Y’all Cut It Out

Oh, now come on. I guess we all knew this would happen. Idiocy on the comment board already. I guess this is what happens when you trust people to be sane! lol. The boards stay up but please use them like a normal human being. I’m speaking to a few select people here. They are strictly for commenting on what has been posted here, or asking a few questions or chiming in with something you’d like to see posted or you’d like to know. NOT FOR PERSONAL GAIN and… I’m not even sure what to call that last display of ramblings. Rest assured it won’t be tollerated here. It is quite simple to block individual users and its even simpler to pull down the comment board all together.

Have A Lovely Day!
Sincerely, THE POWERS THAT BE!!!

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

Well, the Leafs are losing in the second period and that doesn’t look like it’s going to be changing any time soon, RAW hasn’t started yet and supper isn’t quite ready so it’s time to ramble on for a bit. I thought that since music is a fairly frequent topic around here that I’d take a minute and tell you about the last few CD’s that I’ve picked up.

Fountains Of Wayne, “Welcome Interstate Managers.”
I haven’t had a chance to give this one the full attention it deserves yet but what I’ve heard so far I’m very impressed with which doesn’t really surprise me since they are who they are. There’s just something about those guys, the way they write songs, the way they structure their music, the way they say things that just makes you have to like them. Besides, this album has Stacy’s Mom on it and that song is just cool as all hell.

*Jesus H Christ, the Islanders just got themselves another goal.*

Motion City Soundtrack, “I Am The Movie.”
If you own a copy of Punk-O-Rama 8 you’ll know who these guys are and just in case you can’t place the name, they’re the ones who do the song “Don’t Call It A Comeback” which I believe is on CD 1. I first got hooked on these guys when the radio station I do my show for got an advanced copy of this album and I just happened to find it one day. Thanks Epitaph! I’ve heard this album described by somebody as “catchy as hell” and I’d say that’s a pretty accurate assessment. A couple of the standout tracks on the CD are “don’t Call It A Comeback” which I mentioned before and my personal favourite, “Capital H.” That song just makes you wanna get up and move around and you’ll be singing that chorus for days and days.

Weird Al, “Poodle Hat.”
What can I say, it’s Weird Al! It’s also a really solid album both musicly and comedicly if the Al style of parody is your thing. If it’s not, it should be. Even the tracks on this album that I’m not particularly fond of I can think of something nice to say about. In most cases it would be “wow, he put a lot of work into his arangements and harmonies here and the band is fantastic.” One example of this is “Genius In France” which goes on way too long and makes the same point far too many times. It’s one of those situations where you realize that the song should have ended about 3 minutes earlier but the way the music is laid out makes you not really mind that so much. On the other end of the spectrum we have songs like “A Complicated Song,” which is an absolutely hilarious spoof on “complicated” by Avril somethingorother, and “EBay,” a takeoff on “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. When somebody can make A BSB’s song enjoyable, you know he’s good. By the way Matt, I want my CD back. And I mean my Al CD, before any of you get any crazy ideas in your heads.

Frenzal Rhomb, “Sans Souci.”
Ok, so I don’t actually have this one yet, but it’s just a walk to the store away from being mine. I listened to this one before I bought it through a friend who has it and really enjoyed it. that and the fact that I just plain like Frenzal Rhomb was enough to get me to buy it. It’s put out by Fat Wreck Chords, one of the best punk labels going. Just
check out the site and the names they have signed
and you’ll know why I say that. It’s hard to pick one track from this disc that I’d call a standout and if you listen to it you’ll know why. And if you don’t listen to it, the reason is simply because it’s Frenzal Rhomb and the whole thing is just good in it’s own way. You’ve just gotta love Australian punk people who don’t hold anything back lyricly.

Dave Brubeck, “One Alone, Solo Piano.”
Surprised ya with that one, didn’t I? I’m kind of all over the musical map and when it comes to jazz Dave is one of my favourites. This album is just what it claims to be. It’s a guy playing a piano, and doing it very well if I do say so myself. It’s amazing background music other than the fact that listening to him play has a tendency to grab your attention away from whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing. I’m thinking it would make some fine mood music too although I haven’t tested this theory out yet.

I’ll end with some CD’s I’ve had my eye on but haven’t gotten around to picking up yet.
Finger Eleven, “Finger Eleven.”
Sam Roberts, “We Were Born In A Flame.”
The White Stripes, pretty much anything they’ve done since I don’t have any of it yet.
Audioslave, “Audioslave.”
Nofx, “War On Errorism.”
Bad Religeon, loads of it since I’ve shamefully only got 1 of their albums.
Gordon Lightfoot, “Complete Greatest Hits.”
Make fun of me if you wish,
but it won’t change the fact that Lightfoot has done some great stuff and music wouldn’t be the same without him.

Ok, RAW is starting, I’m getting hungry and this post is getting long so that about covers it for now. Feel free to
let me know about your favourites.
But no electronica or boy bands, please. If you don’t want to go down the email route you can always just click the comments link at the end of this article and leave it there, I’ll check the board out for your feedback, I promise!

Until next time, keep on rockin in the world that’s as free as big government and large corporations will allow it to be.


Steve’s A Retard

It has been kindly brought to my attention that I’ve fucked up a few email links. So much for being Mr. Big Important Link Making Guy. I know exactly what I did wrong, just not sure why I did it. Let’s try this again. If you want to send me email you can do so here. You can reach Matt by clicking here if you so desire.

Yes, I’m an idiot and no, it’s not a permanent thing. Besides, if you did click on that and the email you sent me didn’t go through, just take the quotes out of the address and send it again and all should be well.

See, I really do know how to do this stuff!

Things And Stuff

Hey guys. Just a few things.

First of all, the comments are working, which is cool, but I’ve got a problem. Every time you post something, it flaunts your IP address right on the site instead of just simply logging it. That, is what we here in the business of whatever this is referred to as not cool. We’re using Squalkbox to power these things so if anybody knows about a way to make people’s IP info vanish into thin air or go somewhere where the average people without admin power here can’t see it, shoot an email to
and let him know what it is and how somebody who isn’t very bright like him can pull it off. Many thanks.

Secondly, the site is doing pretty well. We’ve only had the thing up for about 5 days or so and we’re already just about over the 100 unique visitor mark. Not bad for people that nobody knows and who even less people like. Thanks to everybody who has checked the place out, especially those of you who’ve actually come back. Thanks to the people who are linking to us, including
Scott Keith.
Go check out his columns on
411mania.com’s wrestling section.
I don’t always agree with his views, but he’s entertaining to read and it was cool as hell of him to link us.

If you haven’t read it yet, go read Matt’s post about the ice-cream bar battle to the death. Do that once you’ve read this. He stole it from someplace that he didn’t link back to but that doesn’t make it any less amusing.

And while we’re on the subject of Matt, I completely agree with his sentiments in the Cut The Kid Some Slack post. It doesn’t matter where you’re at in life, everybody makes mistakes and just because you’ve got millions of dollars and are a public figure it doesn’t mean that they’re any less or any more severe than anybody else’s. He’s admitted that he screwed up, the family is ok with his appology, let it go. His friend died, and he could have very easily joined him. He’s suffered enough and really it’s out of the public’s hands now, not that it ever should have been there in the first place.

On a lighter note, here are some things that you should read, once you’re done here that is.

If you’re a wrestling fan, you’ll be happy to note that
Wrestle Crap has been redesigned.
If you’ve never heard of Wrestle Crap, you’ll be happy too once you’ve checked it out. Fantastic stuff on some of the less spectacular moments in wrestling history. They’ve added some new sections too, including the Jobber Of The Week and Somebody Bought That pages. The site is updated every Friday with new content so check that out.

If you’re up for some interesting reading check out
1 Ryder Fakin.
Always something interesting to read over there. I found the last 2 articles posted in the news section particularly interesting. Really something to think about. Read the second one first, they’re the ones dated October 15th. I’d link them directly but for some reason the address just leads back to the main page. That’s fucking weird but I’m sure you guys can figure it out, the site really isn’t that complicated.

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment away on anything written here on the snappy new IP showing comment board, and feel free to
send me things that you think should be up here, or just comments in general.
You can also
email Matt,
for the same reasons if you feel the need. To post comments on things posted, just click on the comments powered by link that appears at the end of each and every post and fill in the stuff. I don’t think it matters if you put your email address in and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t care if you’ve got a website or not.

Until next time, STEVE OUT.

Thanks Anyway

Hey all,
I know Steve has received some and I’ve gotten 2 e-mails today also regarding others posting on this site. For now we’re just going to keep it at Steve and I. With any luck the comment board will be up within the next hour or so and you can comment to your little heart’s content but as for posts, for now we’ll leave it at Steve and I and then see down the road a little. Also, don’t forget that you can send anything you’d like to say to either of us and we’d more than likely post it for you… just don’t go crazy becoming a regular through us, cuz let’s face it. Taht would be annoying on your part lol.

Lastly, as I said the comment board will be up very shortly as I seem to have figured out the HTML. Don’t abuse it or be stupid on it though as the program we’re using does have the option to block certain users and we will not hesitate to do so if your causing problems for others. Let’s all play nice, boys and girls.


Cut The Kid Some Slack

I just read an article from a fairly well known sports writer on the Dany Heatley situation. I’ll spare you the hole article but the short of it is that he believes the kid needs to be punished, and punished severely for his actions. (which I’m sure I don’t need to explain as its been in the news EVERYWHERE).

I am by no means a lawyer, in fact besides a Grade 11 Law class, I know nothing of legal proceedings. However, I still felt the need to spout off on this.

HE’S A KID!!! Ya, he’s a rich kid who already has more money than you or I could ever dream of, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a kid. I challenge any one of you to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you have never ever done anything stupid. If you can do it, you can also go to hell because you’re a filthy liar. (sorry but its true)

The difference between me going out and crashing my car and causing a death and him doing it is huge! If I do it, well, yes I’ll feel like shit. I’ll have to face my own family in friends in shame, I’ll have to face the family of the other person and I’ll probably do hard-time.

Now, you’re probably saying that that’s exactly what Heatley’s going through, well hold on a second. Cuz you’re only partially right… here’s the difference.


Heatley is currently going through personal injury, personal grieving (in case you’ve forgotten, it was his FRIEND that died in this accident), personal shame and legal proceedings all under the watchful eye of us, the greedy public.

It’s time to leave this kid alone. He wasn’t drunk, he wasn’t high and he wasn’t out to hurt anyone. He made a mistake. It was a costly one, but a mistake nonetheless. He feels terrible, and the family has publically stated that they do not hold him responsible for Snyder’s death… so why should we? It’s none of our business yet writer after writer (which i have now hypocrirically added myself to the list of) continues to monitor this and spout off their own feelings on. The kid would probably rather go to jail than continue this little media parade.

How do you think the Snyder family felt having a million tv camera’s at their sons wedding? How do you think Dany Heatley’s mother feels being asked the question “Do you consider your son a murderer?”? (because she was asked that), How do you think Heatley felt attending his friend’s funeral with a media circus following him? Well, to us, it didn’t matter how any of that felt. We just carried on asking and following with no regard for the people involved.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can’t say I’ve ever been responsible for a good friend’s passing but I’m sure the feelings Heatley currently carries are far worse than any ruling a court could place upon him. Just something to think about.

Hollar back to “mattrobinson_gms@hotmail.com”.
Or to comment on anything else hit me back also, or Steve at “sendstuffhere@rogers.com

Be Safe


I found this on another website that I enjoy. You can expect lots of stuff like this as I enjoy it, its strange but so is my sense of humour. Get used to it. This is truely a dangerous battle. Enjoy!

A battle for the ages! In one corner, Nickelodeon’s current Golden Boy and the cable TV ratings winner, “Spongebob Squarepants.” In the other, Marvel Comics’ latest movie ace and the only superhero who collects a royalty check whenever a pro-wrestler is vociferous in their displeasure with Hulk Hogan, “The Incredible Hulk.” They’re both riding amazing highs these days, sharing successes that’d seem incomparable if they were up against anyone but each other.

I wasn’t sure how such a contest should be held, but if I’m right, whichever contender’s Popsicle bar takes the longest to melt under July’s hot sun is the true champion. The treats are typical fare in ice cream trucks this summer, something I learned this past week while babysitting my sister’s son and being forced on a fourteen-block chase trying to locate the god damned stupid pink “Lickedy Split” truck. By the time we finally caught up, which incidentally was right after I spent fifteen bucks on “Yu-Gi-Oh” cards as a sort of consolation prize for my distressed nephew, the vendor was completely sold out of both varieties. Good thing most toy store chains have ice cream coolers.

Only one can survive. One of these lemony slushy sticks will help crown a victor, but regrettably, the other shall die. Place your bets…

In frozen, edible form, Hulk comes to us simply as a giant green head with two purple gumballs acting as “eyes.” Don’t let the gamma-inspired color scheme fool you — much like the terminally yellow Spongebob, Hulk also tastes like lemonade. With a painted-on scowl and a drooping brow that identifies his inner rage, the Incredible Hulk’s Ice Head is a formidable foe. As for Spongebob’s frosty funpop, it’s a little more haphazard than Hulk, though adequately “bumpy” along the sides with two plain black gumball eyes. Black isn’t a typical color even in those machine-refiller boxes, so Spongebob’s eyes seem way more important than Hulk’s. Still, neither will be judged on any of this. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing, but the rules are simple. They just gotta make sure they ain’t the first to melt to death.

Tick tock, tick tock…

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This little experiment took place in a screenhouse during the late afternoon hours yesterday, and even after just a few minutes, there was noticeable wear and tear to both participants. Hulk’s hair began perspiring, ultimately trickling down his face like eerily dark sweat or blood with too much pigment. He hadn’t quite lost his proudly murderous stance yet, but this was no road of the easily traveled. Spongebob felt the sun’s wrath as well, slowly changing shape from a sponge to something that looked more like a South American nation. The battle was on, and if this was any indication, neither of our heroes would escape without experiencing lots and lots of pain first.

As the minutes progressed, Hulk and Spongebob found themselves in a desperate battle, the likes of which would bring be no “real” winner. This was a war of pride — a joust that couldn’t be dodged, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t secretly wishing that their strengths could be compared in ways that didn’t require them to melt. Spongebob’s yellow sheen slowly overcame even his whitest parts, while the Hulk’s formerly kept hair descended into a pitiful mass of darkened tendrils looking to spread plague and failure. Unlike those times Nitro chased around the Gladiators in giant, metal balls, this wasn’t a feelgood competition. As our combatants would tell you, it was actually pretty feelbad.

Taking a turn from the pitiable to the plainly grotesque, the Hulk’s entire forehead began caving in around five minutes later. The sun was doing its job — perhaps a little too well. Spongebob’s been robbed of his famous cheerfulness with a twin stream of the Devil’s tears. They’re paying the ultimate price for the ultimate prize: the right to call themselves the “best.” Unfortunately, the battle is far from over, and Prince Torture hasn’t even begun licking his chops…

Until this point, neither warrior seemed to have a clear edge. Spongebob and Hulkhulk, creatures of overwhelmingly different origins and designs, merged under the same umbrella of resilience as half their faces liquefied. For a brief moment, you’d almost forget that the two were competing — their shared survival tactic of sitting absolutely still felt like something only the work of two minds could conjure up, but in truth, neither Hulk nor Bob were prepared to give each other a lifesaving tip. Underneath that shroud of immobility and melty apathy lies the awful truth: the Incredible Hulk and Spongebob Squarepants despise each other, to a level where they’d willingly let half their bodies evaporate just to watch the other suffer a similar fate.

Finally, I saw a crack in the Hulk’s former green granite. Is he crying? Can ice cream cry? Spongebob’s smile remained bright even throughout this terrible experiment, but the Hulk’s open-mouth frown grows more and more “open-mouth” until he appears able to actually fit a brand new Hulk Popsicle in there. Right? Right? Right?

It’s the moment of truth. Hulk’s rapidly becoming a puddle, and while Spongebob never looked so scary, at least his general shape remained intact. We’re around the fifteen minute now, and evidently, something’s about to give. Watch closely — the next photo represents the turning point in yesterday’s climactic battle. I think you know what I’m talking about. Let’s face it, we’ve all been waiting for the same thing. Watching Hulk and Spongebob melt is great fun, but there’s a marker we’ve all been fixating on, quietly but deliberately. Who’s gonna lose an eye first? It’s all fun and games till someone drops a gumball.

Hulk!! No!! One of Marvel’s greatest…could he be on the road to defeat? Against a cartoon sponge from Nickelodeon? It’s a sad state of affairs, and surely something Marvel would prefer to see swept under the rug. But guess what, Marvel? You can’t sweep melted Hulk Popsicles under the rug. They’d just ruin the rug! Nobody wants sticky rugs. Cease the dreams of sweeping, Marvel — your trump card is in this for the long haul. Though, I’m not sure how much longer this haul can really go. He’s already lost one eye. The process that followed seemed only natural…

Both eyes — gone! How is the Hulk supposed to leap from continent to continent when he can’t even see where he’s going? It was tough enough to swallow even when he could see. We must consider this as a major annoyance to the Hulk — at the very least, it’s going to make his hobby of trying to read the company taglines on all the septic trucks he leaps past much, much tougher. Poor Hulk.

As Hulk progresses into even grittier territory, Spongebob isn’t without his share of problems…

Somewhere between 20 and 25 minutes, both contestants have now become eyeless and all but hopeless. Hulk’s even lost his eye sockets. That’s like the ultimate kind of eye-loss. Nope, you can’t lose your eyes much more than that. Eyes.

Though without his former powers of sight, Spongebob smells victory. I, experiencing another form of victory, smell lots of lots of sweet lemonade. The Hulk isn’t out of the race yet, but only the biggest thrill-seekers would go against Vegas’ current odds. The jade defender, having spent close to a half an hour under the sun, quickly degenerates towards his depressing curtain call…

Uh oh, I see stick. I see stick and I’ve become progressively bored with watching ice cream melt — a bad combination for the Hulk, as I’ve decided to implement a “first one to show stick LOSES” rule. Sorry Hulk, you’re damned, and your forest green face is all over the table in my screenhouse. We’ve both come up short in our own little ways.

There’s no hope with dope.

Dope with hope no there’s. Just seemed like the right thing to say.

Though the victor is obvious, no contest is complete until one is mentioned: your winner is Spongebob Squarepants. He’s toughed through the blazing sun and roughed through his previous fear of the Hulk, remaining solid enough to triumph. It’s a glorious day for the suits at Nickelodeon, and all those annoying “Nick Kids” they force you to watch during commercial breaks. Marvel Comics probably isn’t too pleased, but at least the Hulk gave it his best shot. Hell, he battled on for a good 20 minutes even after his eyes fell out. Has there ever been someone more deserving of the “don’t feel so bad” silver medal?

Our story ends here, just like I said it would. Congrats, Spongebob. Token congrats, Hulk. Popsicles ain’t just for eatin’ no more, and we’ve got you guys to thank. I think.

Brand New

Hey all,
Hope y’all had a good weekend. I know I did. It looks like I will have the comment board posted most likely tomorrow evening, if not before. Possibly around lunch hour.

Anywayz. I heard a new band I’m kinda in to, at least from the 2 songs of their’s I’ve heard but I don’t know much about them. Hense, I post! If you know anything about the band “Brand New” drop me a line and let me know what you think, if the album’s worth picking, how long they’ve been around… y’know, just any info at all?

E-mail: “mattrobinson_gms@hotmail.com
Thanks, all

Nick Civiero’s No Mercy Thoughts And Predictions

This was sent to me just a few minutes ago and as promised, I’m posting it. There’s still time for you to get a spot in this space, just send your thoughts to me and I’ll put them up here. You’ve got until bell time at 8 PM eastern time to send these in so there’s still time. Just remember, I’m not spellchecking anything anybody sends me so that’s your responsibility. And now, take it away, Nick!


Okay. First thing’s first. IF the WWE are serious enough about building new stars, they shouldn’t have Undertaker two years in a row to be up against Brock
Lesnar with the title on the line. That’s one of the downfalls of the roster split. Anyways, predictions:
Match 1: Chris Benoit vs. A-Train:
Tell me if Chris Benoit is being underused. Kids, raise your hands. Many are raised, of course. I may have seen some house show cards indicating that Benoit
goes up against Brock (with the belt? not sure). Well, for the time being, Benoit is stuck in the undercard and I believe that he’ll break out with an
important win over A-Train.
Winner: Benoit via submission.
Match 2: Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio:
How does Tajiri have that mist in his mouth the whole time during the match??? That always makes me wonder. Just as the WWE had introduced the new Cruiserweight
Division, I didn’t think that I’d be left out from seeing Ultimo Dragon NOT be included in the title chase, whilest Mysterio, Kidman, Noble and Tajiri.
WWE needs to be making more efforts to have Dragon be a part of the chase. But for the time being, Mysterio, in my mind, is too popular to be held without
the belt. Tajiri’s title reign was interesting and may be losing a bit of it’s steam.
Winner: Mysterio captures his third title reign via the West Coast Pop.
Match 3: Zach Gowen vs. Matt Hardy:
Who should the winner be??? NO ONE!!! Why??? The common consensus is that regardless of how the match ends or whomever wins, the fans will say: “Matt Hardy
only beat a one-legged guy, or Matt Hardy lost to be a one-legged guy, which in turn losses the credibility of the character and hurts him as far as a
push. Remember back to the Summerslam PPV when that match was canceled? Good move there. But now, it hurts Hardy’s character in both ways. For Zach Gowen,
he’s only used best in the mid-card area and shouldn’t be tarnishing any of the up-and-comers, like Hardy.
Winner: Zach Gowen with the one-legged moonsault.
Match 4: The Big Show vs. Eddie Guerrero for the US Title:
In my mind, Guerrero SHOULD be the next main-eventer on the Smackdown! brand. He has charisma, he’s good on the stick, has excellent wrestling technique.
Therefore, he should drop the strap to The Big Show in hopes of him getting volted into the main-event scene, which is getting stale.
Winner: The Big Show, which help from Chavo Guerrero (which is the only reason why Chavo’s getting pushed, is because of Eddie)
Match 5: Kurt Angle vs. John Cena:
Definitely the match of the night. I’m not sure if these two had been working house shows together, but I’d see this match any night of the week vs. what’s
been going on top as of late. Kurt and Cena know how to work well together in matches and this will be a specticale of a match. Match of the year candidate???
For sure. Along the same lines, John Cena is in the line for a US title run and not far from a WWE Title run in about another six to eight months.
Winner: Too close to call, but I’m going with the Master Of Thuganomics, John Cena.
Match 6: Vince Mcmahon vs. Stephanie McMahon:
Can’t disagree with Steve’s predictions on this one. There was also a quote from Steph on the Jimmy Kimmel show, as she was asked why the Mcmahon family
is getting strongly pushed on both shows: “We can’t resist.” Is that it??? Is that only it???
I’m sorry but for that to be said, there’s no reason why both Mc’s or any Mc’s for that matter have the power to thawrt any angle proposal with ‘wrestlers’
and shoot it down to be replaced with Vince against Undertaker for the WWE title as an example??? Arrrrrggghhh!!!!
Winner: Vince. Happy Marriage and honeymoon, Steph. (Oh yeah, with Trips becoming a Mcmahon, well, seeing my explianation above.)
Match 7: Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title; Stip: Biker Chain Match:
We’ve seen these guys on top last year, and with the same allignments as Brock as heel, same as last year as well as Taker as a face, same as last yer.
The only difference was that Taker was the champ last year and Brock needed to be crowned the champion to build him as a star.
A year later, the writiers have no belief in Benoit or those other up-and-comers. Instead, Taker??? I’m sorry, but Undertaker’s time has definitely passed
him as a main-eventer a long time ago.
Winner: Brock retains with a CLEAN F-5 FINISH.
Steve, how did you like those ones??? Oh yeah. What’s going on with the tag straps??? Hmmm, I guess it’ll be thrown together in the last minute.
Steve, make any comments if you wish, as well as you, Matt.


There you have it, guest predictions. It’s just that easy. All you’ve gotta do is
mail those bad boys to me
and they’ll be up here faster than you can say something that takes a long time to say because it’ll take a few minutes for the email to get to me, and then I have to read it, add anything I feel the need to add and then put it up here for the world. Trust me though, they’ll get posted unless my computer takes the biggest shit on the earth.
