Thank God These Two Didn’t Breed!

Wow. This story is just, um, well, stupid. The guy feels like an idiot, does he? So he should.

Let’s tell a quick version of the story, as quick as possible anyway. Michael Moylan, 45, woke up with crazy head pain. He asked his wife to drive him to the hospital. He wondered why she drove really slowly, making complete stops at all the intersections. Upon arrival, the nurse said maybe the reason he felt like his head was going to split was because of the bullet in it. At this point, his wife April fled the emergency room. When they found her again, she said she shot him by accident while he slept. Since she’s a felon, she was not supposed to have guns around, so off to jail she went. But Michael was so nice and forgiving that he tried to bail her out and found out that he had no money because she ran his business into the ground. Because he loved his beloved wife so much, he put their house up as collateral to get her out, confronted her about the shooting, and she admitted she had tried to shoot him on purpose. So…he banished her to the couch for the night. Ooo! If I were April, I’d be shaking in my boots! She begged him to let her sleep with him, and he did!

What the hell? Does he want to die? Maybe the introduction of the bullet will make him smarter. I don’t think there’s anything to lose. Sometimes I wonder if stuff like this is a joke. Sadly, it’s not.

Why are these people having kids?

Lately, I can’t stop seeing stories of parents who don’t seem to have the first clue how to take care of their kids’ most basic needs. Let’s count the things I’ve seen in the past couple weeks.

There’s this 63-year-old idiot who left an 11-month old girl, they say it’s hers, in a hot car while she went into a store, and then stayed in the store for an hour because there were too many good bargains! To top it off, when the paramedics told her to give her dehydrated and practically frying child something to drink, she tried to give her a bottle of spoiled formula!

I can’t count the problems I have with this story. First off, This woman was 63! She should know better! Next, if this kid is hers, she had to go to some lengths to get this kid. Either she had to force her body to reproduce again, or she had to adopt the kid. Why in christ would she then go and be so negligent? Finally, why didn’t the story end with Child Protective Services being involved? All it says is she was charged, and someone bailed her out, I assume to take care of the kid again. Just dandy.

If that wasn’t enough, I saw a story in which a woman got pulled over for DUI, and the police officer found her two kids sitting amid trash and cockroaches in the back of her car. Oh yeah, and they were also covered in their own urine and feces.

Then there’s always the woman who decided it would be a grand plan to let her baby drive her car, well I guess that isn’t quite true, the mom was working the gas and brakes. But anyway, they hit a pickup truck, and the occupants of said truck needed the jaws of life to extricate them. Apparently the mom wasn’t taking some meds for some kind of mental illness, and it was showing, because she said she let her drive because it felt like the right thing to do in her heart. Uh-huh, and you should have kids why? I was surprised she wasn’t charged with something. Meds or no meds, letting your kid work the wheel of your car is negligence!

Wait, there’s more! Some idiot father decided to leave his 3 and 7-year-old sons in the car while he played poker, but “the air conditioning was on so what was the problem?” How about the fact that you shouldn’t be playing poker while you have your kids, dumbass.

I know this one’s old, but I think it fits here. One night back in March of 2006, at 1 a.m. or so, a Kansas dad thought he could pop into a strip club in Tulsa and leave his four-year-old son in the unlocked car next to a four-lane highway for over a half an hour. The kid got out and wandered in to the club to find daddy. What the heck was he doing out with the kid at 1 in the morning? Hopefully the kid’s mom had some sense and made it so stuff like that wouldn’t happen again.

And if you’re not depressed enough, here’s the last story I’ve heard recently. A couple who can’t get enough dungeons and dragons chose to play the game rather than feed their kids. They even had the food in the house, they just didn’t give it to the kids. By the time the kids were discovered, one kid could barely walk, and the other kid had only gained 4 pounds in almost a year and couldn’t cry or urinate because she was so dehydrated! What shocks me is it took them several days before they actually removed the kids.

I know there are horror stories like these all the time. It just seems like I saw a whole pile of them together. But if this keeps going, we’re doomed.

Have a Holly USB Christmas

Wow, USB gadgets are making a further descent into tackyville. You can now get a His ‘n’ Hers USB gift set.

Wanna know what’s in the men’s set? A mini vacuum cleaner with brush, why in hell you would wire a vacuum up to a computer I don’t know, a desk lamp, a cup warmer and a mood light pen holder whatever that is.

Now, for absolutely tacktastic, the women’s set has the vacuum and pen holder, but they get a fan and lighted mirror and it comes in, how did the author put it? “A feminine-apparently-shade of plastic pink?” Ooo! Sounds like a must have, doesn’t it? Not.

Ug, the inventor of the first USB gadget created a monster.


Not far from where we live, there’s this little fruit stand. The guy sells all kinds of fresh fruit, and apparently Trixie loves going there, because when she sees the stand, she’s bound and determined that we go there. There’s no way I’ll pass there without her stopping and pointing her nose at it as if to say, “Are we going in?”

Anyway, I bought blueberries from him today, and man they’re addictive! I’ll open the door of the fridge to get something else, and my hand will be magnetically drawn to the basket of blueberries, and before I know it, I’ve stolen a handfull of them. Yummy!

Well, that was a pointless post, wasn’t it?

Big Brother is Failing Miserably.

Remember when Britain instituted CCTV’s to watch and listen to pedestrians, and then made it possible for police to yell at them? Remember what their reasoning was? It was so the streets would be safer. Well, mission far from accomplished.

On the street with over 100 cameras watching it, the crime rate is far from low. There have been 430 offenses committed on Big Brother Avenue, er, Holloway Road over the past six months including serious assaults, robberies and burglaries.

Having all those cameras actually makes things harder for police because they have to watch footage from every single camera. Duh.

Way to go, guys, way to make the streets safer for you and me.

Meet George Jetson

There are so many questions I have about this story. Where do I begin?

How in hell is something that is 1 foot tall weighing 200 pounds? I cannot imagine how you could pack so much weight into such a small space. No wonder when it is low on power, it returns to its dock to recharge. Who’s going to drag it there?

If it checks on your children to see if they’re doing their homework, how does it know if they are or aren’t? I assume you have to see what it’s seeing. And if you’re busy watching it, why don’t you just get up and check on them yourself? I’m sure you could be far more helpful with math than ten-ton one-foot Louie over there.

And how much does this one-foot wonder cost? They never mentioned that.

This is just weird. I’m having some serious IRobot visions. NS5’s anyone?

Please Read the Emergency Instructions in The Seat Pocket In Front Of You. No Really, You’re Going to Need Them.

This Brazilian plane crash belongs in an episode of Mayday. Let’s count the horrible happenings.

  1. The runway is dangerously short and nicknamed the aircraft carrier.
  2. It’s slippery when wet.
  3. It was newly-paved, but they didn’t bother to cut grooves in it to drain water.
  4. They never closed it, despite the lack of grooves being a, um, risk.
  5. Other planes have skidded off, but landed on grass without any injuries. Ya think that would have been a warning?
  6. It was raining pretty heavily when a plane tried to fly in.
  7. The plane missed the runway, crossed a busy highway and crashed into a gas station and a cargo depot.
  8. Everybody’s dead, and there’s no passenger list. Way to go, fellas.

Now, some director of engineering is claiming that this was not due to rain. Yep, whatever you say, chief. How much are they paying you to say that?

Wanna know something else scary? This is apparently the worst crash in their country’s history, only by a margin of about 35 deaths. They’ve had several other serious crashes this year.

And here’s the scary icing on the cake for me. I have friends who are going to Brazil in the near future! Let’s just hope they get home alive.


Ok, why in the blue bloody christ is Peter Whitmore getting offered a plea deal? Why why why why why? Somebody tell me why! Please? Now!

Ok, now that I’ve got the incoherent brain-rattling rage down on paper, let me try and write like a rational human being. He kidnapped a kid from Manitoba, sexually assaulted him, caused another local kid to go missing, did who knows what to him, and before that, he had been convicted of sexually assaulting children. These convictions go back years! How many? Try going back 14 years, to 1993! He’s been busted, released, promptly re-busted, released, lather, rinse, repeat! Wanna see details of why this man should rot in jail forever? Read this timeline. If that’s not a dangerous offender, by christ I don’t know what is.

Dear old director of prosecution Murray Brown says he’s doing it for the good of these kids. I get that it’s hard to go on the stand about this, and defense lawyers can be assholes, but how is it benefitting greater society to give him a plea deal that is a life sentence allowing him to apply for parole in a measley 7 years? He’s already been jailed for 5 and that didn’t deter him. What’s another 2? I know it’s only the possibility of parole, but it’s still there! If you’re a dangerous offender, it’s a hell of a lot harder to get out.

The part that really burns me up is when Brown says he’s doing this plea deal thing to spare the kids from testifying. Then he says it would also short circuit a lengthy dangerous offender hearing. Uh-huh. That’s the real reason, isn’t it, Mr. Brown? Maybe the reason this bugs me so much is often times, when my dad wanted to do something, if he didn’t get his own way, he’d then say he was doing it for the sake of us kids. I know it’s a comparison to something much more trivial, but that kind of bullshit always bugged the hell out of me.

I’m finding myself without an ending for this post, except to say that if the families were promised that he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and this is the fullest extent of the law, we have a sad justice system. But is this news to anyone? How much do you want to bet that when he is next paroled, he molests another kid? He’s only 36. He won’t be that old when he gets out.