Believe It Or Not, Record Companies Make Mistakes

Whenever there’s a chance to rag on the utter stupidity of the music industry, I’m so there. So in that spirit, here is Blender’s list of
the 20 biggest screw-ups in its history.
I’m sure they could have stretched it out longer, but who’s got that much time?

Anyway, this list is a great read. Passing on artists who made millions, albums and artists that never were, trying to fight file sharing rather than doing the smart thing and monetizing it, it’s all here.

And speaking of the music industry, there’s a chance that all of the underhanded tactics that the RIAA likes using to file ridiculous lawsuits against you and I and our grandmothers, the ones that they’d rather us not know about,
could become public knowledge real soon.

Friday may mark a significant milestone in the RIAA’s legal campaign against file-sharing, as it is the deadline for exonerated RIAA defendant Tanya Andersen to refile her malicious prosecution lawsuit against the record labels. Soon afterwards, discovery will begin, and all sorts of unsavory details about the RIAA’s legal campaign against suspected file-sharers are likely to emerge.

Andersen is a single mother living in Oregon who was sued by the record labels in February 2005. She eventually filed a counterclaim against the RIAA, and when the labels voluntarily dismissed their case against her last June, she filed a malicious-prosecution lawsuit. In it, Andersen accuses the RIAA of fraud, racketeering, invasion of privacy, libel, slander, deceptive business practices, and violations of the Oregon state RICO Act.

This has the potential to get very, very interesting.

Good luck Tanya. Everybody with a clue is pulling for you.

By Accident?

Wow. I can’t believe that defense Barraster Craig Eberhardt managed to convince a judge that his client, Thomas James Anthony Wilson,

  • downloaded 8000 pictures by accident,
  • was looking at these photos to address issues of his own sexuality as a younger man, but he’s *not* a pedophile,
  • and sending him to jail would be a bad idea because he’s an x-cop.

Um, first off, what sane man would believe that Wilson signed up for a child porn site, which included coughing up $35, and downloaded 8000 pictures by accident? That was no accident!

And don’t a lot of pedophiles have issues with their sexuality as younger men? Weren’t a lot of them molested as children? How can his lawyer be so sure he’s not a pedophile? He mentions medical evidence. What the fuck kind of evidence could that be? Even if he, fluke of flukes, had no balls or wang, his brain is where the problem starts.

And if no x-cop should go to jail because it would be too hard on him, isn’t that sort of opening the flood gates for the more crooked cops to commit more crimes? It kind of makes a crime offset credit system.

All I can say is what a naive judge.

English As She Is Spammed

I’m not sure what “fractured pidgin language” this is written in, but I think I might know where they learned it.


Subject: Search of competitors

Date: March 12, 2008 4:13:40 PM GMT+01:00

Good time of day. You are disturbed by the charitable company Redd Cross of Slovenia. We have the business offer for you. We can offer to you of earnings, thus your salary will make from 1000$ to 2000$ per one month, at an incomplete working day. Your earnings can be and higher. The more and forces you will give time, the there will be your salary more.

If it is interesting to you, you write on the address of e-mail of our agent: he will contact you within 24 hours and will throw off to you all details, and will answer you on all your questions.

Thank you for attention Redd Cross of Slovenia!

Stop The Bus

I really need to stop being surprised every time the people entrusted with the job of running the world manage to
bungle the simplest of tasks.

The Municipal Railway will not use buses from its new hybrid fleet on one line that runs through the public housing projects in San Francisco’s Hunters Point neighborhood until officials can stop troublemakers there from turning off the buses’ power switches.

Muni drivers have reported over the last couple of weeks that people have been shutting down the power on their buses by flipping a switch that can be accessed easily through an unlocked panel on the outside of the bus.

When that happens, the drivers can’t accelerate, they lose radio contact with dispatchers and the interior lights on the buses go out. The power loss does not affect the brakes.

The hybrids, which are powered by electricity and started up with diesel fuel, were added to the fleet last year.

“We see this as an isolated problem but one we certainly take seriously,” Muni spokesman Judson True said Thursday.

Until locks are installed on the power boxes, True said the hybrid buses will not be used on the 54-Felton line.

Replacement coaches that are not susceptible to the same type of tampering will be used instead.

True could not say how long the fix would take. He also could not say how much it would cost.

A plan has been mapped out by city officials to increase police patrols aboard the buses. In addition, patrol cars, when available, will escort the buses through the most troubled parts of the runs.

Which, if I’ve learned anything during my time here, will now be all of them since the news that nobody thought to put locks on the things has become widely publicized. Nice work, boys!

Trixie’s New Tricks

I tried to post this yesterday, but a flue snuck up and laid the smackdown on me. Damn Flu! I felt like sorta crap the night before, and yesterday morning, I woke up and felt like such cream of crap. I spent the day either on the couch or in my bed. Poor Trixie must be bored out of her mind.

And then, nothing popped off the net or out of my email that looked like easy blog material. So I started to write this, and didn’t finish it in time! Damn me, and damn flu! The post might suck, hopefully not.

There’s a bunch of Trixie things that I thought were worth mentioning. Remember a while back when I said she’s getting picky about her toys? Well, she’s still picky, but sometimes, she wants me to get down on the floor and kick the toy at her. Then she backs away from the toy as if it’s running at her. Silly dog. Sometimes she even runs and puffs, as if conducting a grand escape.

I knew she responded to about a million names. But I found one that she really likes. Ancy Pants! Why ancy pants? I have no idea! But if I say it, she will sprint to me at warp speed! I know I’ve said it a lot, but no more than all her other zillion names.

trixie’s messages are so easy to understand. Sometimes I think I hear them in a little voice in my head. I remember the day when it was so horrible out that there was a flash freeze warning and a wind warning. But I felt we just *had* to go to the pet store to get her tag ring fixed that broke when her tags got into an ugly mess. Yeah, stupid, I know. Anyway, We got across the one street, and the other street, but it was hard! The wind was so strong that it tried to lift Trixie off the ground. Once we were safely across both streets, Trixie pointed her nose at the little convenience store that wasn’t far from here. She would move in that direction, but no other. Suddenly I heard her little doggy voice in my head. “Let’s make a deal,” it said. “I will walk to the convenience store so you can get what you need, but that’s it! I’m not walking down the block any further than I have to. It’s too windy!”

Sometimes I think I know when she’s annoyed with the weather. It warmed up a couple of days ago, and she seemed ecstatic with that! I took her out on the flexi and let her have a good romp. then, the next day, It was colder and more blustery. She came out the door and froze. If she could have spoken, she would have said “Awww come on! It was so warm yesterday! Bring it back!”

And I think I’m starting to think like her. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. I took her out to relieve yesterday, and noticed that things smelled different. I didn’t know why. I came back in and said to Steve that I think things were melting because it smelled like dirt and mud and…buried things. I said that and thought oh good lord. I’m thinking like a dog. Or maybe I’m just wacky with too much imagination.

The other night when our transformer blew, I learned that I need an emergency item that I never thought of carrying. I need a flashlight of some type!

It’s funny how things happen to teach you what you need before it’s too late. The timing of the transformer blowing was perfect. Steve had finished cooking dinner, and all trixie and I had left to do was go out for her final relieve, and since the elevators weren’t working, it was down the stairs for us!

Trixie did not like the fact that the halls were so dark. She started sniffing a lot, until her eyes adjusted to the level of light. She was fine…until we got in the stairwell, at which point, there was no more movement!

This was because once we got in there, the passages were so narrow that it was pitch black! There was no light coming from anywhere. Dogs can see better in the dark, but when it gets too dark, they’re pretty much blind. Trix knew that, and was not, under any circumstances, going down those stairs without any light. She wouldn’t even go down them if I heeled her. No no no no! Then someone came with a flashlight! My hero! Once there was light, she was a perfect little dream.

I’m trying to find a Petzl Emergency E Plus headlamp for this purpose, because I’ve heard they’re good for what I’m asking for, but local dealers have been less than responsive. I think I may have found one on Amazon. Go Amazon! But who would have thought a blink would need an emergency light? Funny stuff.

I heard a funny rhyme the other day that made me laugh at how true it is. It was set to the tune of the wonderful thing about Tiggers song, and it went, “The wonderful thing about dogs, is that dogs are wonderful things. Their heads are made out of bricks, their tails could put you in a sling.” Oh how true! Trixie definitely has a solid head that she could smack into anything, and good lord that tail is to be feared and respected!

I think that’s about it for the Trixie updates. She is definitely an endless supply of blog material.

This Can’t Possibly Be A Real News Story

You know you’ve been on the john for a long time when they describe your condition as bound to it by natural means. There are so many questions with this story. She was in the bathroom for two years, and her boyfriend knew it was a bad idea, and just brought her food and water. Why didn’t he try harder to get her out of there? Or, was he keeping her there? Why was she so screwed up that she didn’t want to leave? How could you spend two years in a bathroom? What the hell?

If You’re Happy And You Know It, You’re Not A Kid In The UK

Apparently, according to UNICEF, the UK has the unhappiest children. I love how everyone’s assuming they know why the kids are unhappy. Did anyone ever ask the kids? That is never stated. It’s just assumed that they have too much homework, and some of the kids’ parents can’t help them with it. How about the fact that kids are never allowed to play, think, or do anything else that’s part of being a kid anymore? Did they ever think about that?

And tell me what on earth would be put into happiness lessons.

I really appreciate the fact that they’re trying to figure out what is making the kids so unhappy. I just wish they’d get the info from the horse’s mouth.