Eeewww! Get Away! You Might Give Me Cooties!

If you’re in court, and you find out you’re going before Judge Jon-Jo Douglas, you can hang your head and crry because he’s an ignorant prick. There is no better way to describe a judge who, once he found out a witness had HIV and Hepatitis C, freaked out, demanded he wear a mask, ordered that all his documents be handled by gloves and placed in plastic bags, and had the court proceedings take place in a bigger courtroom, placing more distance between the witness and the bench. According to the Judge Jon-Jo Douglas school of HIV-training, “The HIV virus will live in a dried state for year after year after year and only needs moisture to reactivate itself.” This is 2008, Judge Douglas. Get a clue.

Sobering Consequences

When you’ve been drinking, decide to drive home, but then think it’s a bad idea, do you…a. stop and call a cab?
b. let someone else drive?
c. Stay somewhere?
d. call 911 and say you might need some help because you’re too intoxicated to drive? If you chose D, welcome to the Pat Dykstra club. Strangely enough, she was more worried about the danger of talking on the phone while driving. Check out her 911 call. I love the reaction of the dispatcher. amazingly, this lady sounds pretty sober for blowing a .14.

Apparently, Dykstra is usually a responsible, smart lady. It’s going to take her a while to live this one down.

Haw Haw Haw, You Really Got Me There

You’d think that of all the people who should know that pretending to break into somebody’s house as a joke is a dumb idea, a police officer would be right at the top of the list, but apparently not. Perhaps the bullet the doctors had to dig out of his stomach will serve as a reminder from now on though.

And speaking of the future, something tells me there’ll be a few awkward family get-togethers ahead as well.

More Things You’ll Never Hear In A Western Movie

A long time ago, I posted a list of things you’ll never hear in a western movie. Well, it turns out there are more of them, so…

“As your attorney, I must strongly advise you against participating in that showdown in the middle of town. The liability issues are staggering.”

“Well me, the construction worker, and my sailor buddy are here to tell y’all, it’s *fun* to go to the YMCA!”

“Take it from me, Festus, a good pair o’ nylons keeps the chaps from riding up.”

“Barkeep! Three more Slippery Nipples for my posse.”

“Miss Kitty, I don’t think I’ve ever seen stirrups used quite like that before.”

“In this town we got a way to deal with murderin’ scum like you, Bart — civil litigation!”

“Whose turn is it to change the potpourri in the bunkhouse?”

“Well, men, the Apaches have burned down our fort and stolen our women… but considering what we’ve done to THEM, I think they’re showing remarkable self-restraint.”

“You had me at ‘Howdy.'”

“Yeah, I’m sure he was an Indian — his name was Amandip Gupta.”

“That’s *Sheriff* Richard Simmons to you, pardner.”

“I cain’t go in the saloon! Brown Bart’s wearin’ the same shirt I’m a-wearin’!”

“They call me… Moesha.”

“Dadgummit, boys, slow down on that vichyssoise or you ain’t gonna have no room for the tiramisu!”

“Three to five day waiting period? But I got a duel at sundown!”

“reach 4 the sky! :-O put all ur $$$ in the bag, lol.”

I’m Tired, Here’s My Wallet

Are you one of those people who just can’t get up in the morning no matter what you do? Is the snooze button your best friend and worst enemy? Well friends, help, and possibly even financial ruin are at hand.

For the low low price of $39.99, you can get your very own SnūzNLūz – Wifi Donation Alarm Clock, one of the best and worst inventions I’ve ever seen.

The SnūzNLūz uses the very complex psychological phenomemon known as ‘HATRED’. Basically it’s human nature to wish harm upon your enemies. Similarly, it’s human nature not to give your enemies gobs of cash so that they can grow big and dominate the world with their totally wrong, stupid and invalid point of view. ThinkGeek realized that. That’s why everytime you hit the snooze button, the SnūzNLūz will donate a specified amount of your real money to a non-profit you hate. The problem of sleeping in is solved.

And it’s easy to setup and use too! Just plug your SnūzNLūz in and either connect it to your network via the RJ45 jack on the back, or via WiFi (WPA supported) if available. Then simply configure via the embedded web browser configuration utility. From here it’s a snap. Simply select your online banking institution from the list of supported banks (currently over 1600 are supported). Supply your login information and then select your favorite HATED charity or non-profit from the included lists (over 6200 currently supported). Then plug in your donation amount per snooze incident ($10 or more), set the time, and alarm, and voila, instant time profit!

If any of you buy one of these things, let me know if it works for you…if you can still aford to send email that is.

Was There Nothing Else Going On That Day?

Car chases happen all the time, but rarely does it take
2240 officers, 460 police cars and a helicopter
to catch one guy, and nobody seems to know why this one did.

But here’s the best part. After all that time and I guess effort, the guy wound up basically catching himself when he hit a bridge and got himself hurt.

We Do Not Run An Opinionated Blog

Beauty pageant dumps tarot card reading judge

I know I shouldn’t, but I find it somewhat odd that an organization claiming to have no religious slant is getting so worked up over something so trivial in such a religious fashion.

When you send somebody a letter saying “tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world. We hope that Stephanie Conover will turn from these belief systems and will repent from her practice of them,” that, to me, seems pretty slanty. And if that isn’t, the comment that “We want to be in line with God’s word when it comes to this type of activity and this isn’t anywhere near God’s word” certainly is.

If you’re going to discriminate, be up front about it. Don’t say stupid things about being worried that she’d use the cards to pick a winner and please, for the love of God don’t claim that you didn’t say anything bad about her. You all but called her an evil spirit in writing, just admit it and be what you are. Then again, by blatantly lying to the press when they try to hold you responsible for your own remarks, perhaps you’re already doing that.

Anatomy Of An Asshole

Charles Smith has begun his testimony at the inquiry looking into his work, and from the looks of things, he’s not doing much to up his standing in the hearts and minds of the public.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this piece of…work, he was, at one time, considered one of the leading experts in the field of pediatric forensics, a man whose word was highly valued and directly responsible for dozens of criminal convictions. Well, as it turns out, everybody’s favourite expert witness didn’t have a clue, or if he had one he put it aside for the sake of an anti child abuse agenda, because many of the convictions he helped win were against innocent people in cases where not only did the suspect have nothing to do with the death in question, but the child died of natural causes or another factor having nothing to do with foul play.

With the background out of the way, let’s look at some of the gems he came up with yesterday in his attempt to I suppose defend himself.

  • He had little understanding of the criminal justice system, and no concept of the vital role that expert witnesses, in particular pathologists, could play in a trial.
  • He thought his job was to always do what he could to make the prosecutor’s case look as good as possible, not to be impartial.
  • Due to a lack of training courses in Canada, he only ever attended 1 seminar in the United States that lasted for 2 days and focused on testifying in court. As a result, much of Charles Smith’s training was done by Charles Smith and Charles Smith alone.
  • This, “retrospectively,” was “woefully inadequate.”
  • He is a disorganized person who had a tendency to be late delivering reports and keeping track of things.
  • He never had a mission to hunt down child abusers, but he was concerned that it wasn’t being reported enough at the time and that the signs were being missed by others.
  • In spite of all of this, he feels that he’s being singled out unfairly for review because he did his job to the best of his ability with what was available at the time. To review him now is dirty pool because the reviewers have access to information he didn’t have.
  • Oh, and he’s very very sorry.

Have you got all that?

And do you, as I do, hold the belief that he wouldn’t know the truth if it tried to perform an autopsy on him?

To be fair, no matter what he said he was in a no win situation. He screwed up bigtime. At least 27 levels beyond bigtime in fact. Because of his wrecklessness, dozens of people were forced to fight long and costly legal battles to clear their names. Many of those people did prison time, some of them a lot of it. So what was he to do? If he tells the truth, he’s a stupid asshole. If he lies, he’s an uncaring and stupid asshole. If he refuses to answer any questions, yup, asshole. Even in apologizing, he’s still an asshole, especially I’d imagine to the wrongfully put away.

But that’s exactly the position he should be in. There’s no explaining what he did. No justification whatsoever for it.

If you don’t understand the justice system, you learn it. Countless books have been written on the subject, not to mention that you work around vital components of said system on a daily basis. Pick some brains.

If your training is no good because you can’t get any, find a new line of work. Highly respected forensic pathologist isn’t one of those jobs you can lie your way into and fake your way through. Go flip burgers or something more suited to your skill level.

Most of all, don’t talk out your ass when your life’s work and mistakes are being put under a microscope. You either did the best you could, or you were an untidy slob who never met a deadline he couldn’t ignore or a piece of evidence he couldn’t lose. You were never out to get child killers or you were part of the “advocacy culture” and too emotionally involved in what you were doing. Pick one, you can’t have it both ways. the fact that you think you can makes you look like an even bigger asshole, believe it or not.

And don’t even get me started on being unfairly singled out. If that’s the case, why are we not seeing a rash of mistakes across the board? Because most people care enough about their work to get things right. If anything else needs reviewing, it’s not the work of your peers [it sickens me to call them that], it’s the system that allowed you to function unchecked for so long.

I can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us on day 2. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll go a long way towards ensuring your induction into the Asshole Hall Of Fame, you stupid asshole.

Sing Sing Singing A Different Tune

Now there’s a sucky day. A guy broke into a minimart, but was scared off by police. He ran and ran and ran…and ran onto the grounds of Sing Sing State Prison! Woops! Needless to say, he’s not running anymore. A guard got him, and off he went to jail. But you know what his name was? Blake Leak. Yeah, I think I’d be taking a leak too if I realized I just ran into one of the toughest prisons around. But this puzzles me. How does one just run onto prison grounds? I didn’t think it would be that easy to sort of stumble into SingSing. I would have thought there were more security measures. I mean, if you can just run in, wouldn’t it be easy for friends of inmates to smuggle things in? It doesn’t make sense.