Free Speech My Ass!

Ok, time to go off on a little bit of a rant here because something I read just a few minutes ago pissed me off quite a bit and if you’ve got any sort of sense, it should piss you off too when I tell you what happened.

This week the city that I live in here in Canada held what was supposed to be a debate on same sex marriages. Remember the word debate, it becomes important.

The gathering, which took place at one of the local senior’s centres featured a couple of guest speakers. There was a guy from the Catholic Civil Rights League [which is somewhat of a contradiction in itself when you really stop and think about it], and a woman from a pro life and pro traditional family organization, the name of which escapes me at the moment. Among the 200 people or so who turned out to watch and participate in this event was a gay man named Kevin who seemingly figured that the word debate meant the same thing that I thought it did. Problem is that when he tried to participate in the “free speech” that was supposed to be a theme for the night’s proceedings his microphone was cut off and 2 police officers escorted him out of the building.

I shouldn’t even have to tell you what’s wrong with this picture or why it makes me so upset. And before you get any ideas, no, I’m not gay but I don’t hold a grudge against anybody who chooses to live that way. It’s obvious that this debate was a sham from the get go, designed only to allow religious pundits and conservative activist groups to further their own agendas. That in itself I have less of a problem with than the fact that it was city police, who are supposed to represent the public, that were responsible for removing this man from the building. These people are being paid with public funds and are responsible for upholding the laws of the people who provide that money. Am I to seriously assume that just because the guy happens to be gay that he is therefore not part of the public? That’s a completely ridiculous logical leap to have to make and I refuse to do so. Before he was removed from the building Kevin managed to make the point that he felt like a second class citizen and no more clearly was that point driven home to him than by public officials. Thanks guys.

The least that the organizers of this event could have done was hire private security to deal with the removal of “trouble makers.” It wouldn’t have made removing the guy any more acceptable but at least it wouldn’t be something that will now hang over the head of the city that I have to call home. And taking the word debate out of the whole thing would have helped too, since at least then people who dared oppose the popular view of the evening would have known that they weren’t welcomed there.

Got thoughts?

Just Checkin In

Hey kids. Thought I’d check in and post something since Matt seems to be trying to shove all my posts down to the bottom. Actually he’s just had more to say lately I suppose, who really knows for sure.

First things first, a quick update on Matt’s who’s the better writer contest. So far it’s all tied up at 1-1, unless some of you have been bad and haven’t sent the email to both of us. We had a vote from Nick saying that Matt was the better writer, but I’d expect that from somebody like him who’s been kissing Matt’s ass ever since I’ve known the both of them. As for the smart person who voted for me, I did it, so what? So technically Matt’s in the lead for now, but he’s also written more so you’ve kinda got a better idea of what he’s all about. Keep sending in those votes, and remember to send them to both
By the way, thanks to everybody who’s checked the place out so far. Feel free to keep coming back if you enjoy reading this shit. It’ll all get better with time, I promise.

Moving right along, my
fund raising radio specials
appear to be a no go since my voice also seems to be a no go. I’m still trying to find the exact person who is to take blame and feel the wrath of all my fan, but I’m pretty sure it’s somebody at my parent’s house, where I’ve been staying for the last week. They contaminated me and sent me back home, isn’t that special? But on the bright side, I’ve got some extra time now that I could use to post, or watch porn, or maybe do the honourable boy scout thing and help old people half way across the streets of my neighbourhood, only when the don’t walk sign is up of course, I’m all about safety.

Anyway, I think that’s everything. I’ll be back later with something else of an as yet undetermined nature.

Oh wait, in some late breaking news that I just remembered, Matt told me yesterday that his sister thinks my writing is better than his. So unless he’s feeding me a line, I’m winning! Don’t forget to keep sending your votes in to us as well as your feedback on anything. Hell, suggest a topic for one of us to cover, or even write something of your own. You might just find it posted here. Here are the addresses one more time.
and Matt

Thanks for reading and never forget, Bush can’t be trusted.

Salad Anyone?

There’s a band that’s been making some noise around the GTA and other parts of Canada right now that definitely deserves a listen. The Salads have put out 2 solid singles so far and their album is pretty solid, top to bottom. Not sure what kind of air play they’re getting out west and sount of the border but its definitely worth picking them up. Got a good feeling they’re gonna be pretty big real soon.

Feedback to:

Oh ya, tonight I should get the comments board up and running. Patience my friends.


Leafs Gotta Break Out

Just a quick rant on everyone’s favourite hockey (err, ya). Tonight the Leafs have Montreal and they need to have an offensive explosion against a very average Montreal defense. For months we’ve been taught to believe that the Leafs problem is their defense. Granted, the Maple Leaf defense core is not particularly star-studded. But they have done an admirable job thus far in to the season. At the current time, the forwards are the problem. No goals against MONTREAL last Saturday, unable to lay the beats on a Washington defense with FOUR guys with under 2 years experience and only 2 shots in the first period against New Jersey. The Devils are a GREAT team but TWO GOD DAMN SHOTS?? The Leaf defense has done a decent job but the problem is they’re being asked to do more than they’re capable of. They’re doing the job they should be doing but the forwards aren’t scoring, nor are they coming back to help out so now you ask a very average defense to be a VERY above average defense. It’s no surprise that the Leafs haven’t won yet to me. Belfour is the only reason they have any points at all yet. It’s time for guys like Sundin, Nolan, Mogilny, Roberts and Niewendyk (your “skilled” veterans to take some pressure off of a defense doing a respectable job so far. When the Leaf forwards start scoring 4 and 5 goals a game and the Leafs are losing, then look at the defense as a problem… For now, though, I’d say it’s time to point the finger somewhere else.


Just To See…

How do you like that? According to our hit counter some of you are dumb enough to actually come and see what me and Steve have to say. Gotta say, wasn’t expecting that. So, I wanna see who actually showed up on purpose or who meant to be here so this is what i’d like to do to see who’s intentionally here and also get some feedback and men and steve’s writing.
If you actually meant to show up here I want you to shoot me an e-mail with a subject of one AND ONLY ONE of the following.

1. Matt’s writing rules and Steve, well, poor Steve.

2. Steve is the man and we’d kinda like to see him ditch Matt

or 3. Both of you write like 8 yr old children who reide the short bus to school and I won’t be back to your retarded site.

Don’t bother writing anything in the e-mail if you don’t actually have anything to say as this is just a bit of a test. If you actully have feedback, by all means. While you’re at it send it to Steve at the same time. This should be interesting.

Here’s the adresses,

Be gentle! It’s our first time.

Real Pimping

Ok so turns out I’m a dumbass. My links didn’t work in my last pimping post, so here it is again. You can ignore the other one title “Bit Of Pimping”. It’s basically this. As soon as I figure out how to add to the links over on the side there, I’ll do so… but until then I’m gonna do some pimping.

Since Scott Keith was good enough to give us a bit of a plug over on his blog, I’ll do the same for him. He’s got some pretty cool thoughts on life in general so go check out his blog.
Head on over there
and then come back here

Also, check out 411mania. They got music, wrestling, movies, games, and comics so go check it out… and then come back here.

Lastly, go visit Carin’s homepage. She was wonderful enough to help with the HTML stuff on here that I’m too retarded to figure out.
You should definitely give a look
then bite one of your pets, then come back here.

“There Is Absolutely Nothing Wrong With You That Couldn’t Be Fixed By Changing Everything About You”

Think about that for a while you Hitler-like person.

Time For Some Pluggage

First things first, thanks Carin for helping our stupid asses with this HTML stuff, it’ll make things lots easier, unless it doesn’t work in which case you suck a fat one. Everybody should check out Carin’s website because she plays the trumpet, and everybody loves trumpets.
Go there now, you know you wanna!

Well don’t I just feel like Mr. Big Important Link Making Guy now? Actually no because this is probably going to look stupid once I post it and not evenwork at all. But in the event that it does actually look the way it should, whoreage ahead!

This is just a friendly reminder that
my radio station
is in the midst of their annual Raise Your Voice fund raising drive and they could really use your help. Listen in if the goddamn streams are actually working and you might even win things if you pledge at least 25 bucks. The fine person on the air will tell you all about how to get that pledge in there.

And don’t forget to listen Tuesday’s from noon until 2 PM eastern for my show. Well, tune in at 11 this week cause we’re going for 3 hours! Then tune in again on Wednesday for 1 hour from noon to 1 PM for the extra fill-in show that I’m doing.

Ahh hell, just go there right now!

By the way, let me know if any of this shit didn’t work. Feel free to
shoot me an email

Feel free to
email me
if you have anything to say about anything I’ve written here. Yeah, even the Pope thing.

Catch y’all later.

Bit of Pimping

Ok so turns out I’m a dumbass. As soon as I figure out how to add to the links over on the side there, I’ll do so… but until then I’m gonna do some pimping.

Since Scott Keith was good enough to give us a bit of a plug over on his blog, I’ll do the same for him. He’s got some pretty cool thoughts on life in general so go check out his blog.
Go there and then come back here.

Also, check out 411Mania. They got music, wrestling, movies, games, and comics so go check it out… and then come back here.

Lastly, go visit Carin’s homepage. She was wonderful enough to help with the HTML stuff on here that I’m too retarded to figure out.
Go there! Then bite one of your pets, then come back here.

“There Is Absolutely Nothing Wrong With You That Couldn’t Be Fixed By Changing Everything About You”

Think about that for a while you Hitler-like person.

The Grinch Who Stole…. Hallowe’en??

Thought I might share this recap of a show I recently saw with you. It’s… different anyway.Yes, believe it or not, Christmas wasn’t the only holiday that nasty Grinch scored a television special out of. “Halloween Is Grinch Night,” debuting in 1977, took the scourge of Whoville to the very bowels of All Hallows Eve, proving that annual treats that go to the well more than once a year are annual treats nobody wants to watch on television. The show has probably been rerun with some regularity over the years, but it’s rarely been a candidate for prime time along with “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” and that other one where Garfield ninja kicks a pirate ghost. It’s worth a look for devout Grinch obsessors, but for the rest of you, just wait till Christmas.

The main problem is, it just doesn’t seem very inspired. In “How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” we’re given so many pretty things to see and hear, I still couldn’t name half of ’em despite having seen the special dozens upon dozens of times. Here we get something that feels more like an all-too-extended short. It was nice to see the Grinch again, but he could’ve told this story in two minutes flat. Dragged out for a thirty-minute time slot, the people behind “Grinch Night” had to resort to scenes where — literally — the green creature does nothing but rhyme gibberish together for minutes on end. Not “gibberish” as in “Whoville speak,” “gibberish” as in “warbling gurgles.” It’s not the Grinch I know and love, but either was Jim Carrey, and I still watched that movie enough times to be committed. With Halloween’s reservoir of TV specials sorely lacking, I’m personally glad for “Grinch Night” — even if it did kinda suck.

With that, we’re back in Whoville. On top of looking different without those Whobilation decorations all over the place, Whoville also appears much smaller and nondescript. The freaky citizens notice a foul, odd wind blowing towards the town, and know what it means: GRINCH NIGHT is coming. The town boards up the doors and locks down the forts, deciding that the best way to defend against an impending Grinch onslaught is by turning their homes into tombs. They even show mother birds leading their babies into little caves with garage doors, a sight that would’ve caused more of a stir in a show that wasn’t so decidedly Seussy. The idea, I as understand it, was that the wind led to this chain of events where animals hoot and holler all the way up the side of the Grinch’s mountain, ultimately awaking that nagging voice inside him that dictates an insatiable need to frighten the Whos.

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All of the action is underscored by what’s gotta be the worst song ever tied to Dr. Seuss, but it serves a purpose in introducing us to the show’s star characters. The little kid’s name is Eukariah, and he’s sort of your hero or something maybe. While his parents, of similarly stupid and difficult to spell names, are big proponents of this whole “BOARD UP THE HIZOUSE” plan, Eukariah feels that there must be alternative, better methods for dealing with Grinch Night. Just as he’s approaching a Linus-like level of genius, Euka goes and ruins everything by announcing his trek towards the local “Euphemism,” the Whoville outhouse. Kind of like detailing how to cure cancer and following it up with “I think I’m gonna go take a shit.”

Even though his parents are acting like an unlocked front door is an invitation for murder, they happily let their #1 son do his #1 (I hope) business. Thankfully, they dissapear until the end of the show after this scene. Eukariah grew on me, but his parents were like these obscene alien dandelions who wouldn’t stop talking about how they wouldn’t open the front door for “one dollar and fifty cents.” Something like that, I can’t really remember because, after seeing Big Momma’s House, I went to a neurologist who dabbled in alternative medicine to get surgery that’d let me block out the memories of painful movie scenes. Aside from the part where Martin’s “hiding another flashlight under there,” it’s been an incredible success.

And look, it’s the GRINCH! Boris Karloff doesn’t return to do the voicework, with the reings being handed to Hans Conried. The Grinch looks mostly the same, save for a few facial gestures that seem to confirm my belief that this is just some Who in a Grinch costume looking for a good time. Max the Dog is back, and though the pair were seen getting along famously by the end of Grinchie’s Christmas special, now they’re back to the more sadistic relationship where the G-Man snaps whips and speaks ill of Max’s mother. Hmprf. Must be a prequel.

The Grinch, mostly in song, echoes the thoughts of those scared little Whos down in Whoville — he’s coming, all right, and he’s thirsty for blood. The bloodthirst thing is more implied than actually said, but what else would you expect from a show that calls shit huts “Euphemisms?”

Speaking of which, Eurakiah inadvertantly stumbles into the Grinch while on his merry way to the piss tank, and that spells trouble. Still, Eurakiah is a selfless soul, and he decides to stall the Grinch’s trek in an effort to save his family and friends from whatever awfulness the monster had in store. What a guy! Oh, for the record, right before this happened, the Grinch was seen chasing down a fuzzy pink animal who bore a striking resemblence to a more flourescent Stephen King in his post-alien plant phase from Creepshow. I’m just saying.

To meet his desired ends, Eukariah decides to goad the Grinch into wasting time scaring him instead of the people down below. He confidently and almost insulting asks if the Grinch is really the Grinch, prompting the world’s 376th antihero to laugh off the inquisition with amusement. Is he really the Grinch? He proves it with the scare heard ’round the world…

Wait, no — he’s just mumbling incoherently, only in rhyme. I’m absolutely serious. The Grinch gets a whole song number here under the premise of scaring Eukariah, and spends the entire time speaking in tongues while his detached eyebrows float above his head. I didn’t get it, and neither did Eukariah.

The Grinch grows annoyed and weary, and upon seeing Eukariah’s rather boastful disposition about the whole thing, opts to show him a “real scare” on their second meeting. This time around, no punches will be pulled. Eukariah is going to be transported into the Grinch’s Haunted Dimension of Horrible Horrors, and if he can survive that, he can change his name to Eureka and do a touchdown dance.

If there’s anything “Grinch Night” is remembered for most, it’s the following scene. Some have said that what I’m about to show you was actually too scary for the wee little ones who’d be watching this thing, and while it’s no Jason Voorhees or anything, yeah, I can see that. Imagery is just as powerful as action and the spoken word, especially to people still of the age to be totally usurped by whatever they see. Here’s what Eukariah must endure in the Grinch’s tormenting dungeon lair…

It’s basically just this huge montage of spooky ghosts and monsters, with our hero running around like he’s got the runs, trying to escape each new peril. What’s shown in the above spread is only a small sampling — there’s too much going on to even keep track. There were gigantic ocean lobsters, spooky eyes, dancing ghosts, cloaked crows, and even a few living embodiments of bunny rabbit shadow puppets. Pretty cool, actually. I’m not sure if this is the kind of thing that would’ve had my crying to Momma, but then, it really shouldn’t have been anyway.

This is also the only scene in “Grinch Night” that makes us remember the unending intricacies that made his X-Mas deal such a trip. Yeah, I said “such a trip.” I haven’t really done that in real life; this just seemed like a nice testing ground. Are you down with it?

At heart, we haven’t so much watched “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” for its story, and maybe not even for its tunes — it’s all about those countless nooks and crannies, the kind that worked so well for Thomas’ English Muffins. When Eukariah finally exits the Grinch’s House of Horrors, so do my precious nooks and beloved crannies. It makes me sad when I watch “Grinch Night,” and even sadder now, because this is the first time I’ve ever had an excuse to work “crannies” into an article. And now it’s over. Thanks, Grinch. 🙁

Alas, Eukariah survives the Chamber of Doom and announces that IT’S OVER. See, he previously theorized that the Grinch couldn’t scare Whoville unless that ominous wind continued to cause a chain reaction of annoying sounds. He was right. The wind dies out, and with it, the Grinch’s motivation to go medieval on the Whos. Eukariah’s stalling has paid off — if he didn’t get the Grinch to waste time showing him dancing ghosts and monster eyes, the guy probably would’ve made it downtown just in time to scare the old ladies of Whoville into strangely spasmodic comas.

The Grinch is confused, and who can blame him? He’s somehow obligated to cease and desist because the wind stopped blowing? What kind of bullshit is that? The worst part is, he eventually accepts this amazingly convenient plot twist as an absolute truth, ordering Max to follow him on a sorrowful trip home. Max proceeds to ditch the Grinch, instead going home with Eukariah after a face-licking scene that seemed just a little bit too foxy for a kiddy show. Would the real Grinch have given up so easily? Ponder that.

Meanwhile, back at Whoville, Eukariah’s become some sort of town hero for keeping the Grinch at bay. Just as the place starts showing signs of that Christmastime personality, the camera backs away in a decisive tease. I guess the working theory was that Whoville, a society established as being pretty oddball, would celebrate their version of Halloween by making the community appear as boring and lifeless as possible. What looks banal to us might be perfectly spirited to them. Look closely and you’ll spot Max the Dog posing for a newspaper shot with his new master. Traitor. Canine. Crannies. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Before the Grinch ascends offscreen, he promises to return another day, for another Grinch Night. Not gonna happen, pardnah. May as well give Easter a try because you totally blew your October shot. The video also featured a bunch of trailers for other Seuss toons, some of which starring the Grinch. Let me tell you — compared to those, “Grinch Night” is a monkey’s paw wish. Though he could never recapture the magic found in a land full of blinking lights and roast beasts, I enjoyed catching up with the Grinch here. It’s not all I could’ve hoped for, but to be honest, I haven’t really spent much time praying for more and better Grinch shows for any considerable amount of time. Maybe I’m to blame? I thought I was one of the good ones.