Ya Better Watch Out, Ya Better Not..Ask Santa If He Wants Pizza

I know this is old news, but I’m behind, and it’s still funny and creapy.

Apparently, Microsoft created a Windows Live ID for Santa that people can add and it asks them what they want for Christmas and such. Supposedly, it is a bot. But it’s a bot with a very dirty mind, as a UK man and his two nieces found out in a certain conversation. All They did was offer it some pizza, and it went off about oral sex! Then it called someone at the Register a dirty bastard, and then everything went to hell for the Santa bot. But before Microsoft killed Santa’s account, it told someone that they didn’t need drugs when they were high on life if they asked for cake, and if anyone called Santa a dirty bastard, it wished everyone a merry Christmas, especially those in the UK, which is where the Register is from. Interesting.

But the final straw was what the PR folk at Microsoft tried to do to explain away Santa’s naughty mouth. In the worst attempt at damage control, they blamed the first kids who got unexpected oral sex chat. They said the kids goaded it into saying dirty things. Ok? In what world does asking Santa if he wants some pizza constitute talking about oral sex? Maybe in the world of Anthony Azzapardi, the old man who tried to say a five-year-old girl sexually assaulted *him*, that flies, but not in this one. At least I hope not.

Britain Doesn’t Have Identity Theft. It Has Identity Finders Keepers.

If you thought Britain’s handing disks full of confidential data to a bloke on a bike was bad, then the thought of a bunch of confidential stuff falling off a truck on the side of the road, and 6 similar breaches in the space of two years will make you shit yourself. Yikes. To say this problem of private data going missing is a systemic failure is an understatement.

Since We’re Not Helping Anybody, You Might As Well Help Yourself

Maybe it’s just me, but something about the idea of cops sticking yellow tickets to parked cars that have visible packages inside of them sounds more like crime assistance than prevention. They can say they’re trying to help remind people to better secure their purchases all they want, but there has to be a better way of doing that than turning an already easy target into an even easier one.

Trixie’s Frozen Brain

Trixie speaks
What is with this climate? Now I know why they got fur for my fur. It’s c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold up here! No wonder the trees fall apart and leave their leaves on the ground. Brrr!

And now, the ground is covered in this white stuff. She keeps saying, “This is snow! This is snow!” I finally find out what this snow stuff is about. Some of it is soft white stuff, and some of it is slippery white stuff. I have to go a little slower, just a little, so I don’t fal down. The first time she took me out to do my business in the white stuff, I thought if I just dug long enough, I’d find the old grass. It had to be in there, and if I just sniffed, snorted, and dug some more, I could find it. But nature isn’t as patient as I am and my nose was getting cold, so I had to give up and sit my buttt on the cold white stuff and do my business! Yuck! This is no fun!

But now that I’m used to it, it’s kind of fun. I like to flop down on my belly when the snow is all soft and deep and stretch my paws out. What did that girl from the floor below call it? Doing my seal impression? Yeah. Well it’s fun. I can leave marks in the snow and find them again. I can find other dog paw prints. Neat! I don’t have to just sniff them out, I can find where their feet have been! Maybe this stuff isn’t so bad.

But I don’t like what they put on the sidewalk. It hurts. It hurts a little less now that Carin started putting that goop on my paws. I think it’s doing something. I just have to not lick it off. If I do, and she catches me, she just puts more on and looks at me all mad. But that salt stuff. It makes me limp and she has to wipe it off. Sometimes, I try to avoid it when we’re coming back up on the sidewalk. I tried to just miss it but still walk in the same direction, but that wasn’t good enough. Then Carin yells “We’re still in the road!” and I have to go through it.

You know, I take back what I said before about humans being wusses for wearing shoes. Don’t ask me how I learned to make links. I’m just that smart. Anyway, I want shoes now. They keep trying shoes on me, but they keep falling off, or they hurt, or no one can figure them out. I won’t fight if you find me good shoes. Really, I won’t. I don’t want to step in that cold stuff anymore. It’s hard to think when my feet are cold.

This snow stuff is confusing. Sometimes, we have to climb over it, usually at street corners, but not all snowbanks are for climbing! So many complicated rules!

I have more toys again! Some came from that place I came from with the other puppies and the trainers. I just know it! When she opened the package, sniff sniff sniff! Yeah! That’s the old place! I love those toys. She got me a huge huge huge bone. It’s big, but I can still pickit up and walk with it. She says hopefully it won’t get dangerous for a long time. I still don’t get this dangerous thing. But at least with the big bone, I can see where I’ve been. There’s this other toy I just got. I think it has magical healing powers. I chew on it, chew chew chewchewchewchew…and it never changes! I can’t see where my teeth have been. I can chew on it for ever, pick it up and carry it around, and it looks the same. Is she sneaking out and getting a new one? Sniff snif..no. This one still smells like me!

What is with time up here? I just got used to the time-change, and then things changed again. She was getting up really early and feeding me and then we had to get on the city bus really early. Then we had to walk to another place where buses came and catch one to somewhere called Kitchener. There was another guy on that bus with a dog. I really wanted to kiss that dog, and he wanted to kiss me. Sometimes, we’d sneak a nose-wiggle. Then, the guy with the dog would get off the bus and we’d keep riding it. We’d get off and walk a few blocks and then go in this cool big building to this office place with more computers and she typed all day. But there were cool people. One of them brought me home-made treats. When she had a break, she’d take the harness off and let me play with the people. They all smelled like dogs and they all loved me! Then at the end of the day, we’d walk back to the place where the buses came and get back on a bus and it would drop us off near home and we’d walk home. Then, finally, an hour off schedule, she’d feed me! At least with the time-change, the time changed in the same way at both ends. Not this time-change. She says it wasn’t a time-change, she had a…what was it called? temporary job? Yeah. But it was fun, even though I had to wait for food and she’d groom me at night. I got to see that other dog and the cool guy who gave me treats. I miss them now.

I used to like getting groomed. Now, I’m not so keen. We have to stand outside in the c-c-c-c-cold to do it. Now I just want her to hurry up and be done with it. At least she does.

Ah well, I guess this isn’t so bad. I always have a warm bed and a warm house to come back to. We don’t walk in the c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold for crazy amounts of time. She tries to pick the shortest path too. I guess she doesn’t like it either. Then why does she live in it? She has the power to choose! Why doesn’t she leave the white stuff? Silly humans. Sometimes I wonder why they say they’re smarter than us.

You know, so much has changed in the last few months. I wonder what kind of weird things I’m going to see in the next few. But as long as I’m with Carin, I guess it’s cool. The only cooler thing would be to see my old California mommy. I wonder how she is. I saw her with another puppy the day before Carin and I got on that big flying car bus thing. I guess that puppy just headed into the place where Carin met me. I hear she’s learning how to do all the things I know. I wonder where she’ll end up. I wish I could tell her what adventure is coming. She has no idea. I sure didn’t.

Today’s Dose Of Irony

A group of scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago recently conducted experiments on animals to try to determine whether homosexuality is hard-wired genetically or can be turned on and off using a combination of gene manipulation and drugs. And what sort of animals would you suppose these scientists used for these experiments? If you said fruit flies without clicking
first, congratulations, you’re probably as much of an insensitive prick as I am.

Trixter’s In A Winter Wonderland

Man, it’s been a while since I’ve written about Trixie. Let’s fix that.

I don’t think Trixie quite knows what to do with all this snow. The first time she saw it, it was slippery, and she tried to fly at her regular summer pace, and quickly realized that was not a safe plan. She was completely shocked by the white stuff. Later that morning, I had her out on the balcony, and then she seemed happy as hell to frolic in it. She was flopping around, rolling in it, trying to eat it, sniffing it all over. Every time she hits a new patch of snow, it’s like a whole new thing for her. She was making footprints in it when I had her out to play and then following the paths she made. She certainly doesn’t hate the snow, that’s for sure.

That’s not saying she doesn’t have snow issues. Sometimes, she can be absolutely awesome when we’re walking, and figure out what snow she has to climb over and what snow she doesn’t, and walk a perfectly straight line down the sidewalk. Sometimes, oh boy she gets confused. Yesterday, I think she was looking for a clear patch, and decided that we just had to go across a parking lot to a building! Oh dear! Then I had to bail us out. But she’s learning, and when she makes a mistake, it’s not a dumb one. Her street crossings are still straight as an arrow.

Boots are going to give me nightmares. They’re driving me nuts. I tried one set, and she wouldn’t even bend her legs. I tried another, and she’d walk in them, but they’d just keep falling off. I got another set from the vet, and they’re too complicated for me to figure out! But she seems to need boots, because I think her screwing up is because she doesn’t want to put her paws in the ugly snow and salt goo that’s everywhere, and I can’t blame her. I’ve been putting something on her paws to repel salt, but it just isn’t enough…or maybe she’s stealthily licking it all off. I’ve been catching her at it, and she seems to be doing it less, but the little devil isn’t helping her cause with that. I think I’m getting my just reward for giving mom a hard time about stuff when I was a kid.

I even had someone make me something to put on so if her boots fall off, they’re still hanging from her, and I’m even having issues with that. I just want to put boots on, have them stay on, or not be horribly difficult to adjust, and then we can walk and her feet can be shielded from the winter weather! I just want simplicity! Is that too much to ask?

I finally found a toy that is a true battle for the Trixter. It’s a Goughnut! If you have a dog who chews toys to death, you have to get them this toy. She has been chewing on it, and it hasn’t even shown a mark. I think she’s annoyed with it though, she can’t see any progress. But she can’t be too annoyed with it, she took it to bed with her last night! Damn I wish I could have used my phone’s camera to capture that image.

I really think she’s learning English. No no listen. The other day, I was walking from the apartment to the elevator and said, ah crap. She stopped, looked up at me and turned back a little bit as if to say, “You forgot something?”

It gets better. I said to Steve, “Ok, I have to get dogfood, I have to go to the bank and then the drugstore. Then I wanna catch the bus to go to the mall.” As we were walking down the sidewalk in the general direction of the store where I would get dogfood, she put on the brakes. It was a hard stop. It wasn’t a sort of “we’ve been there before, ya wanna go again?” stop, it was a “We have arrived” kind of stop. Then, on the way back from that stuff, we went to cross the street. Usually, we would be coming home, so we would turn and cross the other way. But she didn’t even try to go that way. She went for the bus stop! We never hit the bus stop from that direction! Man oh man she’s a genius and she amazes me every day!

Speaking of amazing, I was at Steve’s mom’s place this past weekend. We haven’t been there in six months. But she remembered where she used to pee, she remembered the downstairs and the way things were laid out, she remembered everything! Oh, and she didn’t bark once. Last time we were there, there was a lot of barking going on at bad times, like, 3 a.m. when someone came home late, or 5 a.m. when someone had to leave for a shift. No more barking now. Yea!

I think that’s about all the Trixie updates. Well, she may have some things to say. But that’s all I can come up with for now.

For The Land Of The Flat, And The Home Of The Tone-Deaf

Holy crap, I’m writing a hockey post. No, steve didn’t hack into my account and write this one. Well, I lied, it’s not really about hockey. It’s about the caterwauling of the national anthems that came before the December 6th game between the Leafs and the Rangers. To summarize, good god it was horrible.

It was sung by Dominic Chianese. Who the hell is that? Apparently he played Uncle Junior, whoever that is, on the sopranos. By the way he sang these suckers, he should stick to acting.

He started off with O Canada, and all I could picture was a conductor madly trying to keep him in rhythm! 1! 2! 3! 4! No, you’re off again! Get the man a metronome. It made me think of the disaster that happened when I was in the high school band and we played at the town’s remembrance day ceremony. We accompanied a man as he sang God Save the Queen. Well, we all finished, and then we heard the singer sing, “The queen.” One lone tuba tried to save us and accompany him again, but…well…it was too little too late.

Then there was the American national anthem. Oh lordy. We could just tell it was going to go bad, very bad. But we had no idea of the magnitude until it hit us. We were bracing for it in the star-spangled banner part, and that was bad enough. But when he hit the land of the freee-ee-ee-eeee, that was crazy. It was like he was in about four keys and sounded like a squeaking clarinet all at once. I didn’t know a human voicebox could hit that many notes simultaneously. You know it’s bad when Joe Bowen makes fun of it.

You know what really sucked? Nobody else we knew who are also big Leafs fans saw it. We asked a few different people, and they all missed it! Damn! Maybe good old Uncle Junior is hoping lots of people missed it too. Wow, what a trainwreck of an anthem that was.

Merry Barenaked Ladies Christmas

Look at me, on a Christmas jag.

Jen sent me the Barenaked Ladies Christmas album. I’d heard good things about it, so I was curious. Hell, it’s the Barenaked Ladies, it has to be good…right? Right? Wrong!

Well, it’s not horrible, not Barenaked Ladies Are Men horrible, but it doesn’t rock my socks off either. This is how I ranked the songs: kinda funny, ok, good, not half bad but kinda boring, blech!, mildly amusing, pretty, blech!, good, really good, blech!, pretty but creapy, pretty, that was stupid, cute, good god you wasted studio time on this?, super boring, kinda cute, blech and what’s with the ending, good. Confused yet? Let’s break it down.

The first song was Jingle Bells. You can’t really screw up Jingle Bells, and they didn’t. They even threw in the Jingle bells, Batman smells, 15 miles away bit. Hey, I got to hear clearly what some of the other verses were, so that’s always good.

The next song was called Green Christmas. It was an original, at least I think so. It’s funny. We get sick of the same Christmas songs, but if someone makes an original, it can be iffy. This one was just kinda there. I couldn’t get into the song at all.

Next was I Saw Three Ships. It was pretty, with mandolins and things, and they changed the rhythm up a bit. It was also a quick song, so you didn’t get sick of it.

Next was a song called Hanukkah blessings. It started off with potential. Then it quickly degenerated, and I found myself tuning it out.

When I heard the next song, it just about made me want to hurl! It was O Holy Night. I was all geared up for some beautiful Barenaked Ladies harmonies. Did I get that? Hell no! I got what sounded like a child at a recital with a cheap keyboard using preset accompanyments and trying to jazz it up! My god, sing! You can sing, do it!

After that horror was another original, at least I hadn’t heard it before. It was called Elf’s lament and Michael Buble sang with them. It wasn’t bad, and it sounded awesome after O Holy Shit back there.

Then there was another pretty song called Snowman. It was kinda lame, but hey, it’s a Christmas album, sometimes you just have to get lame. I thought woohoo, we’re on a role!

Nope, that would be too much to ask. They just had to cover the horror that is Do They Know It’s Christmas. Ug I hate that song. I can’t exactly put my finger on what it is about it, but it drives me friggin nuts. They did a fine job of covering it, because they made me hate it more. I just hate that attitude of thinking of those who have it worse off than you, but only to the extent that you should pity them and then happily gorge yourself on turkey. Fuck off. If you want to help, help. If you don’t, don’t. Sitting there and pitying people who don’t have what you have just makes you a dick. Um, where did that rage come from?

Then they did a catchy little tune called Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah that I could see myself snapping my fingers or whistling. It was pretty cool.

I think the next song was the best one on the album. They sang with Sarah McLachlan and did this medley of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and We Three Kings. I would have never thought about mashing those songs together, but they did, and they did it beautifully.

And then! Oh why oh why was I taken back to the child’s recital for a cheap rendition of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer? Puke! As soon as I heard the organs, I skipped the song!

Thankfully, they followed that up with something pretty, but creapy if you listen to it in headphones. They did this version of Carol of the Bells where the voices perpetually panned back and forth, making me dizzy. But it was pretty.

Next was another original called footprints. The melody was pretty, and I love the way the Barenaked ladies have this way of making the lines bleed together so the end of one starts another line. It’s neat.

And then. They sang the words Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young over and over and over to the tune of Deck the Halls. Dumb.

They redeemed themselves with this cute little sappy song called Christmas Time Oh Yeah. It just sorta gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling about Christmas.

But could that last? Nope. They had to clatter out a horrid version of Sleigh Ride that sounded like something you might do if you’re completely drunk and just want to belt out something christmassy. It didn’t even have words. It consisted of Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, boppa doppa dop, boppa doppa dop, bop. And so on. Maybe I’m just cranky, but gimme a break.

Then they thought they should throw in an original. Too bad they had to choose a bad one. Christmas pics? It was so boring I tuned out.

Next, they put on a song that made me giggle and feel like a little kid. How many Christmas albums have I Have a Little Dreidel on them? Not very many.

Aa! I’m back in the kid’s recital, and now the song is Wonderful Christmas Time. I know this song already sounds synthesized, but why did they have to make it worse? The melody is quacked out by what is trying to be…a muted trumpet? I think? and it’s too hard to listen to. It’s too bad they buried some singing in there, an acappela version of happy birthday dear jesus.

Mercifully, the album ended well. They did a nice vversion of Auld Lang-Syne. Sweet, I finally know how to spell that. If I had to guess, I wouldn’t even be in the ballpark.

So, I’m glad I heard the album, but I’m glad I didn’t buy it. It has some cool stuff, but some pretty crappy stuff too.

More Christmas Observations

Well, I survived the mall yesterday, and actually, I found that people weren’t the mindless zombies I was expecting. They were quite helpful, and in a matter of a couple of hours, I got almost everybody done. Woohoo! We may have ourselves a merry little Christmas after all, and not in the lonely sort of way.

I can’t believe the luck I was having yesterday. It’s not very often you can walk into a store, ask if they have something, and holy crap they have it, and at a good price too!

I saw something yesterday that cracked me up. Usually, when I walk into Sears and ask for help, I get helped, but it’s like the person isn’t happy about it. Once, I got led to an aisle full of what I wanted, and then the person was just going to leave me there. Um, if I can’t find the aisle, how am I going to pick out the thing I want from the aisle? But yesterday, when I asked for help to find the correct door outside the mall so I could get to a whole other plaza, the person was more than happy to help me. I can only think of two reasons why they were so eager. Either they were in the Christmas spirit, or they just love Trixie. I don’t know which it is, but I have noticed that people who are usually cranky cheer right up when they see theTrixter. Yep, she’s a charmer.

I had one more thought about Amazon that I didn’t mention yesterday. I’m convinced they’re creapy mind-readers. How else can I explain this? I was shipping something to someone, and I accidentally put my billing address in the shipping area. This address was different than the billing/shipping address they have on file. This is important. Realizing I screwed up, I went back, erased it, and put in where it was going. Then, when I went to put in my billing address, the address that I accidentally put in the shipping area materialized in the billing area. Not the address they had on file, but the address I just put in and then went and deleted. Creapy! I mean, it was what I wanted, but that’s just creapy!

That’s about it for now. Hope everybody’s getting their shopping done and not having to run around like mad things.

Ho Ho Holy Shit It’s Almost Christmas!

I just had a few Christmas thoughts, as I run around madly trying to get things done before I head to the land of dialup and choking computers. That’s still a few days away, but I have a lot to do!

Am I the only one who, as a kid, thought that song about “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” was a very lonely song? I pictured someone living alone, putting up decorations around their wee apartment, trying to feel festive even though they were all by themselves. Either that, or I thought it was a sarcastic, mean-hearted song. It was like people were saying “Yeah, you go ahead and have yourself a merry little Christmas, asshole. Don’t expect me to come knocking.” I completely expect to be going out on a limb on this one, but I had to ask.

Why is it that on every other occasion, someone’s birthday, Easter, Thanksgiving, we say “happy birthday,” “happy easter,” etc. but Christmas is always a merry Christmas? When someone says “happy Christmas,” we look at them as if they are 2 and shake our heads! Why is that? The English language is a jerk.

I am so behind schedule on my Christmas shopping it’s ridiculous. So, on Thursday, I went to a few websites where I can usually find gifts for people. Oy yoy yoy! Why is it that when you’re running behind schedule, nothing is easy to find? If I have to see the words “out of stock, will ship when available,” “will ship in four-six weeks,” “Sold out!” or similar, one more time, I will cry. Also, here’s a message for amazon.com. The inability to ship a product across the border is not “a slight problem.” It’s a fucking deal-breaker! How about just telling me I’m shit out of luck. don’t have my hopes raised and then smashed to the floor and shattered. Ok, that was a little overdramatic, but I don’t care.

On another note for the Amazon folk: Why in hell do you insist on showing me what others have also bought *after* I’m checking out? When you show me that while I’m browsing, that’s fine, but when I say nope, I’m done shopping, you can stop showing me what the Joneses have also bought. I’m not trying to keep up with them. I’m just trying to buy a CD!

Also, that listmania and user reviews stuff can disappear right about now. Ug what a pile of clutter. Amazon has a lot of stuff, but good lord their store is annoying. They have a cleaned up, accessible version, but sometimes they skimp you on descriptions there. Yeah, because an image-free site is the place to skimp on description. Yup, that makes loads of sense.

I think I’m done complaining now. The only thing I wish for is for this month to slow the hell down! It’s only two weeks until Christmas and I don’t have anything for my whole family! Yep, I suck.

I hope others are having better Christmas shopping luck than I am. I’m off to the mall today, probably to get clobbered by backpack-laiden shoppers on a single-minded quest for that perfect thingamabob for Uncle Joe. Hope I can find some thingamabobs too.