Wow. We have decided that instead of telling aliens that we come in peace, etc. a commercial for Doritos would be a better message. I wonder if we’ll get anything back.
Power Stupidity
Last week I read about a couple of women who decided to power wash their toddler. I really didn’t know what to say then. The kid and parents hadn’t been found. I just couldn’t believe someone would think spraying a toddler with the same force you would spray a car would be a good idea.
Now, the head power washer, AKA the mother of the child has come forward to try to explain herself, so I have to say something because she didn’t do a very good job.
She claims she’s a great parent and would never hurt her daughter, and she sprayed her with the hose to relax her. Yeah, because being pelted by a power washer is such a relaxing experience. Then she said she made a poor decision that day and is in a parenting class to prevent future poor decisions. Hmmm. If a good parent makes one poor decision, they don’t usually wind up in parenting class. Then again, that poor decision isn’t usually as epic as putting your kid through a car wash. I have a feeling there have been a few poor decisions along the way. This becomes especially obvious when her attorney is shocked that the police arrested her because the department of children and families had already determined the child wasn’t in any danger. The Department of Children and Families doesn’t usually make such determinations without following the kid around for quite some time.
Something tells me this mom shouldn’t have gone on Good Morning America. She’s not helping her case.
If I Had A Hammer…
Well, here’s the long-awaited answer to the question of what colour and tool did 98% of people think of? Well, it’s not really long-awaited, I only made you wait a day. But I couldn’t hold back any longer. It’s cool that lots of people were unconventional. I now feel like a rather square-thinking person. So, what was it? It was … wait for it…red hammer!
Payload kind of guessed it, saying 99% would say red hammer, even though s/he said yellow screwdriver. I wonder why s/he thought most would say red hammer. I’m very curious! I know I thought I was pretty weird for thinking red hammer. I mean, who owns a red hammer? Aren’t hammers black or something? Is it because red is a very loud colour and hammer is a pretty obvious tool? After crunching all those numbers, I know I was sort of scrambling for a colour and a tool, so maybe that’s why.
So, that’s the answer. What a weird test.
Sing Solo…So Low They Can’t Hear You!
Um, here’s my chance to look like an idiot. My geography sucks, but aren’t Thailand and the Philippines neighbours? If they are, which I’m pretty sure they are, they have similar militant stances on Caraoke. First, we had our poor unfortunate tone-deaf soul who died in a Philippine caraoke bar, and now we have 8 poor unfortunate Thai souls who were killed by their neighbour, Weenus Chumkamnerd, for doing too much caraoke singing of John Denver’s Country Roads too loudly. Yeesh! Just don’t sing in that part of the world! I think it’s safer that way.
Aside, is a name like Weenus Chumkamnerd common there? I don’t know.
Wrong Number, Big Mistake
Ya know, if you’re going to call a friend at midnight to announce that you killed all the bad guys in your videogame by saying “I have killed them all”,ya might wanna triple check that you’re dialing the right number, Especially if you’re Thomas Ballard, who has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. It wasn’t for killing anyone, only for cocaine-related charges, but still…
At Least It Wasn’t A Full Blown Hullabaloo
What’s A Thank You?
I came across a sign of a sad state of affairs today. I’ve seen it before, but today, it demanded to be posted.
Yesterday, I tried to leave my apartment building. I could get as far as down the driveway and to the sidewalk, but no further. Where there should have been a sidewalk, there was a giant drift of the fluffy white stuff. I guess the plough had ploughed the road and pushed it onto the sidewalk. Trixie stopped walking and would not move. Smart pooch, she probably couldn’t see over the banks, and it certainly wasn’t something she thought was safe for me to walk through.
Luckily, my friend who I was meeting at the bus stop saw me and came to my rescue. I had to hold onto her, heel the dog and tromple through snow that went up past my boots. My friend fell several times.
When we got to the bus stop, I was full of maddening rage. I phoned the city and asked to speak to a woman who handles a lot of accessibility issues, and challenged her, or anyone from the city to come down here and walk what passed for my sidewalk under blindfold. Well, I left that message on her voicemail and told her that because no one had even made a minimum effort to clear our sidewalk, while sidewalks very near us were perfectly clean, I could not leave my apartment building unassisted.
Boom! I got a call back, another phone number to call, and she said she’d put the word in for me, but to phone this number if another emergency like that were to come up.
Today I went out, and holy crap there was something that could be called a sidewalk! It wasn’t perfect, but by god it was passible. I was so thrilled I phoned up the same woman and left her a happy message. Then I called the other number and thanked them too. A woman answered and I asked who I could speak to at snow removal so I could thank them for clearing my sidewalk. I told her whoI was, and said they had made a special trip out to make it so I could walk to the bus stop and I wanted to thank them. The response I got back was one of bewilderment. “Uh, ok? You want to thank someone? Sure…I’ll pass the message on. Um, thank you!”
This isn’t an isolated incident. Years ago, I lived in a building that was all stairs to get in, and the mailboxes were at the bottom. At first, when we got our phone bills in braille, they couldn’t figure out how to get the braille bill in the mailbox, so they’d just slip us a parcel card and make us go out into the middle of nowhere to pick up the parcel. I called the post office and told them that there should be a way to bend the bill, the braille would survive, and I’d rather that than taking a cab out into the middle of nowheresville every month for a phone bill.
The next phone bill we got was folded around our other mail in our mailbox! I was so thrilled I picked up the phone, called the post office and thanked them! The response I got was a stream of stammers. “we…we…we never get calls like this!”
then, back at the beginning of 2007, I wrote a thank you letter to TD bank for the talking bank machines. When I asked where I could send a thank you letter, it was like they were all prepared for me to ask where I could send a complaint letter, and when I said the word thank you, they didn’t know what such a thing was.
And now these poor city workers. It’s funny how fast people will move when people are yelling at them. they know what to do then. But when someone says something nice, they’re completely and utterly confused. It’s like they’re staring at a kangaroo wondering how it got here, and what they’re supposed to do with it.
I think everyone who complains should make an effort to thank the people they complain to when things are resolved. The people doing these jobs would probably want to work a hell of a lot more if people showed them some gratitude! I know there are some lazy bums and pricks in every job, but there’s probably a lot of under-appreciated folk too.
The Front Fell Off
This is hilarious, not to mention frighteningly close to what it sounds like when real politicians decide to reassure the public.
If This Ain’t The Deal Of The Century, I’ve Officially Lost Touch
Right now on eBay, somebody is selling a Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim cup that hasn’t yet been rolled. What’s that? Yes, of course I’m
I’d never lie to you, you know that.
High bid at this moment is 99 cents. Yes, somebody actually bid on the thing. People never cease to amaze me, they really don’t.
And just in case this isn’t dumb enough for you, the person who ultimately wins this auction will have to pay $1.50 to have the cup shipped to them on top of whatever the winning bid is. I don’t drink coffee, but I’m pretty sure that it would be cheaper to just go to your local Tims and get your “please play again” from there.
And Here I Thought I Had A Twisted Mind
Ok, this is just spooky. I got emailed this little test, and apparently I have a very conventional mind. Everybody, leave your answer to the last thing the test tells you to do in the comments.
At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don’t stop and think about it. Just say the first thing that pops into your mind.
This is a fun ‘test’… AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try, then e-mail it around and you’ll see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you. Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2%. You’ll understand what that means after you finish taking the test’.
Now… just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one.. You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind. You’ll be surprised.
How much is:
15 + 6
3 + 56
89 + 2
12 + 53
75 + 26
25 + 52
63 + 32
I know! Calculations are hard work, but it’s nearly over..
Come on, one more!
123 + 5
What colour and what tool did you think of? Apparently 98% of people think of one colour and one tool, but I’m not telling you what it is until you leave comments. I am one of those 98%! What is up with that? Why can a bunch of calculations make you come up with the same colour and same tool? Is this the most obvious of both types and your mind is working as quick as it possibly can so it just goes for that one? Spooky!