I’m Scared Of You People

One of the cool things about our hit counter is that we can see how people got here. No, we’re not spying on you, it’s all pretty standard stuff. Like if you click to us from somebody’s site where there’s a link to us, we can tell, that sort of thing. The coolest thing about this is that we can see when people come to us from a search engine and what it was they were looking for at the time. But while this is cool, it’s pretty disturbing sometimes when you actually sit down and go through some of the search terms.

We get our fair share of normal stuff, like people looking for info on Joe Shmoe, which Matt has talked about quite a bit. We get some people looking for info on famous people or news stories and funny jokes, and I understand why our site shows up there too. But then there’s the guy who came here looking for father daughter incest pictures. We don’t have any but because Google just looks for words that match the search terms that the person types in, it found us because we’ve used words like fucking and father in different contexts quite a bit. Why some sick bastard would bother looking for things like that I’m not even gonna try to figure out, it just sucks that he landed here, even though we might have made a new fan or even if we didn’t, he still counted as a hit.

I also saw somebody get here the other day while trying to find pictures of Randy Orton’s penis. Sorry, none of those here either, unless Matt decides to share his secret stash.

But I think the weirdest one I’ve seen is this one.
01 Dec, Mon, 02:11:52
girlfriend picture Partying friends 2003 peeing

Don’t ask me how exactly we fit in, I’m not sure.

I guess the morral of the story here is be careful what you look for online, somebody could be watching. We’re kind of like Santa that way, we know if you’ve been bad or good so don’t be a child molester for goodness sake.

It’s Alive?

This morning when I turned on my computer to check my mail I found a couple of emails asking me where the site went. First of all, thanks, I had no idea you cared. As for where the site went, it seems like the Blog Spot server took a dump sometime over night and as a result, everybody’s blog disappeared, well all but 1, which further confuses the situation. But I think everything should be back to normal now. Before I started writing this I checked again and it was working, and if you’re able to read this, well, things are obviously back to normal again, at least for now.

In other news, it seems that I am
this week’s RAW Rage Champion.
Funny part is that I wasn’t even trying. I’m just that damn good I suppose, either that or the rest of the competition completely sucked, as opposed to my moderate sucktitude. Either way, you should read RAW Rage, Roland does a great job on that thing. Even if you’ve already seen RAW, and if you have you have my deepest sympathies, you should read anyway, if only for the tasty little extras.

Last night somebody posted a comment about
New Era Radio
saying that he or she listened for a little while but the guy on the air sucked and was annoying as hell. Agreed. Not only was he having sound problems, he doesn’t have the voice for radio and he’s a bit of an idiot to start with, at least that’s my feeling from limited experience. The guy before him did an amazing show if you’re into older rock music though, so they’re still in my good books. It’s open format radio, you’ve gotta take the good with the bad sometimes. And maybe shitty guy’s shows will get better with time. I know that for me personally, I feel a lot better about the radio I do now than I used to, and I even thought my early stuff was pretty good, mostly because I’m an egotistical fuck. And when you add in the unpredictability of the internet and all of it’s potential for technical problems, things can go wrong in a hurry. I’ve never done internet radio and I probably never will but it doesn’t seem like the easiest thing in the world to do well. Look around
a little and you’ll see what I mean, especially when you get into the hobby stations.

Possibly more later, time and topics permitting.

Nothing To Talk About

So, I don’t have much to talk about here. I was sick most of last week so I didn’t do much of anything other than get some more Christmas shopping done. I didn’t get spanked by an old man at a hockey game. I have no fun drunk stories to share with you. Man, I suck these days. The most exciting things I’ve done so far today are finish my column and do some stuff at the radio station. Not really prime site material. So instead, I’ll send you to a couple of other places so you don’t run out of things to do.

First, have a listen to
New Era Radio.
They’re new, they have a lot of pretty cool sounding shows and the mix of music they play between live programs seems to be pretty solid. Anybody who plays “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” and the Marilyn Manson version of “Sweet Dreams” back to back has gotta be cool. They’re an internet only station and they’ll play just about anything. They’re streaming in broadband and dial-up so there’s no excuse not to listen. Well maybe there is, but listen anyway.

Ok, now that you’ve got some mood music, check out
this new section on Lots Of Jokes.com.
It’s a whole bunch of practical jokes you can play on people. You can even submit your own after reading what they already have. Some of them are pretty funny.

When you’re done with all that, come back here and see if either of us have said anything. For now, I’m gone.

Offspring And Such

Good Monday Morning to you all,
Well this will be short as I have much to, not the least of which being sending hate mail to carin over her views on “Hit That”. But….

Last night I was listening to The New Music and they threw out another track from the new Offspring album that may have been good enough for me to overlook Hit That and have me buy the album. The track is called “Spare Me The Details” and I was really in to it. It’s not your typical Offspring track at all as it’s not very heavy at all but I loved it. I would highly reccomend you at least download the track.

Last night I was at the Civic Auditorium to watch one of the strongest rivalries in OHL as Oshawa took on Peterborough. Now it was a great game if you like drama but not if you like the Gens. They dropped down 5-1 early in the second period and eventually clawed their way back in to it over the next two period and almost tied it in the last minute but failed to do so, and lost. The game itself is not why I bring this up.

There is a standing room section where you can lean on this railing all the way around the arena so the seats are small and I’m not so for the second period I stood up there and watched the game. About 9 minutes in to the period somebody slaps the side of my ass. I turn around with the thought in my head that “if this is not someone in my family that I came with, they’re hitting the floor”. I turn around and see this creepy, little, gray haired man standing there glairing at me like he’s the one that should be annoyed that someone has just slapped his ass. I stood there looking at him until he finally said, in a voice trying to sound like a bad-ass biker or something “y’wanna get outta my spot?”. I look around in amazement at the brash of this Hanz Moleman look alike thinking of a number of things that I’d like to say to him before realizing that this is probably a guy who’s been comming to these games since 1964 and has stood in the same place for every single game since then and if his routine was interrupted his head would probably explode so I gave him “his” spot back and moved down a bit.

From time to time through the period he would turn and glair at me which was starting to creep me out and eventually got bad enough that it made me decide I’d take my chances with the small seat and headed back down.

Sorry, I just hate people like that.

Be Back Later

Something To Try

I can’t figure out why this happens but it’s extremely amusing. Go to
and type the words “miserable failure” including the quotes into the search box and then hit the I’m feeling lucky button and have a look at where it goes. And before you ask, no, I’m not spending my days typing random phrases into search engines to see what I find. I found this while doing actual work, seriously.

Time To Lay Down The Law Again

I hate having to do stuff like this and I really wish that people would stop making it necissary. I got a complaint yesterday from our friend Carin who has written things for this site that somebody who we know reads this site regularly has gone out, found her email address and added it to his or her email forwarding distribution list. This is not good and Carin has asked me to tell this person in no uncertain terms to cut it the fuck out. So person reading this, and you should know who you are, don’t let it happen again, please. Carin isn’t somebody you really want on your bad side, trust me. I’m telling you this for your own sake.

Thank you and good day.

I Loves Me Some Future Shop

It seems like I’ve finally gotten over the flu I’ve had for the last 3 days or so. All I have to do now is get my sleeping patterns back on track again, or at least as on track as my sleeping patterns ever get and I’ll be set. This makes me happy.

Another thing that’s been making me happy is Future Shop. I ordered something from them for the first time yesterday and it got here today. Yes, that’s right, I said today. It only took them about 24 hours to get my stuff to me, and the shipping was free. The place is going to make me go broke buying CD’s I swear.

In yet another piece of good news, Harry And The Hendersons wasn’t on at 5:30 this morning, making my sleep deprivation a lot easier to deal with. I attribute this good fortune to the fact that the powers that be over at
The New PL read Vomit Comet religiously every day and upon seeing what I had to say yesterday, realized what a stupid idea airing that show is, even in such a shitty timeslot and decided to put an end to it.

By the way, I should mention that this post is more than likely not going to contain anything of importance. If you don’t want to read the rest of it, too late, you already have.