Sorry about the lack of content around here this last little while. Still kind of getting back to normal after the holidays and trying to deal with a few things that need dealing with. I’ll hopefully be able to start posting more of the crap you all know and love real soon. Until then, well, I’m not really sure, just do something. Just be sure to stick with us, I’m sure we’ll be back to the way we were before the holidays in no time.
You People Scare Me More And More Each Day
03 Jan, Sat, 09:26:00
her mouth Permanently-open getting fucked
Who is she? Why can’t she close her mouth? Who is she getting fucked by, a dentist? I know if my mouth was permanently stuck open that’s one of the first people I’d be calling. What the hell is wrong with you people anyway? Oh well, it’s easy material for me, but even so, you’re still weird.
Rules Of Boozing
I know I should have posted this before everybody went out to ring in the new year but since I didn’t see it before then and since this is something that every self-respecting drinker should carry with them year round anyway, here they are,
the rules of boozing
provided by people who know what they’re talking about. Read them, learn them, respect them, abide by them. This may be one of the most important things you’ll ever read, other than everything here that is.
>Welcome to 2004!
>That’s all really. Hope everybody had a happy newyear. We’re still having ours so this is gonna be a quick one. In fact, it’s over already.
Enough Topic Changes To Make Your Head Spin
It’s been a few days since I’ve said anything and right now I’ve got some time to write so here I am. This might be the last time you hear from me this year because the annual Newyears Eve extravaganza officially kicks off today. Yeah, I know the holiday isn’t until Wednesday but there are people who are coming in from out of town who can’t stay for the big one so we’re going to have a little one instead. Then everybody else shows up and the big one starts and it has potential to carry on until Sunday. So long liver, it’s been good to know ya.
Speaking of parties, I was honoured to be ranked number 3 on Matt’s top 5 parties of the year list. That August party was a really great time and I’m not sure how the upcoming shindig is going to be able to top it but all we can do is try and hope for the best. On my own personal list that party would be right near the top, its only really close competition being the ringing in of 2K3, and only then because that party was longer. August had more people and more crazy shit happened but there’s just something about the last Newyears party that makes me look back on it with happy fuzzy memories. So either of those parties could be number 1 for me, but we’re all just not good enough for Matt so we’re only number 3. Then again, I’m not going to the Olympics either. Maybe if I bought a ticket, but unless it’s the Fat Fuck Olympics it just ain’t gonna happen so I’ll just be happy with number 3.
At every party, there is music and the party on your computer we’re having right now is no different, so lets talk music for a minute or 2.
First of all, there are no Notes From The Tone Deaf over on
Salty Ham
this week. I thought about doing up a little something for today because I ended up with slightly more time than I thought I was going to but I realized before I even got started that whatever I wrote would suck and the idea I had for a column wasn’t topical anymore seeing as Christmas had to go and fall on the 25th which totally didn’t work with my schedule at all. Why couldn’t Santa have his birthday some other time? Maybe he’s reading this now and he’ll change it for next year.
Crazy In Love?!?! Song of the summer?!?! Matt, you are such a…oh forget it. Making fun of you for that is just too easy and too predictable. I’ve got no gripes with the rest of the top 5 and if that shitty Crazy In Love song had to be in there, at least it was number 4 and it beat out something that’s not even a single yet. To be honest, I can’t even remember what that song sounds like, nothing stands out about it at all, other than its complete shittiness.
Here are my own top 5 songs of the year, just to show Matt how this is supposed to work. Sure the rest of his list was fine but the inclusion of that 1 song shows me that he’s not quite there yet. Same rules apply here as in Matt’s list. The songs aren’t all from this year, they’re just the songs that I either started to like after a long time, stuff that came out this year that wasn’t ass, or songs that I rediscovered my love for.
5. The Best Deceptions – Dashboard Confessional
I’m not a huge fan of Dashboard, but there’s just something about this song that I like. The writing is great for a winey song, and it’s a fun song to sing when you’ve got a friend around who knows how to play guitar. If you’ve heard that song and are thinking “he’s gotta be shitting me, ain’t no way he can sing that song,” you’re wrong, I can actually do it. It’s not as good as the original, but for somebody like me, it’s pretty impressive even if I do say so myself. A few other people have also said so themselves, but this isn’t about me, wait, yes it is, forget it.
4. Seven Nation Army – The White Stripes
When Jack White isn’t out
beating the fuck out of other musicians,
he’s making some mighty fine music. I almost put their cover of “I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself” in this spot but I can’t even remember how long Army was stuck in my head.
3. Mr. Brownstone – Guns N Roses
Yeah yeah yeah, the song’s old, so what? Who’s list is this anyway? I’ve never been a diehard GNR fan, but they’ve done a lot of stuff that I like and until sometime this year, this was one of those songs that was always in the back of my mind, but one that I never really thought about. I can’t remember what prompted me to listen to it again but am I ever glad I did.
2. Just Because – Jane’s Addiction
When I heard that they were putting out a new album after 13 or so years away from the scene my first thought was, they’ve been gone that long? But after hearing “Just Because,” I’m glad they’re back. There wasn’t much out there on commercial radio this year that had the kind of punch that this song has. Well other than…
1. Cochise – Audioslave
What can I say, I just love this song. Everything about it is great. It’s hard, the music is great, Chris Cornell is in it, and it gave radio a nice good kick in the ass, even if it didn’t end up meaning anything in the long run because they stopped playing it in favour of the more mellow Audioslave tracks that have come out since. This is just such a great song. No more needs to be said.
Honourable Mentions
Just a few songs that didn’t make the list.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl – Jet, just not the shitty live one they did for
Rolling Stone.
Barenaked Ladies – Another Postcard
The Offspring – Hit That, fuck you Matt, it’s a good song.
The Strokes – New York City Cops, song is a couple years old, but I like it anyway. Ok, so I discovered it last year, but lots of people might not have heard it because it was pulled off of their album after September 11th. Go find the song, it’s a good one.
The Longest Time – Billy Joel, this is going to make sense to like 3 people, but again, who’s list is this?
Well that was fun wasn’t it? Hey, I heard that! Now we’re going to quickly switch topics again before I get out of here for the time being. Just a couple of site things. First of all, as of this writing, we have had a total of 3187 hits on this site since the middle of October when we started it, and a disturbing number of them seem to be obsessed with the size of Randy Orton’s genitalia and naked pictures of hockey players. Thanks for all the hits and feel free to keep them coming, even if you’re a penis loving wack job.
The other thing I wanted to do was to thank all of you for reading this stuff every day, or every week, or whenever you show up here. Without all of you, well, we’d probably still be doing this, only for less people. It’s cool to know we’ve got an audience though, even if it’s not the biggest or sometimes the smartest one.
A big thanks also goes out to the people who linked to us, especially the ones that we didn’t have to beg. And a special thanks to Roland, or Not Roland, whatever he’s calling himself these days for all of the kind words and for the swank writing job over at
Salty Ham.
It means a lot when complete strangers enjoy your work and actually take the time to tell you so. Gees, I’m getting emotional.
On that happy note, let’s end this thing before something pisses me off and I ramble on about it for another 15 pages.
Happy Newyear all, I’ll see ya when I see ya.
The Streak Is Over. Shut Up.
Well, I got a few things to say hear… all of which pertain to hockey so those of you not into the sport mayve now move on.
First and foremost. Fuck New York. Seriously. The Islander fans are easily THE whiniest fans in the NHL. Honestly, I have never watched a game from Long Island where the fans were not retardedly pro-Isles. The fans should, obviously, be siding with their team but not EVERY Toronto hit should be called a penalty so STOP BOOING! They’re whiney little sheep who either don’t know the game well enough or are just stupid enough to believe that no one should touch their team. Harry Neil said it best during the broadcast after Darcy Tucker laid a hit on Kenny Johnsson when he said “If the Leafs ever traded Tucker to the Isles, the fans would think he’s just another agressive forward and be one of their favourites.”. That’s it on that. Just, fuck New York. I don’t think I really hate the team liek I thought I did, just the people that turn out to support them.
So, the streak is over. 16 strait games with at least a point. That’s great but I know fans will be phoning up the radio talk shows saying how poorly they played tonight and how Quinn should be fired and blah blah blah. You CAN’T win every game. You can’t even tie every game and most teams can’t even go 16 with at least a point. In fact only two teams have ever done that before them. So with that said. Lighten up. It was the second game of a back-to-back in a physical arena and the Islanders are a tough opponent who have turned it around in the last couple of weeks. There’s nothing to worry about in this loss and the Leafs should hold their heads high. They play Florida next and don’t be surprised if they start up another mini-streak. If there was one thing that bothered me about the Leafs tonight, it was…
The fact that Ed Belfour has given the Leafs a chance to win in almost every game this year… even the ones they have no business being in. The Leafs have won a lot of games this year where they were the second best team on the ice and its thanks to Belfour. He gives them a chance to win on their worst night…. So shouldn’t that be returned to him. Let me make this clear. I’m not upset that the streak is over… I’m a little upset that the Leafs couldn’t help out Belfour. You’d like to think that on a night where your goaltender is struggling (and he clearly was) you could do what he’s done for you and get him a win when he maybe doesn’t deserve it. He was clearly off of his game and not seeing the ice well. Don’t get me wrong. Both goals he allowed were gonna be very tough to stop but with the way he was playing the puck and some of his passes, you could tell he just wasn’t on his game. It would have been nice if the Leafs could have gone down and gotten him the goal or two that he needed to squeak one out tonight. But that’s really small potatoes I guess. I mean it really is the first time in a long long time that you could say Belfour wasn’t on top of his game… and even with him not on his game I wouldn’t say that he cost the Leafs the game by any stretch.
Top Ten Parties Of The Year
Ok, so this one won’t be of much interest to pretty much any of you but me. That’s fine. This is the top five parties, celebrations, shindings, so-ons of the year. Let’s roll.
5. Leafs/Flyers. Game 6. April. Lambton College Residence.
What can I say? This was one fucking sweet night. Just a few of the boys in one of the residence lounges with an abundance of beer, a great hockey game and an understanding that none of us would be getting to class the next morning. The Leafs ended up winning in the second overtime (I believe, possibly third) and it’s a good thing cuz we were almost out of beer. It was just a great night.
4. Canadian Championship Celebration/March/ Sudbury’s Comfort Inn.
So we (Ontario) had just won our 7th strait Canadian Goalball Championship and we’re in the mood for fun. We re-routed one of the shuttle buses on the way back from the venue to the hotel to the beer store and “stocked up.” After showerin’ up the team and coachs congregated in one hotel room and commenced the celebration. Despite it being Ontario’s 7th title, it was only my second since I had just joined the team and it was great cuz I had actually been a starter in the championship for the first time. Even better was the fact that, my buddy, Tyler was there and it was his first title. We’d trained together for a long time so that was cool. Then there was the champagne headstands in the trophy and then once we were nicely tanked… off to teh banquit to be presented our metals in front of everyone. The party carried on until about 3 or 4 complete with a power outtage and everything. Was a night not soon to be forgotten.
3. Steve’s Summer Suds-fest/August/Steve’s Apartment.
What can I say, Steve? Hell of a party. Good enough to be ranked number three of my entire year. Nothing to out of the ordinary for a house party. Lots of beer, lots of drunkin’ singing, the destruction of a once great Don Henley song, some guitar, some blind kid throwin’ up on the most comfortable chair in the place making the chair unusable. – Yes this party truly had everything. I can only hold out hope that New Years will be equally as great.
2. Post Quebec Home Coming Party/August/My House!!!
Really not much to say about this one. We had just qualified for the Olympics and I was coming home feeling no pain after a night of drinking in Quebec City. Truth be told, I left the bar in Quebec and went strait to the airport for my morning flight at 6am. I got home and went to bed and got a phone call to hear that we were having a company that night to celebrate. At first, ya, not real happy to hear it as I had no sleep and was now in hang-over land… and in there deep. The idea grew on me though and once it happened I thoroughally enjoyed it. Just some family and close friends out to the house to say congratulations and show off some pictures to and such. It was nothing big but it was a really cool feeling for me to have everyone there after something like that. It ranks up there with the highlights of my year… and only slightly behind…
1. Olympic Qualifying Party/August/Quebec City
So this was about a day or two before the journey home. We managed to squeak our asses in to the Olympics playing at a level that was just not our best which is really a testiment to our team… but not what this is about.
We went to the medal presentations and then high-tailed it back to the athlete’s village to shut out the rest of the world and celebrate with the just the boys that did the job. We got royally tanked and then…
Yup, then found out we had a meeting with Canad’as Minister Of Sport. Oops. We were about to go meet a man who directs all sport in this country who had come to check out our sport and now meet the players. We walked in to this swank little room hoping that we could have him leave with no vomit on his shoes. It turned out fine, though we were out of place. There was a violinist playing and people in suits and serving whine and such. We, however, were athletes half in the bag with bad mouths and … well. I don’t gotta say more. We got through that alright and then down to the pub. Or “Le Pub” as it was called in Quebec City. Seriously, that’s what it was called. Le Pub. It’s like finding a bar in Toronto called “The Bar.” Anyway, we started celebrating with some other Team Canada athletes from other sports and eventually the Minister of Sport walked in to the Pub. He came and sat down with us and ordered us a round. It was unreal. Turned out he hated all the swank bull shit too and he just sat there shootin’ the shit with us. It was great. That party ended with the sun coming up but it was a great night with real reason to celebrate and some pretty unforgettable moments.
So that’s my top five of the year. Shit, was that ever long. All I can hope is that Steve’s New Years bash is up there for next years list. I’m lookin’ forward to it.
That’s it for today.
Top Tens…. BOOOO!
Well i’m bored, slightly intoxicated and can’t sleep so I figured I’d come on here. I’ve been surfin’ around the net and it’s the time of year where everyone has to put up there Top 10/5/100/whatever things of the year. So, I wouldn’t want to be left out of the lameness so between now and New Years I will throw up a few different Top Five lists just for shits and giggles.
We’ll start with the Top Five Songs Of The Year. Now not all of these were released this year but I, either, stumbled upon them this year or rediscovered them this year or whatever. They are just kind of the top five songs that I was in to this year. Some of them may surprise you…. but probably not. Let’s go….
5. Spare Me The Details – The Offspring
4. Crazy In Love – Beyonce/Jay-Z (Yup.)
3. One People, One Struggle – Anti-Flag
2. About A Girl – Nirvana
1. Tall Cans – The Transplants.
So feel free to comment on my list or post your own. I’m sure most comments will be centered around Crazy In Love… but that’s fine. You can’t argue that it was probably the song of the summer and when I look back on Quebec City this summer (big event in my life) I probably heard that song 49 times while I was there so it sticks. The rest of them shouldn’t be too shocking.
More Later
Merry Ho Ho & Shit
Well Steve’s right. I am quite busy and don’t give a shit about any of you. So, I’ll just take a minute to say Happy Holidays and Be Safe and I’ll be back another time.
Also, don’t forget the World Junior Hockey Championship. Canada opens up tomorrow morning at 11am EST against host-nation Finland. It’s great hockey so try and catch as much as you can.
Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas From The Comet
Just a quick note to say merry christmas to those of you who care to be wished merry Christmas. However you’re spending your holidays, I hope they’re as safe and as happy as possible. Also remember that this note comes from me and me alone. Matt is perfectly capable of wishing you good tidings on his own time and if he doesn’t, keep in mind that it’s most likely because he hates you all and doesn’t give a shit about you or your holidays, or maybe he’s busy or something and just doesn’t have time. My guess would be a little of both. Merry Christmas to Matt too though, in spite of all the infighting and the fact that he’s responsible for most of it, he’s still a pretty good guy.
Before I get out of here I’d just like to remind you not to drink and drive. Drink first, then drive. Doing the 2 at the same time is just too damned hard.