD took action. They mailed Kevin Smith an angry letter telling him they would publicly not like his movie. And while they did not demand he go back in time and unmake it, it was still a serious threat. Because as their club indicates, the letter was written by fingers that may have indeed wanted to touch male genitals even as they typed.

The letter came from a man named Scott Seomin. And yes, with a name like Seomin, you really only have two choices for your career: sperm doctor or gay. Expecting anything else would be like naming your kid Max Q. Infant Launcher and thinking he wouldn’t grow up to invent the baby catapult.

GLAAD is a group dedicated to stopping the defamation of homosexuals. For this article, I’m going to assume that GLAAD is mostly made up of gay men. Because lesbians don’t need an anti-defamation publicist. If they think anyone is complaining about them, they’re wrong. From their website, you’ll learn that one of GLAAD’s main objectives is to “promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Visibility by designing and implementing public education campaigns.” And while at first this sounds like a beautiful thing, it doesn’t take a bullshit doctor to figure out that it means, “we have intricate plans to tell everyone in the world who we’re interested in fucking.” Wanting to bang somebody isn’t a noble cause to build a club around. Do you think anyone would respond to an angry letter sent from the company I started about how much I want to have sex with Buffy the Vampire Slayer? According to my lack of response from Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s press secretary and the president of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan club, no.

GLAAD probably didn’t know about the findings of my company’s experiment unless they were walking through select cities where I posted my angry letter next to erotic drawings of me having sex with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They really thought hought someone would answer their letter. Why wouldn’t they? They’re both offended AND excited about the idea of having sex with a butthole. It turns out they were right, but we’ll get to that. First…

Part One: From the Desk of a Homosexual Comes… An Act of War

Original GLAAD Letter:
“Dear Kevin:
Two colleagues of mine from GLAAD joined me last evening at a screening of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.”

Mocking Of Oringal GLAAD Letter
I’m not questioning the integrity or commitment of their club, but these guys couldn’t have been that gay if they had time to watch a movie that wasn’t about naked men. If Scott really wanted to promote homosexuality, he probably should have said, “Two of my colleages delightfully sodomized me last evening in the back row of a screening of Jay and Silent Bob Slap my Balls Around.”

“We were overwhelmed by the potential negative impact for the film with what we would assume is a large share of its target audience: teen and young adult males. We will be public and aggressive in our condemnation and will provide substantiation for our opinions.”

When teens and young adult males see grown men making out, they don’t ask themselves, “What did writer/director Kevin Smith say we were supposed to think about this again?” Public and aggressive condemnation isn’t going to help someone like that. The only thing that can help someone like that is a well-trained staff of retard handlers and a toy duck that squirts chocolate when you squeeze it.

“Here are the points to which we will object and our reasons for doing so:
1: As one of the principal characters states, the film is a “big gay joke,” but the joke is at the expense of a stereotyped category of people;”

People who cry about stereotypes are usually upset because they fall into them. We don’t have time to get to know every single person we see. We have to stereotype people in certain ways to know which one of them wants to kill us for our wallet, which ones can’t drive, and which ones enjoy the taste of falafel. If we didn’t have stereotypes, we’d be doing stupid shit like walking up to bikers and asking who won today’s tennis match.
So if you’re Hindu and everyone stereotypes you as someone who doesn’t ever go fly fishing, I apologize on the sake of my cruel people. But if it really bothers you, start fly fishing. Otherwise they’re right. A less drastic solution would be to distract them with one of your positive stereotypes like how all Hindus have mind powers.
You can use stereotypes to your advantage. For example, if you’re tall everyone assumes you play basketball. You could foolishly spend 2 seconds every time you meet a stupid stranger to say, “No, I don’t play basketball,” or you could initiate SuperPlan X: let them think their stereotypes are true. Then, when the time is just right, you strike… and don’t play basketball!
While I’m on the subject of stereotypes, gay people are stereotyped as prissy. Which is weird, because this bitchy letter that GLAAD sent is totally butch. In fact, it’s so tough I thought for a second that Genghis Kahn must have written it.

“All references to gay men reinforce them as objects of acceptable ridicule and dehumanization;

This might have been hard for GLAAD to figure out since their world mainly focuses on dick and not cinema, but you won’t find anyone in a comedy movie that isn’t an object of ridicule and dehumanization. Even when they fuck women. If GLAAD wants a movie where gay people are flawless and serious, they can rent Batman again.

“Specific epithets for gay men include not only traditional slurs but also have the potential to introduce an expanded vocabulary of defamatory words and phrases;”

The English language increases by thousands of words every year, GLAAD. You should be happy that a lot of them might describe you and what your club likes to have sex with. And in the distant future, where we’ve run out of new nouns, our children’s children can conceive of new ways to describe homosexuals by adding the word “ass” in front of all existing nouns. For instance, Ass Gardener.

“When sympathetic characters substitute the word “gay” for something that is wrong or stupid, it validates a common slur used by school-age youth to mean anything unacceptable.”

Whether gays like it or not, “gay” can also mean stupid or lame. Like for example, “This letter is fucking gay.” But remember how it used to mean happy? Faggot used to mean a bundle of wood, fags were cigarettes, queer used to just mean strange, and fairies used to grant us wishes and turn our pumpkins into racecars. Now all of them mean, “I wish I had some hot cock sex.” For gay people to complain about someone co-opting the meaning of a word is maximumly ridiculous. In fact, to avenge the English language, I think we should take their only original word, “homosexual,” and start having it mean “farting space menace.”

Part Two: Kevin Smith Responds

“I’ve been knee-deep in gayness for the better part of my twenties and up.”
– Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith is a sensitive man. He gets really really upset when someone doesn’t like his movies or makes fun of him. People that saw Jay and Silent Bob probably noticed that it was 90 minutes of cathartic therapy for him to deal with the kids that call him names in his website’s message board. Every three or four scenes someone would turn toward the camera and recite pages from what must have been Kevin Smith’s “Fractured Feelings Diary.” With all the complaints about Kevin’s personal life and clumsy references to his other movies, he might as well have named the movie, “An Afternoon with Kevin Smith When He’s in a Bad Mood And He Reminds You that He’s Seen Star Wars Lots of Times.”

Internet forums bring out the worst of humanity: stupid irrational egomaniacs telling each other how much they hate everything. Getting bothered by it is like reading “FUCK YOU” on a bathroom wall and saying, “Fuck ME!? H-how DARE they!!” It’s not something you make a mutli-million dollar movie about. If it makes you feel better, Kevin Smith– people call me names in Internet forums, and I’m not even fat.

Kevin responded to GLAAD’s letter in the same way he responded to the twelve year old kids that didn’t like Dogma: by outrageously overreacting. He wrote a massive essay about how he wasn’t homophobic, and in a final desperate attempt to get the gay people to like him again, he gave them $10,000. Now he only has 400 more essays to write and six trillion dollars to give away to get to a world where nobody makes fun of him. But that won’t work; you can’t get everyone to like you. For example, because of Kevin’s flailing struggle to pacify the homos, I now think he’s a big dumb pussy.

His response started with “Needless to say, I was crestfallen,” as if we were all reading GLAAD’s letter and saying, “Kevin doesn’t need to tell ME that he’s crestfallen.” He went on to add, “You all know me. You all know how big a fan I am of the gay community.”

Being on the defensive makes you say shit like that. You lose your perspective and blurt out nonsense. The gay community has sex amongst itself. Outside of porno and looking in people’s windows, how does a person become a big fan of that? As far as I know, there is no such thing as gay trading cards. And I’ve never seen two gay enthusiasts arguing with their friends about who the league’s best sodomizer is.

Coworker 1: “Dude, nobody is more gay than Carl “Oilcan” Hurricane. He can make an asshole BEG for mercy.”

Coworker 2: “Yeah, I was a fan of Carl; mostly his early stuff. But lately, I’ve had my eye on rookie gay, Gay Hank.”

Coworker 1: “Hank’s got a good dicksuck, but his anal rampage is totally weak.”

Coworker 2: “Agreed.”

The letter went on for about 3000 more words telling us all the ways he loves gay people citing all kinds of examples of times he didn’t hate gay people. It’s pretty clear he doesn’t. The problem is, once you’re accused of something like being homophobic or racist, you’re already in trouble. Just saying “I’m not homophobic!” over the course of several pages just makes you look worse no matter how many times you remind everyone that you’ve seen Star Wars. If someone calls you homophobic (and they’re wrong), just call them a dolphin molester. Because the fact that gay people make you uncomfortable is going to look pretty trivial next to someone who fucks hyper-intelligent fish. And five years later, when people are still gasping at their approach and hurredly pulling their dolphins away from them, they’ll know exactly the taste of the betrayal you feel.

After he finished the spaztic letter and gave them the free money, Kevin did one final thing to keep GLAAD’s letter writing revolver from firing again. He added a disclaimer at the end of his [crappy] movie saying “The use of the film’s antigay slurs in real life is not acceptable.” Thanks for the help, fuckhead. You must be right since there’s no such thing as “Homobutt cola” and they tore down the national chain of Faggotry Fabric Bargain Palaces. I’m sure you helped all the truckers in the audience who suddenly realized that their frank CB discussions about their disapproval of anal sex were insensitive to the other long haul truckers who might be listening, and also having anal sex. I’m sure without Kevin Smith helping us with all these subtle secrets of our society, all our wedding receptions would sound like this: “Everyone raise your glasses to celebrate how Jeff could finally make Lisa an honest wom– Jesus. I’ve got such cotton mouth you’d think I was a dicksucking fag chink chinaman. Cheers, you box-sucking dykes!”

Very few people have a healthy view of homosexuality. A healthy view of homosexuality is to ignore it until it comes up in the middle of a game of truth or dare and you get dared to start an orgy. Deal with it then. A non-healthy view is usually expressed in three ways:

1: Praise and Over-acceptance
This is the kind of person who has a lot of gay friends and seems fascinated when any of them start to talk about what men they want to have sex with. They consider someone with a dick in their ass intriguing and cosmopolitan. They’ll get into long discussions about what it’s like with a penis up against a person’s bladder, and they’ll eventually end up getting drunk and making out with a dude after he talks him into finding out if he’s gay.

These people make great targets for gay recruiters. And yes, there are gay recruiters. Gay people recruit worse than Mormons selling Amway. I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy or just individual homos working independently, but they’re constantly in the middle of a membership drive. Maybe they already had sex with all their own asses, or maybe they win a box of cookies for every new homosexual. Either way, recruitment usually consists of a man telling another about their theory of how “everyone is at least bisexual,” and following it with his closing, “A man knows what a man wants.” That isn’t a stereotype. That’s every homosexual man under 30. It doesn’t usually work, though. The gay community doesn’t know this, but women know what men want too. It’s not hard to figure a penis out. If you take your pants off and lay on the roof of your car, a car wash can figure out what a man wants. Shit, if you rub food on your crotch, a sleeping goat can work out what a man wants.

2: Grim Tolerance
The second type of person is someone who can barely put up with the fact that somewhere out there someone is being gay. They’ll say things like, “I don’t care what they do, as long as it’s in the privacy of their own home.” It’s sort of a way to still totally hate the idea of gay people, but sound just tolerant enough that no one calls you names. They find it mentionably disgusting, but for some reason never protest how somewhere a fat person might be humping someone with chicken pox and a hunchback.

You’d be amazed at how rarely gay people “do what they do” anywhere where you’d come across it. The fact is, you aren’t allowed to have sex outside the privacy of your own home no matter what you’re having sex with. Our country protects us from that. But I don’t care if two guys decide to fuck on the sidewalk in front of my house. I have a neck. And I can turn it in 359 degrees as soon as I decide I don’t want to see two dudes going at it. Which should be starting about… NOW. Okay, maybe a few more minutes. RIDE THAT ASS, BRUCE! MAKE HIM YOUR NAUGHTY PONY! The only people that this law protects are paralyzed people that get their eyelids jammed open and their wheelchairs set directly in front of gay people having sex.

3: Outright Hatred
This third type of person probably grew up in a family stolen and enslaved by rampaging homosexual barbarians, or was partially eaten by a homosexual animal. They hate gay people, or at least plan on hating them if they ever meet one. These are the kind of heroes that keep children safe by making sure gay couples can’t get married, and protest companies for not firing or exploding gay employees.

These biggots are actually more rare than you think. If you find more than one person in your area that hates gay people, you’re probably in north Idaho. Go be gay somewhere else. Because being gay in north Idaho is like being a midget trainer at a circus with no midgets. It would take a miracle of time and space for you to ever get a chance to do your job.

If it makes anyone feel better, marriage really is just some ancient tradition people use to involve the government and Jesus in their personal lives. If gay people were that worried about living a traditional life, they’d probably give up their night job of wearing a bikini and lip-synching Madonna songs. The government has better things to worry about than whether or not the hand giving you a handjob at the midnight showing of Priscilla Queen of the Desert has a wedding ring on it. But if it’s still that important that you tell the world about you and your boyfriend’s passion and committment, get a set of His and His hand towels or go shopping in matching “I’M WITH THE GAY GUY WITH THE MOUSTACHE” sweaters. Yes, it’s insane that it’s illegal for gays to get married, but it’s also insane that you fucking care.

There is not one way that gay people getting married would affect anyone. Maybe I’d feel differently if I was a seamstress and didn’t didn’t have a man-sized wedding dress pattern, but honestly gay people would have to marry gorillas with chainsaws in my backyard before any one thing in my life changed. And if I go to Denny’s, I don’t care if a lesbian cooked my omelette. The only thing I care about is that she’s washed her hand between the time she made my food and the time she had it elbow-deep in vagina. And now that I think about it more, no I don’t.

Part 3: Revenge Served Gay

GLAAD responded to Kevin Smith with a defensive letter of their own. In it, they mostly talk about how their letter was written to get everyone in the world talking about gay people, but not making fun of gay people or including them in any jokes. Basically, it’s two pages of bullshit to distract us from what their letter actually did… made Kevin Smith cry. Well, it didn’t distract me, you fucking homo bullies. You bothered someone until they lost their mind. You’re like phone solicitors only without the paychecks.

GLAAD finished their letter by saying, “GLAAD’s goal is to spark discussion about the messages of Jay & Silent Bob and the potential impact of the film’s content on the safety of the gay community.” They really thought fictional idiots calling each other names was affecting their safety. It was, and you have to remind morons about this a lot, just a movie. Four minutes of talking about cock surrounded by 86 minutes of talking about Yoda is not going to revolutionize the way people think about homosexuals. And it’s not going to affect anyone’s safety unless movies that suck make you die.

GLAAD does not need to protect anyone. If you’re really that worried that someone might attack you for being gay, don’t have sex with their ass. As much as GLAAD thinks the world is crusading against their asses, gay people are as safe as anyone else. We have laws in our society that keep our citizens from beating people up, which is exactly how you can get away with publicly whining about a movie like this without someone slapping the back of your dipshit head. Plus, we have additional hate crime laws that make it EXTRA illegal for beating people up when they’re gay. The job is done. Maybe they’re lobbying to get dickhead biggots slowly dissolved in the stomach of a horrible underwater beast. If so, then Jesus Christ, gay people. Take it easy.

There are a lot of useless clubs doing a lot of useless things. PETA recently lobbied to take away the Fishing merit badge from the boy scouts, and the Bagel Safety Information Council has been indefatigably protesting my invention, The Poisonous Bagel Grenade, Jr. GLAAD could better spend their time getting together with the Mothers Against Drunk Driving to push our government to finally make some laws against drunk driving. And while they’re at it, we could use some standardized limits on how much dynamite we should be allowed to swallow.

We don’t need clubs based on genitals to protect us. I got three death threats and two offers for forced sodomy last week. Maybe I’ll be okay thanks to the league of Vagina Fanatic Anti-Me-Defamation Professionals who send remindful letters to everyone saying it would be nice if they didn’t murder me. Well, it may surprise the gay community how I’m still alive, because THERE ISN’T ONE. When I get a death threat, no one sends angry letters demanding donations to film directors. All I can do is be happy my murderer was polite enough to send me a badly spelled warning from his AOL account. Because it gives me time to upgrade my home security system from Baseball Bat to Baseball Bat with Nail In It.

Besides their superheroic protection, GLAAD strives to make sure gays are treated fairly in the work place. It makes you wonder if someone at the government needs to give GLAAD a call and say, “We already made some laws about that too.” Gayness does not affect your ability to work. And if you’re so cock hungry that some of your projects will be deprioritized due to a coworker’s orafice, it’s generally a company’s policy to respect and admire your decision.

Look, it’s sad people are making fun of you, GLAAD. And it’s heart breaking that Kevin Smith thinks your buttholes are silly, but for fuck’s sake. No one’s going to stop just because you’re complaining. That’s like the Dungeons & Dragons club putting up posters in their school that say, “STOP SAYING WE’RE NOT RAD! NOW!!!” and expecting their lockers to fill with poontang.

Part Four– Gays: So Like Us.

Aside from wanting to rub their genitals on similar genitals gays are no different than normals. Sometimes they can’t get laid either. That’s why they have to advertise so much and why they make such a big deal out of being gay. You’ve probably noticed how a lot of them put a rainbow sticker on the back of their car. Now, think back to the last time you saw two people in a car with a rainbow sticker. That’s right– never. They’re just letting us know that they’d LIKE to have some ass. You shouldn’t feel pride about that; that makes you a horny butt fiend on the prowl.

Straight people have trouble understanding this constant sexual advertising. Although our genitals are important to us, they rarely make up our entire personality. It might be because most women already know we’re just waiting for permission to fuck them, but when you meet a straight person, they’ll probably tell you about their major or their job before they describe what they do with their balls. Meeting a gay person is like meeting someone going for their newspaper in their boxer shorts. It’s only a short matter of time before their dick pops out.

There is one good thing about this kind of sexual openness. They usually come right out and tell you when they want to fuck you. This can creep you out or flatter you, but here’s how it comes in handy: now you can fart and pick your nose in front of them. Really, try it. And if they say it’s impolite or gross, you go, “You were going to let me put my sweaty dick in your large intestine. And now you’re grossed out by farting?”

The one advantage straight white people will always have is that they don’t like each other. Every other group based on religion, nationality, or ass preference has clubs focused on unity and brotherhood. This is great when one of them rescues a drowning monkey from a burning building– they can all share in the glory as a community. But when one of them fucks up, it’s twice as bad. If one gay man commits a crime, their togetherness organizations make it look like all the gay people in the world are in cahoots. When one of them pulls a daring daylight heist of an armored car, it’s not: “That motherfucker was crazy.” It’s: “Blast it! I knew those gays were up to something! Initiate Operation: Delta Homo Strike!”

I like when gay people branch out and have clubs that are still based around their genitals, but no longer have anything to do with them. For example, the Alliance of Gay Golfers. Lots of groups form clubs like this. There’s the Alliance of Blind Golfers and the League of Wheelchair Golfers. The one difference is that being blind or in a wheelchair has a very direct affect on your golf performance. But as long as your caddy isn’t jamming a golf ball up your ass and watching you launch it with your sphincter, being gay will not keep you from playing just ordinary regular golf.

I could be wrong. Outside of figure skating, homosexuality may actually hinder your ability in sports, which may be why the gay community started their very own olympics, the Gay Games, where everyone can pit their atheletic abilities against one another’s at a fair gay level, and then probably have sex. You can read about the history of the gay games here, and yes, it’s hosted on a website with a butthole-themed name–

Here’s the scary part: The Gay Games has a set of Specific Needs and Disability Games where you can compete if you have an intellecutal disability or a mental illness. Now, I totally understand how people encourage and admire the regular Special Olympics, but this is a group of handicapped people unified by how they like dick. I can’t imagine even the most sympathetic soccer mom getting into the spirit of this.

Spectator 1: “Oh look, honey. That little retarded boy loves cock.”

Spectator 2: “It’s what makes each step of his proud dash brave and special.”

Spectator 1: “It’s like every time he wants to suck cock, he really wants to suck a piece of my heart- hold on. I think he’s going to trip that other kid.”

Spectator 2: “Which one? The one legged kid that wants cock, or the blind kid that wants cock?”

Spectator 1: “Shh! The mental illness long jump/teabag is coming up.”

Spectator 2: “Last year the schizophrenic anal retentives that want cock dominated, but this year look out for the sociopathic undressers who suck each other’s assholes.”

Hey, at the risk of sounding politically incorrect… the Gay Special Olympics– that’s fucked up.

Gay people should relax. No one is conspiring against them. I know two weeks ago Jerry Falwell went on the 700 club and claimed that the World Trade Center disaster was because God was angry at gays. That means two things. One: the main lobbyists against ass sex are worshipping an imaginary murderer who doesn’t care about side casualties in his butthole-related manslaughter. Which leads me to the second thing that it means: these people are motherfucking madmen. Don’t start a club to get these cockheads to like who you date. Do you really want insane gun-loving religious fanatics obsessed with your anus to like you? Actually, yeah. It’s probably better that they do.

Today’s Helpful Hints

Watching your weight? Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the fucking thing in the first place, you fat bastard. And Matt, don’t even think about it, asshole. You know what I’m talking about, friend.


Give up smoking by sticking one cigarette from each new pack up a friend’s ass, filter first, then replacing it in the box. The possibility of putting that one in your mouth will put you off smoking any of them.


If you encounter someone choking on an ice cube, don’t panic. Simply pour a jug of boiling water down their throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed.


Re-create the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your own home by filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, and then urinating into it, before jumping in.