Craig’s Hit List

Here’s another one for the You’re stupid files. Ann Marie Linscott decided that the wife of a man with whom she had an affair must die. But who was going to do it? She decided to find the hitman by posting an ad on Craigslist, the popular buy and sell site. She didn’t exactly say she wanted a hitman right up on the site, she just said it was a freelance job. But people who responded were told she was looking to eradicate a female, and given a bunch of details on how to find her, and an offer of $5000.

That has got to be the dumbest way to hire a hitman. First, uh, doesn’t everybody know you are kind of low-key about looking for one? Throwing an ad up on an internet site doesn’t seem very private. You don’t know who is going to see it, and who is going to decide to let the police know.

And, if someone agrees to do it, how are they going to prove they got her? Couldn’t they just trick her into believing the person was dead so they could arrange to collect the money and then get her arrested?

Man, some people are stupid. Oh well, at least the people she was targeting were warned, and she’s too busy getting ready for court to worry about arranging a death.

One Can’t Live On Power Of Prayer alone

Arg. I must channel the anger I’m feeling before I say something I regret.

You know the whole thing I posted about Holly? Well, she and I are on a mailing list together. This mailing list always acts like they’re one big family. Well, when she posted her news, blog, and request for help, all people said they would send were prayers.

Prayers? I think they can do more than send prayers. How about donating a little cash? How about networking with friends or others at the churches they attend to see if someone knows someone who might know something useful to her? Prayers are not going to make $60000 appear. Action, on the other hand, is.

It just burns my butt. We’re a big group of people. If we all gave just a few bucks, it would be a hel of a lot more helpful than prayers. It just goes to show that a lot of people are all talk. They say they’ll be there for their friends, but when someone needs something, they sit back and fold their hands in prayer. When I was a baby struggling for life, I think my mom got a lot of prayer and no actual help. She had two other kids to worry about while she visited me in the hospital. Did anyone in the neighbourhood offer to babysit? Nope. They prayed. Did anyone drive her to those appointments? One really good neighbour did, but none of the church-goers pitched in. You know where that got her? She felt alienated from the church and never went back.

This isn’t to say I don’t think prayer is a good thing. I personally don’t pray, but if that’s what helps someone through, go ahead. Just do some constructive action along with your praying. Did all these people who pray ever stop to think that the reason prayer might work is someone actually does what you’re praying for? How about you be that someone?

And before someone tells me to shut up until I’ve done something, I have. It’s small, but it’s something. I gave her a few bucks. I put up a blog post. I told some other people who might know some other people who might be able to help. I’m not saying I’m a hero or anything, I’m just saying that it’s not that hard to do more than pray. If all these people care about this situation as much as they appear, they should show it! Now is the time to band together and do something!

Ok, I think I’m less angry. But if one more person says they’re going to offer only their prayers…

Welcome to the USA

If you come to New York for a vacation and bring your kids, for god’s sake, don’t need medical attention. If you do, like Yvonne Bray from Britain did, they’ll take your kids into an orphanage, treat them like juvenile delinquents, strip-search them and ask them questions like “Have you been raped?” or “Are you in a street gang?” And then they’ll send you a letter telling you that you’re under investigation for parental neglect because the kids spent the 30 hours in the orphanage that you spent in the hospital. Thankfully, that has been cleared up, but still! What a sign that the system really works.

Wrong Number In A Big Way

Man, we’re just full of stories about stupid people today. Our latest moron text messaged someone about buying some pills, but got the wrong number, and ended up texting a police detective. So, you can guess they lined themselves up for an arrest. Easy there, fast-fingers. You’d think you’d check the number before making an illegal drug deal. Hell, you wouldn’t think you’d even deal at all when you have a 2-year-old. But I guess that’s another sign this person is dumb.

What Am I Gonna Do With Your Tattoo

Yeah, people are dumb. Why do I bother saying that anymore? But here’s another example. Not one, not two, but three women answered their door to find a random dude with a home-made tattoo gun standing there offering them a tattoo, and said yes! Now, quelle surprise, they all have an infection and don’t know what it is.

Come on. If you find a man at your door with an instrument described as “wrapped with black tape, had a pin underneath it, had fishing wire going through it, you could tell it was a homemade gun,” would you pony up and expose your flesh to it? I should fucking hope not! Fools, fools fools fools! This is almost as bad as those people who got cosmetic surgery done in that filthy house.