Talk about Your Adverse Reaction

It’s gotta suck when you’re having a severe reaction to medication that makes you look like you’ve been through a fight of epic proportions, you call 911, and they misunderstand what’s happening to be a domestic violence incident, and arrest your husband. It’s also gotta suck when an ambulance doesn’t come for at least 15 minutes and your family gives up and starts driving you to the hospital, and that’s when the police finally show up and cuff dear hubby. Thankfully, everything was resolved, but that’s just horrible!

Talk About Your bizarre Love Triangle

Wow. There is definitely nothing boring about the Bowrings. They certainly are the furthest thing from it.

So, a dad, James, starts dating the son, Jacob’s girlfriend Krystal, and now she’s having his baby, and the son’s upset about this, and the dad tries to run him over? Woe! These people are freaks. Freaks who live in a house-bus with a long-drop toilet outside their bedroom window. What?

Hmmm. Let’s dig up some good quotes and just put them up here.

He admitted mounting the kerb and aiming the vehicle at Jacob, claiming he was “pretty upset” being calling a “paedophile” and being told he belonged in a “mental home”.”

Krystal is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We’re in love, it’s as simple as that, and it’s awesome.

He had been to prison for various offences and talked of a “life of misery” featuring sexual abuse as a child, broken relationships, work as a male prostitute and a six-month sexual relationship with a younger sibling.

“I can’t cope with the thought of going to prison again, I don’t like being around people. If I end up there I will probably kill myself,” James said.

James admitted he had “a few other kids around the country … but I never stayed with the mothers, I was only really a sperm donor. I was spreading the love around.”

Jacob, a tyre-fitter, said he was unable to talk in detail because of a deal he had with a women’s magazine.

“I’ve sold my story to get me into a flat, so that’s good. The whole thing is a mess. My dad has gone nuts.”

Need I say more?

Creepy People AT The Door

I heard about this incident on Roc Rebel Granny. It doesn’t really freak me out that the girls at the door had written down her name and address, but the way they reacted when she said she didn’t want them to have it was downright alarming. Gees! Trying to force their way back in? I’m glad she got the paper back, and you’re really left wondering what they planned to do with that info, or what they could still do with it. I mean, it wouldn’t take them that long to find the info on her address. I’m sure they remember who she is after what happened. Be careful when someone knocks on your door.

They’ve Got the Vote Early Part Down…

What’s up with all the confusion around when people are supposed to vote in the U.S. this year? Now we have folks showing up a half-hour…and a week early in Milwaukee, and 1000 people calling Dallas officials about where to vote last Tuesday except they don’t vote for a month. I’m glad people want to vote…but get it right!

I’ll Pry That $5 Out Of Your Cold, Dead Hands

Barbara Antonelli
is a much more forgiving soul than I will ever, ever be. If I were having a heart attack in my doctor’s office and some stupid bitch receptionist was getting in the way of the people trying to save me so that she could collect the $5 payment I owed, I’d be demanding her head on a stick, assuming I survived of course. But this woman is excusing the stupidity, calling it the work of somebody who was new at the job and not well trained. Whatever lady. Call it what you will, but to me there’s no justification for that kind of idiocy. You don’t have to be trained at anything to use common sense, and if you do, maybe you shouldn’t be working anywhere, especially not someplace where people’s lives are on the line.

Come Out With Your Pants Up!

I’m not sure why I decided to read
this story about Calgary’s new public toilet,
but I did and its got me curious.

One of the features built into the thing is a 9 minute warning in the form of a light letting you know that it’s time to move it on out. If you stay another minute, the nice little light becomes an open door and a loud alarm. This happens regardless of whether or not you’re finished.

I realize that generally it’s not good form to spend 10 minutes in a public crapper, but is that really necessary? You’d have to think that anybody who finds himself in a position to need that long is probably going through enough already. Do we really need to let the townsfolk see him with his pants around his ankles trying to wipe his ass or clean the shit off his leg? And who’s responsible for enforcing the limit? there’s an alarm and the door opens, but what then? Did the city actually hire people to guard the place and drag out anybody who dares violate the law of the land? And perhaps the most important question, why? What is the 10 minute limit designed to prevent? Nobody bothered to explain that. It’s just we’ve got this cool feature and that cool feature and music and lights and sound…oh, and get the fuck out!

I’d love it if somebody could answer this stuff for me, because it’s going to drive me nuts for the rest of the day now.

Knock Knock. Who’s There? A Dumbass.

Ok then! A guy follows a lady up to her apartment, forces his way in, tries to sexually assault her, she fights him off, and he…leaves and says he’ll be back within the hour? She calls the cops, a cop shows up, he comes back, knocks on the door, at which point she identifies him as the suspect, and hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to jail we go.

What the hell did he expect to happen? And what did he have to go off and do? And why bother knocking? He was coming to rape someone! Did he think she was just going to let him in?

What Could Possibly Go Wro…Boom!

Quick question. Does the idea of a gas-pumping robot sound like a bad one to anybody else, or is it just me being silly?

In case you’re wondering how the €75,000 technological miracle does its stuff, it has a database of vehicles, with their corresponding fuel cap designs and fuel types. Reuters elaborates: “A robotic arm fitted with multiple sensors extends from a regular petrol pump, carefully opens the car’s flap, unscrews the cap, picks up the fuel nozzle and directs it toward the tank opening, much as a human arm would, and as efficiently.”

Mr van Staveren told the agency: “I was on a farm and I saw a robotic arm milking a cow. If a robot can do that then why can’t it fill a car tank, I thought.”

Well, I can think of a couple reasons…